Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1203

With his words, those childish brothers are on the move.

Originally, they were afraid that they would be punished when they went back, but he said that. They were afraid of farts.

"Boy, do you want to die?"

"He must be killed, dare to provoke our brother Zhang."


The crowd looked at the group, and no one came forward to stop them.

In fact, this kind of thing is too common for them.

But it's just a group of children fighting. What's the matter? It's up to everyone.

Looking at several people who rushed to him, Lin opened in place.

When they were about to come, they felt like they had hit something.

Without waiting for them to react, they would be thrown out like something, and they would fly seven or eight meters away.

People are stupefied to see this scene, simply do not want to understand how this is a matter.

Before Zhang Hua could speak, he felt as if he had been mentioned by someone.

The whole person seemed to be suspended in the air, kicking and struggling.

"Well Cough... "

He clings to the invisible hand, trying to let him down.

When he was about to suffocate, he felt that he had been thrown to the ground.

"Cough, cough..."

He coughed violently, as if to cough his lungs out.

It was a long time before he felt that the whole man had come to life.

Looking around, he couldn't believe what had just happened.

But the hot sore throat reminds him all the time that it is true.

"What did you do?" Zhang Hua retreated in horror, as if Lin Kai was a monster.

But for him, it was.

How could it be that they were lifted up without seeing anyone?

"You devil, you are a devil!"

He looked at the people around him and yelled, "everybody, burn him, or we'll all die."

"Are you talking about me?"

The sudden voice of Yin God made Zhang Hua shiver. His eyes rolled and he fainted directly.

"What a waste."

Yin Shen took a glass of wine and poured it directly on Zhang Hua's face.

"Ah, ghost."

He yelled, looking at the people around him in horror, shivering.

"Mr. Zhang, you really have a good son."

Kang Kai's tone was obviously unhappy. He had held the party today to be happy.

What happened?

It's a joke to let Zhang Hua do it like this and say that Lin Kai is a ghost.

He talked to a ghost for a long time yesterday?

That's ridiculous.

Known as Mr. Zhang, looking at the mess in front of him, he wanted to kill Zhang Hua.

He usually makes a fuss, but he doesn't look at the occasion today.

How much effort did he have to work with Kangkai?

What happened?

It's his good son. He messed it up.

"You son of a bitch, I'll kill you!"

Looking at his angry father, Zhang Hua seems to have found the backbone and rushed up: "Dad, you can be regarded as coming!"

"It's haunted here. Let's go. Don't talk to them!"


Zhang Hua hugged his father's thigh and cried. His mouth was full of gibberish.

Looking at the faces of the people around him, Zhang Tian wished that he had not given birth to this son.

"Get out of here!"

He gave Zhang Hua a good kick and let his friends, who are usually mixed up with him, take him away as soon as possible.

What a loss!

After dealing with Zhang Hua, Zhang Tian looks at Kang Kai, who is livid. He doesn't know what to say for a while.

After a long time, a sentence came out: "Mr. Kang, the child is not sensible. You can rest assured that I will compensate you in full for your loss."

"Huh? Compensation? " Kang Kai sneered: "do you think I lack your little money?"

"Somebody, send Mr. Zhang back."

Zhang Tian wanted to say something, but he was taken away by the security guard.

"I'm sorry about what happened just now. I hope you don't pay attention to it."

"General manager Kang is joking."

"It's natural."


Naturally, those people would not offend Kang Kai and spoke one after another.

Naturally, Kangkai understood that they didn't mean it.

It's ok if you've had a good face.

People like them who don't talk to people or ghost.

"Mr. Lin, this expression."When someone saw Kang Kai treat Lin Kai so respectfully, they couldn't help wondering.

Lin Kai's identity is not a secret in some people's circles.

Just because he avoided keeping a low profile, questions about his identity have been blocked by those people.

Naturally, some people wonder why he got such a courtesy.

In the face of what they can't get, there will naturally be resentment.

Jealousy always makes one lose his mind.

As soon as they were on the second floor, they were stopped by a voice filled with indignation.

Lin Kai turned his head and looked at the visitor coldly, which made him speechless for a moment.

"What can I do for you?"

The cold voice, like a mountain spring, refreshing, has a cool feeling.

But in some people's eyes, it's just like the hails in the cold winter.

"What can I do for you?"

Lin Kai repeated here that the talent seemed to react.

"What are you, and how can you get the courtesy of President Kang?"

"What have you brought to blue sky technology? What qualifications do you have to be so arrogant here?"

"I think you're just a waste who depends on our ancestors. If I were you, I would have been ashamed to be here."


The man talked a lot about it. All of them were accusing Lin Kai. He was just a waste. He didn't use anything. He dared to show his power here.

"Have you finished?"

Looking at someone in front of him filled with righteous indignation, Lin Kai's mood did not fluctuate at all.

There are always some people in this world who think they are very good.

It's just a frog in the well.

The visitor stares at Lin Kai angrily, as if he is a parasite, which is annoying.

As early as he said the first sentence, Kangai could not help it.

If Lin Kai didn't stop him, how could this man have a chance to talk here for so long?

"You parasite, you don't deserve to talk to me."

"I am a parasite, and what are you?"

Lin Kai looked down at him and said scornfully, "what qualifications do you think you have to speak to me here?"

"Do you deserve it?"

"How do you speak?" The visitor's face was flushed and his fist clenched. He was eager to hit Lin Kai.

"What are you? Do you have my ability? Do you make money on your own? "

Lin Kai is really not interested in listening to his long talk.

He has no patience for such self righteous people.

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