Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1204

"What are you talking about?"

Lin Kai's words, can be regarded as thoroughly irritating the man.

Angrily, he came to him and pointed to his nose. The president spoke, and his fingers were held by Lin Kai.

"What do you think you have to speak to me?"

Said Lin Kai did not hesitate to break his fingers.

It's a waste of time.

It's hard for the two of them to listen to him talking about rubbish for a long time.

"Ah You... " He gasped and the sweat on his forehead dripped down like rain.

See Lin Kai they want to leave, he endured the pain, blocked two people.

"Mr. Kang, do you want to keep company with such wastes? What's good about him

"It's just a waste of parents and background. What's the right to stand with you?"

Kangkai really didn't want to listen to his nonsense. He resolutely said, "I just want to roll as far as I can."

Is this a case of self injustice?

What is he, please? Who is qualified to say that.

Conkey didn't even know who he was.

It is conceivable that he is not a famous figure in the East China Sea.

He didn't understand where the man came from, just like he had just come out of the mental hospital.

Kang Kai said that, he was stunned for a moment, and then a face of heartache: "did not expect that Kang Zong should be such a person, really let people down."

"Thanks to me, you are a..."

"I know you?"

Kangkai couldn't help laughing. Who are these people? Where's the courage to talk to him like that?

"Of course you don't know me."

The man held his head high and looked very powerful.

"I earn more than 50000 a month. He is not comparable to me."

Seeing him so proud, Lin Kai and Kang Kai felt speechless for a while.

There is no need to say anything more since it is not a person of one level at all.

Maybe he thinks 50000 yuan is a lot, but sometimes it is not enough for them to drink a bottle of red wine.

"I've been talking to such people for a long time."

Kang Kai shook his head a little funny, thinking that he was stupid today.

Call security. Get him out.

The man was not happy, and kept shouting, saying that Kangai was a pug, only kneeling and licking others.

He also scolded Lin Kai as a parasite and worthless waste.

Listen to his people, Lin Kai looked behind him, silent smile.

Who was thrown out, but also scolded the non-stop.

I tried to get in several times, but I was chased out by the security guard.

"A bunch of snobs, you have no right to cross with me! Be careful, I'll let the brothers in the group spit you out one by one "

others said with a smile," brother, do you have talent in your group, and you can speak well? "

"If you are interested in adding 897245808, you will know when you enter."

He left with a mouthful of disdain.

Walking to the nearby park, before he could react, he was dragged away by his hands.

"Wuwuwu, you..."

When he wanted to speak, he felt a sudden "click", and then he fell to the ground.

"Sir, you're such a waste, can you insult me?"

The hermit took care of the body and went back.

Looking back at the hermit God, Lin Kai nodded and continued to talk with Kang Kai.

He has never been a soft hearted person. Since he has provoked him, he must have the courage to bear the consequences.

"What do you think?"

Kang Kai waved his hand, and Lin Kai recovered.

"Nothing, just a funny thing to think of."

Seeing Lin Kai's unwillingness to say more, Kang Kai naturally would not go unwillingly and ask more questions.

Kang Kai is the host of the banquet. He can't be absent all the time. After staying with Lin Kai for a while, he goes down.

Looking at the crisscross appearance of the light, Lin Kai looks at the unknown direction without focus.

"What can I do for you?"

Being asked by Lin Kai, ailu'er is stunned.

She just watched Lin Kaifa stay. She couldn't help but want to come and accompany him. She didn't expect to find out when she was close.

"Mr. Lin, who is Lin Qianqian?"

This question has existed since he helped Lin Qianqian.

She thought they might be brothers and sisters, but they didn't look like each other.

Lin Kai is not that kind of meddlesome person, also don't know why to see him so concerned about other girls, Alur actually feel a little uncomfortable in her heart."My sister I knew when I was a child."

Lin Kai said casually, and ailu'er's heart was hanging, which was just let down.

She quietly stayed by Lin Kai's side, and neither of them spoke.

AI Ping wanted to talk to Lin Kai, but seeing this scene, he thought about it and left.

If his daughter could be with Lin, he would wake up laughing in his dreams.

What Lin Kai didn't know was that they were standing together like this, falling into the eyes of some people, which was extremely eye-catching.

Looking at the angry sun Hai, I couldn't help but be flattered.

"Haige, why is sister-in-law with others? We should teach him a good lesson with or without our brothers. "

"That is, who doesn't know that this is our sister-in-law, who knows nothing about life and death!"


Listening to his younger brother's clamour, sun Hai would like to rush to kill them immediately.

This pair of dog men and women, even dare to give him a green cap, is really impatient to live.

He sun Hai has been in the East China Sea for such a long time. No one dares not give him face.

Watching AI lu'er talk to Lin Kai with her head askew, sun Hai can't help it any more.

"You mean bitch, who are you hooking up with here?"

Sun Hai pulled AI lu'er to his side, without any scruple. He was wearing high-heeled shoes and fell to the ground directly.

"Sun Hai, what are you crazy about?"

AI lu'er is not a fuel-efficient lamp. She stands up in pain and slaps sun Hai directly.

I don't want to see what kind of thing she is. Even she dares to fight.

"Dare you hit me?"

Sun Hai looked around at his younger brother, at Ai lu'er, only to feel that his face had been lost.

His daughter-in-law wears a green hat for himself, but he still beats himself.

If this is spread out, is he sun Hai still in the East China Sea?

"How about beating you?" AI Lu Er disdains to look at him: "you calculate what thing, I am your daughter-in-law? That's a joke. Why didn't I know I was married? "

AI Lu Er is really angry, where to come out of the cat and dog, also dare to say is their own man?

I don't look at my looks. Just like those from prehistory, I can't bear to look directly at them.

"Dame, you tell me again?"

Sun Hai would like to kill AI lu'er so as not to give him face.


Don't blame him. Sun Hai doesn't care for her.

"Let's go."

For this kind of farce, Lin Kai only felt that it was a waste of time.

Seeing him leave, AI lu'er hurriedly follows, which can be regarded as sun hai to be angry to death.

"You two, stop!"

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