Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1202

"I hope so." Xu Fu sighed. Now he can only do so.

Thank you for that He earnestly thanks Aiping, but for him, he would have been finished today.

"I didn't think it was really useful. I just wanted to let you talk about the group, and then she would have some scruples."

AI Ping casually said a word and explained the reason why he had asked before. Otherwise, I don't know what Xu Fu would think.

"I see." Xu Fu didn't think much about it, and that's the only explanation.

On the other side, ailu'er doesn't understand Lin Kai's easy release of Xu Fu.

"Sir, why did you let them go?"

"What else?"

When Lin Kai asked, ailu'er was stunned.

Yeah, if you don't let them go, you can still get rid of them?

The headquarters know that they're here. If Xu Fu had an accident here, her father would be dead.

At that time, they tried so long, but they failed.

"What's next?"

"Just wait."

Seeing Lin Kai's reluctance to say anything, ailu'er shut her mouth knowingly and followed him without saying a word.

In fact, she didn't expect that she could live with Lin Kai so peacefully.


As soon as eluer wanted to invite Lin for a dance, she was interrupted by the noise from the other side.

Lin Kai saw Lin Qianqian, who was held by a man's arm.

Frowning, he walked over.

Ariel didn't understand what was going on, but she followed.

"Miss Lin, why do you dance with me?"

A man who looks over 20 years old and has a flighty step grabs Lin Qianqian. She looks like a Mimi. The whole person is close to her.

"I'm sorry, I have an appointment."

Lin Qianqian struggles to leave, but where is the strength of a woman better than a man? It's the only way to get hold of it.

"A date?"

The man holding him sneered: "I want to see which grandson is not long eyed, dare to rob women with labor and capital!"

"You've got to let him come and see how I'll kill him!"

I don't know where Lin Qian can't find him now.

"I hear you're going to kill me?"

Lin Kai walks over to push the man away and pull Lin Qianqian down beside her.

Looking at the sudden appearance of Lin Kai, Lin Qianqian is full of moving.

She thought she was finished this time.

Since that time in the hospital, Lin Kai left, she has some inexplicable heart, dare not go to him.

Looking at the man in front of her, Lin Qianqian only feels a heart beating fast.

"Is that your date Qianqian?"

Zhang Hua, or I don't care about it

"Give me Qianqian quickly, or you will die!"

Eyes fierce stare at Lin Kai, looking at Lin Qianqian and his attitude so close, Zhang Hua jealousy is going crazy.

Lin Qian didn't even think about her for a long time, but she didn't even know how to do it.

Now he's so close to other men that he's pissed off.

"Lin Qianqian, you stinking bitch, how dare you put a green hat on me

Zhang Hua's lung was about to explode. He wanted to tear Lin Kai.

"Get out of my sight if you don't mind!"

Then it went to pull Lin Kai away, but he pushed him aside.

"How dare you move me?"

Zhang Hua looked at Lin Kai with sinister eyes, and looked like he wanted to eat him.

"Why not?"

Lin Kai looked at him indifferently and pulled Lin Qianqian to leave.

"Stop for me

Zhang Hua with several people in front of him, do not let them leave.

"Give me this bitch, or both of you will die!"

Zhang Hua is very angry. He is so big that he has not been ignored.

He must make them pay the price!

"You're arrogant, aren't you?"

Zhang Hua disdains to look at Lin Kai: "you continue to give me arrogance, see I don't kill you!"

"Lin Qianqian, if you don't want to die, you can come here for me."

"Maybe you'll serve me well, and I'll let you go!"

"Shut up Lin Qianqian's face was flushed with anger, and she was staring at Zhang Hua with gnashing teeth.

She had never met such a shameless person.There are many people pursuing her, but she is the first one who is so shameless.

Send her some beautiful photos every day.

She was also given some exposed clothes. What's more, she appeared naked in her home several times.

But for her friends, she would be dead.

Recently, she didn't even dare to go back home. She didn't expect him to come here.

Placidly patted on the back of Lin Qianqian, Lin Kai looked at Zhang Hua without expression.

Originally, he didn't want to cause trouble. Since someone felt that he was dying, he wanted to help him.

"Lin Qianqian, you get out of here now, or your company will be finished!"

"Are you threatening me?" Lin Qianqian gnaws her teeth and stares at him, hoping to kill him.

"Do you think the little white face in front of you can protect you?"

"The boy has the courage to rob women from employers and workers. It's really brave."

Zhang Hua moved his wrist and drove to Lin: "I am a man who has no other interests and hobbies. I like to see others desperate and helpless."

"What can you do to protect her? It's better to give him to me. "

"Maybe I'll give her back to you when I'm tired of that day."

Listening to Zhang Hua's obscene words, many noble women whispered around.

However, they are not stupid, naturally will not say, when the time comes for no reason to their own family caused a lot of trouble.

Not to mention that this Zhangjia is not easy to provoke. It is said that the relationship with the Li family is good.

"Is it?"

Lin Kai showed a smile and slapped him in the face without hesitation.

Zhang Hua was stunned by the crisp sound.

He looked at Lin Kai, stupefied for a moment, and called out angrily, "you son of a bitch, do you dare to fight labor? Believe it or not

"Kill him for me, fuck her!"

Zhang Hua so a shout, follow his several people, without hesitation rushed over.

People watching the crowd around, quickly let out a way.

But it's just a bunch of idle dudes. They don't need to be involved.

Lin Qianqian stood aside, trying to say something, but in the end she shut her mouth.

She believes that Lin Kai will be OK, that is, how Zhang Hua is. It is unknown.

"Killing and maiming is my mother's business."

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