Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1201

Hearing this, Xu Fu was stunned and his smile froze.

Xu Fu laughed two times and waved his hand: "you are joking."

If you had known his identity, would you have said that?

He looked at Ai Ping, who was silent. His face was a little ugly.

He knew the identity of Lin Kai for a long time, but he didn't tell himself.

But it's no wonder that Aiping mentioned it to himself, but he didn't listen.

Thinking of what Aiping said before, Xu Fu's intestines were all green.

But now it's too late to say anything. I can only hope for Lin Kai's forgiveness.

"What do you want to do about it?"

To tell you the truth, this is Xu Fu, who really has no experience.

It used to be those people who cried and begged to let go of them.

Now that he's here, he can't think of any way for a while.

Can only think of low posture, as far as possible to meet the requirements of Lin Kai.

Let's settle the matter first, or he'll be in trouble.

Even if he has ten guts, he can't afford to offend a big man from Jiulong Mountain.

With a sigh in his heart, he only hoped that Lin Kai would not care too much about himself.

On the other hand, Xu Yujia was very angry when she saw her father like this.

Why should he bow his head to Lin?

This is not married yet!

She likes Lin Kai, but it doesn't mean that she will make her father humble.

Xu Yujia didn't realize that Lin Kai was a big man he couldn't afford to offend.

She went to Lin Kai, pointed to his nose and said, "don't think I like you, you can do whatever you want."

"Apologize to me immediately! Or I'll be angry! "

When she said that, ALU couldn't help but cover her mouth and smile.

"I said, sister, do you have some brain problems?"

"Shut up Apine gave her a pull to make sure she didn't go too far.

After all, Xu Fu is still here. He hasn't got a promotion or a raise. It depends on his face.

For AI lu'er's words, Xu Fu was angry and knew that she was right.

My daughter has been spoiled. If it were someone else, I would have seen the situation clearly.

With the recognition of mistakes, rather than a fearless look, provocation.

"Yujia, stop talking."

"Dad, what do you mean?" Xu Yujia stomped his feet.

He was so angry that she was angry with each other!

It's a group of things that don't know what to do. Sooner or later, we should clean them up.

"Shut up Xu Fu's face was like a palette.

How can his daughter not understand what he said?

I didn't see how humble I was. I still made trouble for him here.

Xu Yujia was shocked by Xu Fu's roar.

After a while, he roared like crazy: "you even scold me for an outsider? Do you forget what my mother said before she died

Xu Lin is so angry that he can't think of it.

But by the time she slapped, Linkai had already dodged.

"Don't mess with me."

Linkai stepped back and looked at her with some disgust.

"Yujia, get down on your knees!"

God knows, just the moment her daughter rushed past, his heart almost stopped beating.

No matter whether Lin Kai is hit or not, Lin Kai's behavior like this can't be too much to abolish their Xu family.

"Dad, what are you talking about?"

"Do you know who he is? People of Jiulong Mountain, in a word, our Xu family will be finished. "

"Dad, what are you talking about? Are you kidding me?"

Xu Yujia can not believe a step back, how can not believe his father said.

What did she do.

He even wanted to fight Lin Kai. If he did, it would be a complete end.

"Brother, I I didn't mean to. Forgive me

She tried to grab Linkai's hand, but he dodged her.

"I really know I was wrong. I'm sorry. I'm sorry."

Xu Yujia kept apologizing for fear that Lin Kai would not let them go.

She knows too much about privilege.

Once Lin Kaizhen starts with the Xu family, everything she has now will be gone, which is not what she wants to see.

She's so regretful now that she didn't see that dad was really scared.

"Why do you think I'll forgive you?"

As soon as he said this, Xu Fu's face turned pale and trembled. He could not say a word.There are four big characters in his head: Xu family is finished.

"Brother, as long as you don't move the Xu family, anything can be given to you."

Said Xu Yujia some shyly looked at him and said: "including, I can also."

"Ha ha ha ha." "What qualifications do you think you have?" she said with a smile


Xu Yujia was very angry, but he was helpless.

Xu Fu and Xu Yujia look at Lin Kai and can't say a word.

AI Ping carefully looked at Lin Kai and asked, "manager Xu, do you know where the boss has been recently?"

Being asked by AI Ping, Xu Fu was stunned and puzzled why he asked.

However, thinking of AI Ping's warning to himself before, he still answered. Maybe he can have a chance of life.

As for why he asked, it doesn't matter.

Anyway, the boss is so powerful, even the people of Jiulongshan can't do anything about him.

This thought made him feel more at ease.

"I don't know where the boss is, and you know he's not sure where he is."

Xu Fu sighed and said what he knew.

Now I just hope that it can be useful, or he will be really finished.

After he said that, Aiping looked at Lin Kai and felt relieved when he nodded.

Just now, he was also holding the idea of trying, so he asked.

After all, it would be too abrupt for Lin Kai to ask this question. At that time, Xu Fu could not say what to say.

Asked by him, how much better, but he did not expect, Xu Fu will be so smooth to say.

AI Ping looks at Lin Kai and doesn't know what to do next.

"Mr. Lin, look at us..." Xu Fu looks forward to Lin Kai.

With a cold look at them, Lin Kai turns around and leaves. Xu Fu raises his heart directly. He doesn't know what's going on.

"Mr. Lin, this is a chance for you."

"Really?" Xu Fu obviously didn't believe it, but there was no other statement.

"What am I going to do?"

AI Ping was stunned and said, "I don't know. Wait for your notice."

In fact, he didn't know what Lin Kai meant. He could only follow the nonsense and stabilize Xu Fu first.

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