Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1194

"Don't you want to kill me? Come on

Looking at Lin's smiling appearance, those people just felt a cool air, straight to the top of their heads.

You're kidding. They're not idiots.

How dare they fight Wang Yang like that?

"You You This bunch of rubbish! Labor and capital... "

Wang Yang clenched his teeth and was out of breath. He couldn't say a word for a long time.

He's really pissed off. This is the group of people who usually call him brothers.

When you use yourself, you are their big brother.

Now I have an accident. The slogan is louder than one.

But one by one, I dare not fart!

Listening to Wang Yang's curse, no one dared to speak.

At this time, Wang Yang's misfortune is to seek his own death.

Wang Yang lay on the ground, gasping heavily. He felt that his arm was numb with pain, and gradually he could not feel the pain, only subconscious convulsions were left.

"Go away or stay here?"

Lin Kai grabbed his other arm intact and said, "isn't it arrogant? Didn't you tell me to get out of here? "

Wang Yang broke another arm.


Wang Yang yelled, rolled his eyes and fainted.

Kang Kai looked at Lin's action of opening his eyes without blinking, and his heart suddenly tightened.

But soon he was relieved that he had firmly stood on the same front with him.

"Do you have anything to say?"

Lin Kai wiped his hands, and then threw the handkerchief on Wang Yang's body, which happened to throw on Wang Yang's face.

He was just about to talk, but the handkerchief was on his face and he could hardly breathe.

"Get out of here if you don't have to."

Several people looked at each other, then looked at Lin Kai, and ran away without looking back.

Just half of the run, the few people think it is to remember what, drag Wang Yang's leg to leave.

It's like a wolf chasing after you.

"Thank you."

For Lin, Kang Kai is still a little surprised, but more is moved.

I think Lin Kai is taking himself as a friend.

"If it's OK, I'll go first."

"May I invite you to dinner tomorrow?" To tell you the truth, Kang Kai still wants to continue to chat with Lin. he hasn't talked so happily for a long time.


Looking at Lin Kai's back, the sun slanting on his body, like a God.

In addition to the gate of the blue sky, Lin Kai moves his muscles and bones to Li Shengxian, who has been waiting outside for a long time.

"Brother Lin, what can I do for you?"

These two days, he is busy with Li Haoxian, you fight me, the whole person is as busy as a top.

had to say that his grandpa's power really gave him strength, otherwise he would have stepped down from the previous events and awesome things that happened recently.

"How's their cooperation with elor?"

"I have to say, because of this cooperation, not only my father, but also some shareholders of the company, have been impressed by me."

"The company was ready to give up, but it came back to life, and they naturally gave it to me."

When it comes to this matter, Li Shengxian is not excited.

If it wasn't for Lin Kai to lead the bridge and let him cooperate with Alur and get the investment, the recent events would not have been so smooth.

Li Haoxian inquired about it intentionally or unintentionally, and wanted to cooperate with AI lu'er.

Just because Lin Kai was pressing on it, ailu'er didn't dare to be coy.

Looking at Li Shengxian's triumphant appearance, Lin Kai is at ease.

Recently, he didn't have time to take care of him. The boy didn't let himself down.

"This time you're here to work with blue sky."


Li Shengxian looks at the contract handed over by Lin Kai in disbelief. This is simply, for the Li family, it is a great benefit.

It's not that they didn't cooperate with blue sky.

But the blue sky not only accounts for half of the territory in the East China Sea, but also in the whole world.

They always raise the price as much as possible and let blue sky sign the contract with them.

Now blue sky, just a percentage point profit, Li family every month can be 10 million more profits.

If the contract is signed, he can't imagine what kind of uproar it will cause.

"Lingo, you didn't lie to me."

Li Shengxian pinched himself hard. After he was sure it was true, he kept playing silly.

Now that he has contacted many companies, he naturally understands what a percentage point means."The contract in black and white, isn't it in your hands? Besides, Kang Kai has signed it. "

Li Shengxian worships Lin Kai and thinks he is a fairy.

He can catch everything in his hands.

"Tomorrow is your brother's birthday party, isn't it?"

Seeing that Lin Kai raised this, Li Shengxian was stunned for a moment and then laughed: "I know how to do it."

I hope Li Haoxian will like it and give him this birthday present.

Along the way, Li Shengxian gave Lin Kai a serious account of his recent situation.

After hearing this, Lin Kai thought for a moment and explained his doubts to him one by one.

After hearing this, Li Shengxian only felt that Mao Ze suddenly opened up and his mind was clear.

"Go back, pay attention on the way."

Lin Kai winked at Li Shengxian. He nodded gently and drove away.

Standing at the door for a while, Lin opened the door slowly.

as like as two peas in the house.

But Lin Kai still found that the position of many things had moved slightly.

Having a look at the location of the study on the second floor, Lin Kai went straight into the kitchen, and then came a sound of cutting vegetables.

Hearing the sound, the people in the study breathed a long sigh of relief.

Fortunately, it was not found

He reached out his head and carefully observed for a while that the sound of cutting vegetables in the kitchen had not stopped.

He slowly closed the door, carefully opened the study glass, ready to climb out of where.

Looking at the refusal so high from the ground, Qian San felt dizzy for a while.

He shook his head and settled his mind. He climbed out of the window and jumped up to a tree in front of him.


Just called a, he quickly covered his mouth, looking at the scattered birds, praying in his heart, never be found.

After staying on the tree for more than ten minutes, Qian San carefully took the things in his arms and left.

What he didn't know was that not long after he left, Linkai and Yinshen quietly followed his ass.

Along the way, Qian San specially picked out those remote paths and walked around several places. He went back and forth several times before he went to another road.

I have to say that his anti reconnaissance awareness is quite strong.

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