Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1193

Kangkai quickly expressed loyalty: "you can rest assured that I will help you find the whereabouts of Lei Yuan group."

He would like to kill Lin Yuan now.

It's brave to trick him like a fool.

Looking at Kang Kai, Lin looked at him with a smile and didn't say a word.

Whatever he says, the final result is what he wants.

Kang Kai looks at Lin Kai, who is smiling and speechless. What does he want to say? In the end, he doesn't ask.

In fact, he wants to know what Lin Kai came here for today.

He would not simply think that he came here today to tell him about it.

"What do you want to ask?" Lin Kai put his hands across his legs and looked at him with a smile.

When he looked at him like this, Kangkai only felt that his inner thoughts had no escape.

After thinking about it, he decided to ask the question.

"Mr. Lin, why are you here today?"

Otherwise, he really can't help Lin Kai to do things wholeheartedly.

In his mouth, Lin Yuan and Lei Yuan group are using their own, but what about him?

Why did he say these things to himself?

For Kang Kai's question, Lin Kai Si did not feel surprised, he did not ask is the real problem.

"My purpose today is very simple, that is to abolish you and make this company a family."


Kangkai looked at Lin Kai and sat down gently for a long time.

"I didn't expect you to tell me so plainly."

"No harm in telling you."

Lin Kaisi didn't care at all. In front of the absolute strength, all the intrigues were not worth mentioning at all.

Kang Kai was stunned for a moment, and then he began to laugh.

Yes, in front of Lin Kai, he is not worth mentioning.

"Well, I believe you, I will do my best in this matter."

Looking at Kang Kai's serious eyes, Lin Kai nodded and said nothing.

Two people are so speechless, slowly drinking coffee, a quiet good look.


Suddenly burst in the girl, looking at the two people in the room, Leng for a moment, hurried out to knock on the door.


"It's OK."

Lin Kai went to the window and looked at the traffic. He didn't know what he was thinking.

"What happened?"

"Someone from Wang's side is making trouble downstairs." The Secretary said the situation quickly.

"Well, it's not the so-called thing, just him? And on behalf of Wang? "

Kang Kai couldn't help laughing. He was just an abandoned son. He really thought he was so powerful.

"Excuse me, Mr. Lin."

"Wang Kang company?"

Seeing Kang Kai nodding, Lin Kai put his coat on the sofa and went down in his shirt and trousers: "let's go together."

Kang Kai was stunned for a moment and quickly followed up.

The secretary looked at them, not knowing if it was his own illusion.

I always feel that the president who is superior to others is just like a younger brother.

After that, they heard voices coming down the hall.

"Here you are, president."

Marketing Manager, I told him about the situation here.

Wang's people saw Kang Kai come down, pushed the person in front of him directly and came over.

"Are you conkey?"

He looked up and down at Kang Kai with a look of Indifference: "I am Wang Yang, director of the personnel department of Wang's family. Since you are here, I have to tell you something."

Wang Yang pointed to the marketing manager and said, "a small manager, dare to yell at me here?"

"You blue sky technology so don't put Wang in the eye?"

"Today, the employees put their words here. If you don't sign this contract, I'll kill you!"

"Shut up The manager of the marketing department is very angry. It's really humiliating to be insulted by people from other companies.

"What are you to talk to me about?" Wang Yang disdains "bah" a, look do not look at the marketing manager.

His attitude of looking down on people is really unpleasant.

"Can you speak?"

"Shut up for employees." Wang Yang looked at Kang Kai and said, "if you are sensible, sign the contract for me. Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude."

"What do you want to do?"

Conkey looks at him with a smile and threatens him?

That's a lot of courage.

Even if it's Wang's?

It won't make them feel better if they offend themselves.

Not to mention that he is such an unpopular Wang family member."Either sign a contract, and I'll blow your company up!"

Then he grabbed the chair on one side and threw it to several people.

Looking at Lin Kai who didn't mean to dodge, Kang Kai's heart was raised to his throat.

"Mr. Lin, get out of the way!"

He went to Lin with a roar.

If something happened to him, let alone him, he and the Wangs could not bear the responsibility.

Wang Yang pointed to Lin Kai and said to the people around him, "you see, he is a fool."

"It must have been frightened by brother Wang's heroism."

"Brother Wang is domineering and should be treated like this?"


In the sound of compliments, Wang Yang only felt floating, until a loud noise, let him come back to God.

He was surprised to see the chair that Lin Kai had kicked to pieces and rubbed his eyes to make sure that he was not wrong.

"How could that be possible?"

Is this still human?

Can a normal person do such a thing?

Kang Kai was relieved to see that Lin Kai was OK.

Lin Kai casually picked up the leg of the chair on the ground and walked to Wang Yang with a smile: "if I am garbage, what are you?"

"Garbage is nothing?"

"What do you say?"

When does Wang Yang receive the goods?

It's a shame to be scolded by a garbage.

"If you dare to scold the employees, you will die."

With that, he made a fist and went straight to Lin's face.

"Is it?"

Lin Kai grabs his fist easily, and his hands force hard. Wang Yang only feels a strange force coming in his arm.


Lin Kaisong opened his hand and Wang Yang stepped back to stop.

He tightly his arm, clearly feel the muscles and veins inside, blood and flesh have become like twisted into a rope.


He yelled, cold sweat dripping from his forehead, the whole person rolling in pain.

People don't know what happened. They all look at him with doubts.

"You The devil Wang Yang points to Lin Kai, his eyes full of fear.

How could he provoke such a terrible man?

"Is it?"

Lin Kai squatted down and looked at him with a smile. Wang Yang kept retreating.

"If you dare to beat brother Wang, you are really impatient to live!"

"Come on, brothers! Kill him


Although these people, shout more than one, but you look at me, I see you, no one dare to step forward.

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