Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1195

Lin Kai and they are not in a hurry. They follow him not far or near to see where he is going.

After walking for a long time, Qian San stops at the gate of a dilapidated yard.

Lin Kai thought that he had already arrived at his destination.

I didn't expect him to drive a tattered Wuling Hongguang from inside.

One foot of the gas, straight away from the dust.


Lin Kai reached out to scatter the dust in front of him. He felt helpless.

How many times has he done this. So well prepared.

Two people not far and near followed, more than an hour later, Qian San just stopped in front of an ordinary looking house.

After deleting the knock on the door, there was a voice coming from inside. Qian San answered, the door opened from inside, revealing a woman's face.

"Let me in."

Qian San looked at his back with vigilance, and went in without looking back.

Lin Kai and Lin Kai went straight in to see what they were going to do.

"Third, how are you?"

"This is a treasure."

Qian San patted his stomach and took out a white glazed blue and white disc with lotus pattern.

"This thing, at least this number?"

Qian San stretched out his finger and drew an eight.

"Eight thousand? Before that, just try to be strong. "

Hearing him say so, Qian San doesn't want to slap: "your blue and white porcelain is so cheap."

"That's 80000?"

"Can you do something about it?"

Qian San was almost pissed off by these pig teammates.

"At least 800000 starts. We stole it. It's not so good. It's easy to do it. It's a legitimate way. Seven or eight million dollars are OK."

Hearing Qian San's words, they couldn't help but take a breath.

Seven or eight million, this is not a small amount, even they may not earn it in their lifetime.

Now it's such a small plate. Who will believe it.

"A little bit of insight."

"I'm flattered." Then Qian San was stunned. Looking at the two people who suddenly appeared, the blue and white porcelain plate in his hand almost fell to the ground.

"Who are you? How did you get in? "

"If you steal from me, you want to come back."

Hearing Lin Kai's words, five or six people, including Qian San, looked ugly.

I didn't expect that they were so well planned, but they were still found.

"It's impossible to give you a plate. Either roll or kill you."

"Kill me?"

Lin Kai didn't talk to them. He rushed to them.

Those people looked at Lin Kai with disdain and thought he was a fool.

They have so many people here. Can he fight by himself?

As a result, they were just about to start, they were kicked by Lin Kai.


They lie on the ground, looking at Lin Kai sitting on one side, only feel a burst of chest pain.

"How could that be possible?"

With so many of them, can't they beat Lin Kai?

"Come on, what else did you take?"

Lin Kai asked, Qian San did not hesitate to kowtow: "we just don't want to see where, usually very few people live, just want to steal something to sell some money."

"We really did nothing else. Please let me go."

Qian San is really sorry. He knew that he would become like this, and he would not do it.

"Leave you alone?" Lin Kai pondered for a while and said, "it's not impossible."

"What do you want us to do?" Qian San did not want to answer: "as long as it is not a matter of killing and arson, I will do it for you."

"Help me get something."

Qian's face changed immediately.

"Don't you want my life?"

Qian San almost wanted to cry without tears. The place he asked himself to go was certainly not the home of ordinary people, otherwise he would not let himself do it.

"Don't worry, I'll keep you alive."

For Lin Kai's words, Qian San still has some doubts.

If he really has the ability, why not do it himself?

"You'd better change, sir."

Qian San really dare not promise to come down. If he is not careful, he will die.

"Do you want to die now, or do you want to help me with that? Not only is this plate yours, but I'll give you another two million."

Hear Lin Kai say so, say not heart, that is false.

Such a lot of money, not to mention a lifetime, is ten life, he is not necessarily able to earn.After thinking about it, Qian had three hearts and one horizontal, and promised to come down: "if I die, you will give the money to my family."

At first, he wanted to make life easier for his mother and daughter-in-law.

If their own life, can let them for the rest of their lives, food and clothing, it is worth it.

"You can't die."

What he asked Qian San to do was not a threat. It was not difficult to take things back to her.

When he had finished speaking to Qian San, his face was much lighter.

"Are you sure you really gave me so much money?"

Qian San suspects that Lin Kai is cheating himself. To be honest, this task is really not difficult for him.

Otherwise, it's Lin Kai. It's deliberately setting up a trap for him.

But with so much money, it's worth fighting for.


Lin said with a smile, "that man is my friend. It's not kind to do such a thing. If you give you so much money, it's just to lighten your psychological burden."

Hearing this, Qian San's heart is still a little uneasy, but much better than before.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with Lin Kai's saying so.

She didn't want to doubt her, if possible.

"Can you pay half the deposit in advance?"

"That's the plate."

See Lin Kai really give the plate money three, the rest of the people, that called a red eye.

"Sir, if you have anything else to do, please tell us!"

"Anything can be done, and the reward can be discussed!"


Several people vied with each other to say, afraid that Lin Kai does not give himself a chance.

Such a rich man, is not often encountered, rarely encountered, naturally is impossible to let go.

"No more."

Hear him say so, a few people look at Qian San's plate with envy, wish to be robbed by him directly.

However, because they were afraid of Lin Kai's presence, they were afraid to say anything.

Qian San looked at his companion's eyes, and cautiously leaned against Lin Kai.

"Come with me."

Lin Kai's words were similar to the dew from heaven. He saved the first three from the fire and water.

It used to be OK, but now they have such a good job, they are naturally envious.

"Thank you very much, sir." After going out, Qian Sanbu apologized to Lin Kai.

I don't know what will happen if he stays there.

"Stay away from them in the future."


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