Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1175

Since Lin Kai said that, Li Shengxian would not ask.

Looking at the direction of the second floor, Li Shengxian sighed and left.

When he wanted to ask Lin Kai what he was doing, he had already gone out and disappeared.

Here, Lin Kai put his clothes on his arms and stood on the side of the road. He looked like an elegant young man. Many people turned around to look at him.

"What are we going to do, sir?"

"Nothing, just walk around."

Lin Kai just felt that his thoughts were a little confused and wanted to sort out his thoughts.

He quietly looked at the traffic on the opposite side, a heart long quiet down.

"Mr. Lin?"

The sudden voice interrupts Lin Kai's thoughts. He Zhishan's housekeeper stares at him and smiles.

"Please get in the car."

"Mr. Lin, I happen to have something to look for you."

As soon as he got on the bus, the housekeeper looked at him with a smile and said, "master, I hope you can attend the banquet tomorrow."

"He has a very important thing to tell you."

"Something important?" Lin Kai nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

Since the housekeeper has said that he will tell himself tomorrow, there is no need to ask more.

"Tell your husband to be prepared tomorrow and I will give him a big present."

The housekeeper was stunned for a moment, and then promised with a smile, "OK, Mr. Lin, I'll convey it for you."

After taking Lin Kai home, the housekeeper left.

"Brother Lin, did you tell Mr. He?" Li Shengxian looks at the back of he's housekeeper's leaving, but he is still a little dazed.

They are not 100% sure now. How can they tell Mr. He?

If it's not true, they're finished.

"It's just what I met on the way. I'm measured."

Seeing that Lin Kai didn't say anything, Li Shengxian was relieved.

To tell you the truth, relying on the help of a woman can make a conversation with Mr. He. He is still a little uncomfortable.

One night, Li Shengxian, tossing and turning, couldn't sleep.

The next morning, Lin Kai looked at his dark eyes, some Leng Shen: "are you a thief?"

"Brother Lin, don't make fun of me." Li Shengxian lies on the table powerless and doesn't want to move.

If it wasn't for seeing Xiaoya coming down from upstairs, he would have been lying down to the end of time.

After breakfast and wiping his hands, Lin Kai stood up and said, "let's go."

Wearing a black tuxedo, Lin Kai looks like a noble young man coming out of the middle ages.

They were speechless all the way, and by the time they got to the party place, there was a lot of noise.

As soon as they entered the hall, they were taken away by the housekeeper of the he family.

"Please, I'm waiting for you now."

The housekeeper looked at Xiaoya doubtfully, and felt a little familiar.

Under the guidance of the housekeeper, we went straight to the private room on the third floor. When we went in, we saw he Zhishan sitting in it.

He Zhishan stands up in shock when he sees Xiaoya who comes with Lin Kai.

"Mr. He, long time no see."

"Long time no see, this is?" He Zhishan can't wait to know Xiaoya's identity.

Lin asked with a smile, "Mr. He, what do you think?"

He Zhishan looked at Xiaoya and couldn't say a word.

However, Xiaoya has no feeling for him.

Although Lin opened their mouths to know that this was probably her father, she still had no feeling.

From small to large, she is a person, suddenly more than a relative, for her, there is no change.

"It looks so much like me."

When he Zhishan said this, the housekeeper also responded.

"It does."

Xiao Ya just lowered her head, he couldn't see clearly.

Now we can see that two people are like a mold, carved out of the same.

"Linkai, is this girl?" He Zhishan looks at him with great hope.

"It's not clear yet. It needs to be identified."

He Zhishan also responded to his remarks.

There are too many people who want to get involved in his identity.

Although Lin Kai couldn't do this, he was afraid that someone else had done it.

"We'll go now."

He Zhishan couldn't wait for a minute. He told the host of the banquet and left with his party.

To the hospital, direct use of identity, with the fastest speed results.

It's rare that he Zhishan walks around impatiently. The whole person looks very different from usual.

As time passed, he Zhishan became more and more anxious.In the anxious waiting, the doctor finally came out.

Looking at the identification results, he Zhishan's hands trembled, looking at Xiaoya, he couldn't say a word.

"My daughter, I finally found you."

He couldn't help but hold Xiaoya in his arms and burst into tears.

Xiaoya frowned and struggled vigorously.

"My dear daughter, I am a father." He Zhishan looked at him heartbroken, his face full of remorse.

It's all because of his carelessness that he lost his daughter.

It is no wonder that she does not want to be close to herself after so many years of suffering.

"Lin Kai, I owe you a great debt."

He Zhishan solemnly said, "I will help you if you want me to do something later."

The weight of this sentence is very heavy.

Can let him say this sentence, we can see that Xiaoya's position in his heart is still very important.

He Zhishan looks at the indifferent Xiaoya and constantly admonishes himself that he should not be in a hurry.

But in the face of his own daughter, how do you let him control his emotions?

He wanted to say something, but looking at Xiaoya's situation, he couldn't say anything.

"Would you like to go home with dad?"

"No, I want to be with my brother!" Xiaoya looks at he Zhishan with resistance.

Anyone who wants to separate her from Li Shengxian is a bad person in her eyes.


He Zhishan looks at Li Shengxian doubtfully, some don't know how this is going on.

Li Shengxian gave a bitter smile and told the whole story.

After that, he sighed: "Mr. He, you'd better take your daughter back quickly."

Now he's really scared and stays with Xiaoya.

If you are not careful, you will lose your virginity.

Looking at Li Shengxian's disdain, he Zhishan blew his beard and glared: "do you dare to despise my daughter? What qualifications do you have to reject? "

In the eyes of he Zhishan, his daughter is so good that he can't tolerate a word from others.

"You must not talk about brother!" Xiaoya red eyes, angry at he Zhishan.

Xiaoya is very protective of Li Shengxian and doesn't recognize her father.

Seeing his daughter treat him like this, he Zhishan felt a chill in his heart.

"Xiaoya, I'm Dad! How about going home with dad

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