Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1176

"I don't!" Xiaoya looks at him with vigilance and holds on to Li Shengxian's clothes tightly.

"Go back with your father."

If he Zhishan was not here, he really wanted to get rid of Xiaoya.

"I don't!" Xiaoya stares at Li Shengxian with red eyes and thinks that he just wants to abandon himself.

Looking at Xiaoya's appearance, he Zhishan has no other way but to sigh.

"You must go home."

Looking at Li Shengxian's serious appearance, Xiaoya just doesn't let go.

"I don't want to go back!"

She just wants to stay with Li Shengxian all her life.

"Do you think you are worthy of him? Is the Li family of Donghai a helpless and powerless girl who can go in? "

Lin Kai's words can be said to be a thunderbolt, exploding in Xiaoya's mind.

Before she only thought, looked at him from afar, saw that he was very happy.

But people are greedy. The more you get, the more you want.

The more she contacted Li Shengxian, the more reluctant she was to give up.

At the thought that he would marry and have children with other women, Xiaoya felt a lot of pain in her heart.

"Well, I'll go back with you!"

It's not hard to tell from Lin Kai's words that her father's identity is not simple. I think she should be worthy of Li Shengxian.

Seeing Xiaoya's promise, he Zhishan breathes a long sigh of relief and throws a look of gratitude to Lin Kai.

And Li Shengxian, seeing Xiaoya agree, is also a burst of excitement.

I think it's hard to go out with he Zhishan's love for her.

He Zhishan holds Xiaoya's hand tightly, for fear that if he is not careful, his daughter who lost more than 20 years will disappear.

Being led by him, Xiaoya suddenly felt that it was good to have such a father.

When they returned to the banquet place, everyone cast a puzzled look to Xiaoya.

What is he Zhishan's identity?

Any news about him is worth their attention.

Now he suddenly came back with a girl, and everyone wanted to know what was going on.

"Xiaoya, wait here with Lin Kai. I'll deal with something."

He Zhishan tells Xiaoya in every detail, for fear that something will happen to her.

For he Zhishan's advice, Xiaoya was a little disagreed, but she did not notice her mouth, slightly up.

After saying that, he Zhishan took a look at Xiaoya and went upstairs in a hurry.

After he left, Xiaoya held on to Li Shengxian's clothes tightly.

Seeing he Zhishan leave, these people are not idle.

"Where is this sparrow? Do you still want to fly to the branch with Mr. He? "

"Look at what's on here, and face with two handsome guys."

"Who knows, who makes people thick skinned. Hehe hehe


For those women's ridicule, Xiaoya seems to have not heard the same, the slightest indifference.

"Look at her and pretend to be cold. You think you are something."

"Who knows, you see, he still wants to hook up with Mr. Lin."


Lin Kai frowned and listened to those people's comments. His face was a little ugly.

After all, he Zhishan asked him to take good care of Xiaoya.

"If you can't speak, shut up."

Lin Kai's words made those women's voices disappear in an instant.

They look at Lin Kai and dare not say a word. After all, Lin Kai's identity is not something they can afford.

"What are you! I'll tell you if you like

A domineering voice sounded, a woman went straight to a few people in front of the face of Xiaoya is a slap.

"Looking for death?"

Lin Kai grabs his wrist and twists it heavily, which makes him cry out in pain.

"If you hit me, I'll kill you!"

The woman yelled loudly, hoping to kill Lin Kai.

"What are you, you dare to show off in front of me again!"

"Do you know who I am? My mother is going to marry Mr. He, and I will be his daughter from now on

"What are you, you dare to fight me here!"

Hearing her words, the people who were originally prepared to persuade the fight all stopped thinking.

What is the relationship between that girl and Mr. He.

But here is the person who is going to be Mr. He's daughter. They can tell which is more important.

"I tell you, apologize to me right away!"

The woman raised her head slightly and said, "or I will let my father kill you, a group of lowly pariah."

"It's a mistake to let you garbage in here!"In Tang Xin's opinion, these people are nothing at all.

What is your identity?

What is their identity?

Don't say it's scolding them. Even if you kill them, you will suffer for her!

"Now get down on your knees!" Tang Xin raised his head and said, "where do you say what?"

Tang Xin some angry stare at them, dare to ignore her, is really bold.

"Go away."

Lin Kai takes a look at him, not to mention becoming he Zhishan's daughter. Even he Zhishan's native, he doesn't necessarily give face.

"What do you say?"

Tang Xin doubted whether he had heard the wrong thing. Knowing his identity, he still dared to speak to himself like this?

I don't want to live!


"You what you?" Lin Kai slapped him directly and hit her staggering. But for the people around her, she would have fallen to the ground.

"What if you are he Zhishan's daughter?"

Lin Kai sneered and said, "you can't miss it

"What are you talking about?" Tang Xin screamed, picked up something on the table and threw it at Lin Kai.

When she threw it like this, a lot of people who watched the fun also suffered.

But for Mr. He's face, they wouldn't let her go easily.

Lin Kai dodged those things, and rushed to her in a second. He pinched her neck and directly raised it to her: "if you want to die, just say it!"

I didn't want to get into trouble. Since she wants to die, I will help her.

"You let me go, you Let go... "

Tang Xin kept struggling, only feel that the air in the chest is becoming more and more scarce. Even if she tried her best to breathe, there was no air except for the pains in her chest.

In front of a burst of black, confused she saw her mother, said to her what.

She wanted to speak, but she couldn't say a word.

I don't know how long after, when she was about to faint, she felt a loose neck, the whole person fell to the ground.

Soft lying on the ground, not a bit of strength.

She felt as if she had been helped up, and it took her a long time to react.

"Cough, cough!" Coughing violently, as if to cough out the lungs.

When he Zhishan came down, he saw a group of people threatening Linkai.

Thinking of the ugly faces of these people, he was not calm at once, and rushed in.

Seeing he Zhishan, Tang Xin whispered, "Dad, they bullied me!"

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