Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1174

"Lingo, I suddenly regret it." Li Shengxian could hardly cry.

He wanted to go back to yesterday.

It's OK to have nothing to do with Mr. He!

I can't make him talk to that crazy woman.

The look in her eyes was really frightening.

He felt that if he had a good talk with her, he would have lost his life.

"You want to go back on it?"

Lin Kai looked down at him. He could not see any emotion in his dark eyes.

Slightly raised lips, let Li Shengxian feel that if he dares to say no, his life will be over.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha."

He laughed two times, and quickly waved his hand: "how can I regret it? You see what you said, lingo."

"That's good."

Lin Kai patted Li Shengxian on the shoulder and said earnestly, "go and have a good talk and let her agree."

"I see." Li Shengxian goes upstairs in a dejected way.

After a look at Lin Kai who is following him, he sighs helplessly.

As soon as he went in, the girl looked at him closely and exclaimed excitedly, "brother, you have come to see Xiaoya. Xiaoya is so happy. I know that my brother likes Xiaoya best."

"Lingo." Li Shengxian turns his head and looks at Lin Kai pitifully. He really can't do it.

"Come on

Looking at the "cool" of Li Shengji, he felt that his heart was cold.

Helpless sigh, Li Shengxian looked at Xiaoya in front of him and sighed.

"Do you know your parents?"

Hearing Li Shengxian's parents mentioned, Xiaoya is stunned for a moment, and her expression is somewhat at a loss.

After a while, depressed, he said, "I haven't seen them."

Seeing her say so, Li Shengxian is more confident.

"We know your father, so we'll help you get home."

"Help me get home?" Xiaoya lenglengleng staring at her, suddenly eyes a bright: "that brother will be with me?"


"I will not answer!" Xiaoya's eyes were burning at her and cried out: "I'll only be with my brother!"

Li Shengxian rubbed his head and said, "you can help me when you go back."

"Can you help my brother?" When he said this, Xiao Ya's eyes lit up.

"How can I help my brother?"

Li Shengxian simply said this matter, after listening to Xiaoya did not want to agree.

I don't know why, looking at her simple look, Li Shengxian suddenly some in the heart can not bear.

In the final analysis, Xiaoya is not necessarily related to he Zhishan. For their selfishness, they are too selfish to pull her down in this whirlpool.

"Lingo." Li Shengxian looks back at Lin Kai and wants him to give him an answer.

"You decide for yourself."

He is letting Li Shengxian choose. At the same time, he also wants to know whether his previous actions are right or wrong.

"Come on, Xiaoya. We're not sure if it's your father."

"Xiaoya will do whatever your brother says."

Xiaoya stares at Li Shengxian crazily, as if he is the meaning of his own existence.

Staring at with such blazing eyes, Li Shengxian felt like a rat in a stinky ditch and couldn't help fleeing.

After he left, Lin Kai looked at Xiaoya. Neither of them spoke. For a moment, the atmosphere was a little awkward.

After a long time, Xiaoya took the initiative to speak: "if you dare to bully my brother, I will kill you."

"In fact, I'm curious why you like him so much. As far as I know, he doesn't know you."

Seeing that Lin Kai raised the matter, Xiao Ya's face turned slightly red.

"My brother didn't mean to save me."

Xiaoya's tone was a little sad: "I went to learn from others to be a princess. I didn't expect that one day I was almost forced to bow by a guest. My brother saved me."

"From then on, I worked at night and followed my brother during the day."

"As long as I can see my brother every day, I'm satisfied."

Every time Xiaoya mentions Li Shengxian, her spirit is in this excited state.

Lin Kai sat on one side, silent and quiet as an audience.

In fact, he felt that Xiaoya was too extreme and his love for Li Shengxian was distorted.

But she said that, she would not care.

Garrulous said for a long time, Xiaoya suddenly looked at him and asked, "are you the person your brother likes?"

This problem, let Lin open the water in his mouth, directly spray out, he is the first time such a gaffe.


Lin Kai stared at her for a long time, but could not figure out why she could ask such a question."You can not answer, as long as your brother is happy enough."

Looking at the gentle smile of Xiaoya, Lin Kai shakes his head and feels that he really can't understand the female creature.

"What can I do to help my brother?"

"You can do whatever you want, but don't be too careful."

Actually, Xiao Ya doesn't need to talk about it.

It is the simplest basic skill to stay in the place of sound and color for a long time.

"I will try my best to help my brother!"

For her, Li Shengxian is the only meaning of her existence.

As long as you can help him, you will let her die without hesitation for a second.

"I hope you remember what you said today."

Lin Kai's worry was suppressed. He could see that Xiaoya was not stupid.

Therefore, he could not guarantee that after the life of the master, she could still stick to her original heart.

"You also see that when you see Sheng Xian, his mental state is not right. You should learn to restrain himself, or you will harm him."

"Good." Xiaoya nodded and agreed.

When Li Shengxian calmed down and came back, he found that Xiaoya was already sitting on the sofa beside him. He was so scared that he didn't dare to move.

"Brother, why are you standing there?" Xiaoya looked at him with his head askew, a lovely look.

"This, this, this You This... " Xiao Lin doesn't know what's going on.

"You can stay here for a while. I'll arrange for you to meet tomorrow."


Xiaoya stood up, reluctantly looked at Li Shengxian, one step three back upstairs.

"Lingo, how did you do it?" God knows how much Li Shengxian is holding back.

It's really great to let Xiaoya become a normal person.

"She will cooperate with you."

Leaving a word, Lin Kai took a dress and went out.

Left Li Shengxian Leng in situ, still some do not know.

"What the hell is going on here?"

However, it doesn't matter. With Xiaoya's help, Mr. He will be interested in him soon.

He didn't know what was going on.

"Just be ready. Remember to go tomorrow."

"Well, I see." Li Shengxian nodded and didn't say anything more.

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