Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1173

"I cry!"

Huang glared at him as if he were a bully.

"Why don't you make me cry?"

Huang Tianshi stood up and criticized him: "do you know how much I feel aggrieved? Do you know what that woman did to me

"If you don't help me get my things back, do you still say so?"

"You're obviously schadenfreude? You just can't see me


The one accused by Huang Tianshi was tearful.

It's sad to hear, and tears to hear.

In the end, Lin felt that if he didn't help him, he would have a deep sense of guilt.

"Don't say it. What do you want?"

Lin Kai covered his aching head and said, "in addition to getting your tripod back, what do you have to do?"

"Or you know me!"

Huang Tianshi hammered the forest open for a moment, but he didn't make any noise, just like the person who just cried, not him.

The speed of this face change is so fast that people can't catch up with it.

"I must let her learn a lesson, let her understand that I Huang Tianshi is not bullied by others!"

Huang Tianshi clenched his fist tightly with a firm look.

Looking at Lin Kai, I can't help laughing.

"You didn't want to make her look good, but you did?"

Being said by Lin Kai, Huang Tianshi is just as depressed as a ball that has let out her breath.

Wilt not pull a few of Lin Kai an eye, he squatted directly on the ground, a look of grievance: "I also want to ah, but I can't beat her ah!"

"Ha ha ha ha."

Lin Kai couldn't help laughing.

But he also wanted to know, this female master, in the end, who is sacred, can force this old fool to this point?

"What are you laughing at?"

Huang looked at him angrily and sighed deeply.

He felt that he was so unlucky to provoke such a cruel woman.

If you rob his tripod, you still want him.

You talk about something. Who can't be angry?

If you can beat her, you need to make him laugh at yourself?

Looking at Huang Tianshi, who was out of breath, Lin Kai shook his head in a funny way.

"You don't know the details of that female master?"

"I know it's time to say that. With my face of master Huang, who won't give me three points of thin noodles?"

"But you don't have any clue. It's just like it appears out of thin air."

This is what makes him headache. There is no way to find out. Otherwise, he would not come to Lin Kai.

Huang Tianshi's words made Lin Kai lost in thought.

This is strange. Unless he is a master who has been in seclusion for many years, as he said, with his face, there can be no clue at all.

But the master who has been in seclusion for many years doesn't need to be angry with him?

The more I think about Lin Kai, the more I think it's wrong.

"You should be careful recently. I'll arrange someone to check it as soon as possible."

Lin Kai's face is rather dignified. There is no clue at all. It's not so easy to find out.

Huang Tianshi squatted on the ground dejectedly, holding a dry cigarette bag, "Da ba da ta Ba" smoke, the whole person pumping all over the face.

Now I have to wait. There is no other way.

"I'll trouble you about it."

"I'll let you know when I have news."

Huang Tianshi nodded, and the whole person was a little shriveled.

"My dear little yellow, why are you here?"

The sudden female voice, scared Huang Tianshi a spirit, directly down Lin Kai body, like a koala.

"Get out of here! You crazy woman, give me back my tripod

Huang stares at his surroundings angrily. The breath of the whole person is climbing. For a time, the whole space has a sense of depression.

"Ouch, little Huang Huang, why are you so angry?"

The female master did not know where she was. Her voice came from all directions.

"I don't have time to play with you today. I'll see you another day. And this kid, remember to come along. "

Said the whole world is quiet down, only the wind whistling.

"Shit!" Master Huang slapped to the side of the tree, some decadent squat on the ground.

What do you want him to do?

It was the first time that Lin Kai saw such a master Huang and patted him on the shoulder. No one spoke.

After a long time, Huang Tianshi sighed deeply and stood up from the ground.

"If you can't find it, you can't find it. It's better not to get into trouble."

In fact, he just saw that he was not her opponent at all.

What's the use of finding information?I think it's a waste of money.

"I'll help you."

"I know."

Huang suddenly regretted his actions.

He knows what kind of character Lin Kai is. However, it is not so easy to solve.

Let's just let it go.

Looking at the decadent Huang Tianshi, Lin Kai's heart is a little uncomfortable.

They sat quietly, watching the night, and no one spoke.

Gradually, there is a white fish belly in the East, and the sky is red against the rising sun.

"Oh, my old bone has sat with you all night. You have to make up for me!"

Looking at Huang Tianshi, who reaches out to ask for something from him, Lin Kai instantly wants to withdraw his sympathy.

I really couldn't think of it at that time. How could I sympathize with such a thing.

How long has it been? It's clearly his problem. Now it's his fault.

"What do you mean by that look? Don't you want to? "

Huang Tianshi forked his waist, a pair of toes high gas ang appearance, let Lin Kai see is very helpless.

"You'd better go back soon."

Lin family is really afraid, he continues to stay here, he can't help but kill him.


Huang Tianshi looked at him arrogantly and left directly: "you are not rare."

Looking at his appearance, Lin Kai didn't know what to say.

Finally sent away, Lin Kai ordered: "at all costs, find someone to find out."

Suddenly there is a female master, how can people not think about it?

After thinking about it, he decided to hide it.

If Jiulongshan is informed, it will be difficult to deal with this matter. After all, she still has the cauldron of old huff.

When they went back on the morning dew, they saw Li Shengxian's sad face.

"Lingo, why do you want me to be with this crazy woman?"

Speaking of this, it is a bitter tear.

It wasn't long after he tied up the crazy woman when she woke up.

See their mouth keep shouting: "brother, I love it."

"Brother, I love you so much" and so on, listen to his scalp numb.

Even more, he looked at him with that kind of fanatical eyes, as if he was a delicacy, which scared him to sleep all night.

"Remember what we said yesterday?"

Lin Kai looks at Li Shengxian with a smile, but the smile is just like the devil in his eyes.

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