Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1172

The hermit God thought about it seriously and replied, "most of them are."

Families like them can better understand what kind of energy a large family like the Li family has.

If you say it to an ordinary person, he will only sigh. It's so powerful.

There is a sense of hope and impossibility.

But it's not the same for them. They have power in their hands and know their power.

So for the more powerful power, they will be more afraid.

Now all of a sudden offended two big guys, you say an Yizhe how can not be crazy?

"Wake up Li Shengxian."

Lin Kai has some headaches. It's easy to pretend to be crazy.

If you're really crazy, you'll have to send a psychopath.

On the other hand, the girl didn't speak.

See hidden God to touch Li Shengxian, don't want to jump in the past, tightly protect her behind her.

"You devils, stay away from your brother!"

She waved the dagger in her hand and stared at the hidden God with vigilance.

Lazy to waste time with her, Yin God directly knocked her out.

"What's wrong with me?"

Li Shengxian wiped the water on his face, but he didn't know the situation.

"You still have the face to ask?"

For Li Shengxian this time, Lin Kai is really a little disappointed.

You know, in his position, there are too many people who want his life.

Not to mention that Li Haoxian is still eyeing her.

If your home is under surveillance, you should lengthen your snack.

Li Shengxian bowed his head and turned red when he was roared by Lin Kai. This was his carelessness.

If it wasn't for the two of them today, I couldn't tell what would have happened to them.

After all, he underestimated some people's hearts.

If you want to kill him, you will not worry about the bottom line of morality.

"Brother Lin, don't worry. There won't be another time."

This is enough for him to remember!

Looking at an Yizhe who yells like a madman, Li Shengxian shows a cruel smile.

Whether it is true or false, he must become a complete madman.

"And the girl, you want to solve it."

For such a woman, Lin Kai really felt that there was no happiness to accept. It was simply killing people.

Because of this, he felt that women were more and more terrible.

"I know."

Li Shengxian squatted down and looked at the woman on the ground. I have to say that she is really good.

But the more he looked, the more he felt something was wrong.

He couldn't help saying, "brother Lin, do you think she's like Mr. He?"

Being reminded by Li Shengxian, it's really such a thing to have a closer look.

"Brother Lin, do you think she is Mr. He's missing daughter for many years?"

Lin Kai is not clear about he Zhishan's daughter.

Since Li Shengxian has said so, it's better to make a plan.

The only headache for him was how to make her obedient.

Lin Kai can't help but turn his eyes to Li Shengxian.

"Lingo, what do you think I do?"

Li Shengxian is afraid to take two steps back. He always thinks that Lin Kai has some hidden conspiracy.

"She is Mr. He's woman. You have to get him to cooperate."

"No, lingo, you..."

If it was a normal woman, he would never say more.

But this woman, he thinks he really can't.

Who knows when she goes crazy and kills herself?

However, thinking of he Zhishan's position, Li Shengxian promised to come down with a horizontal heart and a bite of his teeth.

I don't know why she likes herself, but it doesn't matter.

As long as this woman listens to herself, she can help her achieve what she wants.

Seeing Li Shengxian's promise, Lin laughed and said nothing.

It doesn't matter if they are father and daughter now.

If he Zhishan's daughter is not the daughter of he Zhishan, it would be a disguised compensation for his identity.

"What do you think, sir?"


Lin sighed and looked at the distance. He didn't know what he was thinking.

He just suddenly felt that he was being unscrupulous.

He was afraid that he would become the same person as Lin Yuan.

In fact, when you think about it carefully, aren't they just people?

Lin Kai shook his head in a funny way, laughing at how he could produce this kind of emotion for no reason.

"Yes, sir. Miss Lin Qianqian is looking for you."

Just now Lin Qianqian called him."What's the matter?"

"You are invited to a party."


"He Zhishan will also go."

The words of the hidden God changed his attention.


"The night after tomorrow."

There are only two days left. I hope she can cooperate well, otherwise I can only use tough means.

By the time Li Shengxian had dealt with the family affairs, Lin Kai had already left.

Looking at the woman who couldn't get up, he tied her up.

Otherwise, who knows this woman, can burst suddenly.

This is a madman. Play with the madman. Are you kidding me?

After tying up the woman, Li Shengxian had some doubts: "what did brother Lin do?"

I didn't tell myself what I had done.

Lin Kai, who was missed by him, looks at Huang Tianshi, who is disheartened in front of him. He feels helpless.

"You old man, what can I do for you this time?"

"How can you talk?"

"We are friends, can't we come to you if we have nothing to do with you?" said Huang

"What do you think you are?"

Being demolished by Lin Kai, Huang Tianshi scratched his head, somewhat embarrassed.

Hastily playing ha ha, think about this matter to fool the past.

"Look, you said that. Don't worry, I'm sure I won't pit you. Before that, it was all accidents, ha ha ha, accidents. "

looking at the embarrassed master Huang, Lin Kai sighed helplessly:" OK, let's talk about anything. "

This is the master of the three treasures hall.

Seeing that Lin Kai has said so, Huang Tianshi will not continue to shirk.

"I'm in trouble," he said with a low look

This sentence gives Lin Kai a jolt. It's not a simple thing to call this old thing trouble.

"I don't know where a female master came out and said she wanted to be with me!"

"Do I look like the kind of person who is disrespectful to the old? Naturally, she refused, but she pestered me

In fact, Lin kaiting wants to say that he is a person who is not respected by the old.

But judging from his face, we can see that this matter is not so simple.

"It's just that. She didn't know how many things she had harmed me and robbed my tripod! My tripod, that's my darling

Then Huang Tianshi clapped his thighs and wailed, looking aggrieved.

I'm old enough to be ashamed.

Listening to his deafening cry, Lin Kai felt that his ears were a little uncomfortable.

"Stop crying!"

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