Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1171

The girl rushed towards them, shouting as if she were her father's enemy.

"You two bad guys, you should die!"

When the girl rushed over, Lin opened his wrist and grabbed the girl's wrist directly. She threw the knife away because of the pain.


The girl yelled, covered her wrist and stepped back several times, staring at him fiercely.

"I don't know if you two dare to resist!"

An Yizhe angrily stares at them, and looks like he wants to eat them.

It's a shame to dare to treat him like that. He will never let them feel better.

"I tell you, if you provoke me to settle down, you will be finished!"

"Is it?" Lin opened his arms and looked at him.

"Can you tell me how to finish it?"

"I will let you not live, not die!"

"I'm so scared."

Although Lin opened his mouth to say so, but look can not see the slightest fear, anger anyizhe blush, thick neck.

"Well, I forgot to tell you, my father will be here in a moment, and then, hem."

An Yizhe sat on the sofa beside him, looking leisurely and leisurely.

He doesn't believe it. When his father comes, they dare to be so arrogant!

Anyone who provokes them to settle down will die miserably, even they are no exception!

"I'll wait!"

Lin Kai is a little curious. What will an do with his son?

If you let him go once, it doesn't mean you will miss the second time.

People's patience is limited.

Soon an MOU was sweating to Li Shengxian's home.

As early as an Yizhe called him and said where he was, he felt that things were wrong.

It turned out to be here, really.

When he saw Lin Kai and Yin Shen in the room, his heart beat "plopping" and he was eager to jump out of his throat.

Let alone see Li Shengxian on the table.

No matter what he was in a coma, it had nothing to do with his family.

Who keeps his son here.

At the same time offended Lin Kai and Li's family, an wants to faint on the spot.

His sons and daughters, how come they all lack the strength of their brains and settle down in a hurry.

An Yizhe completely did not notice an Mou's facial expression, saw own father to come over, happy not to be able to.

"Dad, it's these three idiots who are looking for trouble for me!"

An Yizhe indignantly said: "is not nearly pretending to die him, what is worth angry about, have not died!"

"Who do you think nearly killed?"

An covered his chest and felt some difficulty breathing.

He could not afford to offend these three, no matter which one.

But his son almost killed them?

Is this too happy?

"That's the one sitting on the sofa!"

Seeing his son almost killed Lin Kai, an's lips trembled and could not say a word.

This is a big man in Jiulongshan. Don't say that he was killed, but he didn't have the courage to scold him.

But what did his son say?

Almost killed him?

Not waiting for an MOU to slow down, an Yizhe continued: "they provoked me, naturally want to revenge back."

"Just let this stupid woman give them medicine."

Said here comfortable zhe looks at Lin Kai two people: "but these two bastards, dare to cheat me!"

"Dad, you must teach them a good lesson. I will make them worse than death!"

Looking at his son's face of resentment, an only felt as if after falling into the ice cave.

What kind of evil did he create? He finally let Lin open his door to settle down. His little son made such a big thing again.

At this time, easygoing zhe realized that there was something wrong with an Mou's face. He couldn't help but ask, "Dad, what's the matter with you?"

"Get out of here. I don't have a son like you. You'll never be my son again!"

An a hard slap, throw in an Yizhe's face, give him a stagger.

An Yizhe lenglengleng looked at him, half a day did not respond to come over, this is what happened.

It shouldn't be his father. Help him teach Linkai them a lesson?

How did it happen?

"Dad, what are you doing?" An Yizhe hardly knew what to say.

"What do I do? You still have the face to ask me what to do! Cough. "

An glared: "how can I have a son like you?"

"Do you know who this is? The Lord of Jiulong MountainAn pointed to Li Shengxian, who was unconscious on the table, and said, "do you know who's in trouble? Li Shengxian, the son of the first class aristocratic family in the East China Sea

"You dare to move them. I don't have a son like you!"

Although easygoing does not know what Jiulongshan is, he does.

My father is absolutely impossible to cheat himself, this is true.

Not to mention Linkai's Jiulongshan, he can't bear to be a Li family.

"Dad, isn't it true?"

In fact, an Yizhe is deceiving himself and trying to find some psychological comfort for himself.

"Not really? I would like to! "

An snorted coldly and said to Lin Kai, "Mr. Lin, I don't have this son. You can handle it as you like."

With that, anmou is ready to leave. He is not a fool.

At present, we can only abandon an Yizhe, or the whole family will be ruined.

In fact, from his son's words, he has already heard.

The first time he nearly killed Lin Kai, he didn't do anything, just to make his family face better.

But who wants to, he this no brain son, still dare to look for trouble for the second time.

Lin Kai has given them the face to settle down. He can't push his luck.

"Dad, don't do this!" An Yizhe's eyes were frightened to pull an Mou's arm, but was thrown away by him.

"It doesn't matter how far you go and how far you go from here on!"

An opened a nod to the forest, directly left.

Back determined, let people see all heartache.

Anyi zhe lenglengleng looking at an MOU to leave the figure, how also can't believe this is true.

"How could that be possible?" He muttered to himself.

According to what he thought, it shouldn't be like this.

Isn't Lin Kai their bad luck?

Why is he now?

Leng for a long time, an Yizhe scolded them: "you bastards, you are liars!"

"You don't think you can really have that identity by pretending to be like a dog!"

"You're a bunch of scum parasites, scum."

"You must admit your mistake, or you will be killed!"

Now an Yizhe thinks that this is Lin Kai's plot.

The person who just talked to him must not be his father. His father would not let others go.

Looking at an Yizhe who is crazy, Lin Kai rubbed his eyebrows with some headache: "is this scared crazy?"

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