Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1170

"And how did she do it?" Li Shengxian couldn't understand.

Now he would like to rush to the crazy woman and question her!

I don't remember. How could she know her information when she knew such a woman?

"Think for yourself." Lin Kai looked at him and thought he was a pig brain.

Without monitoring equipment, don't you know about remote monitoring?

Li Shengxian scratched his head and asked nothing more.

He wanted to ask the hermit what was going on. But thinking of what Lin Kai said before, I had to give up.

Looking at Li Shengxian scratching his ears, Lin Kai wants to laugh.

Li Shengxian wanted to break his head, but he couldn't think of it. Finally, he had to give up.

Looking at the messy home, he took orders to clean up.

When it came to the meal, I thought about it and ordered takeout.

Not long after knocking on the door, Li Shengxian looked at the takeaway, but also some doubts, did not expect to send it so soon.

Lin Kai took a look at the takeout. He didn't know why he was familiar with it, but he didn't remember who it was for a while.

"Brother Lin, the hidden God has eaten."

Li Shengxian could not help but stir his fingers when he saw the food with all kinds of colors and flavors.

But Lin Kai wants to say something. Seeing him like this, he can only shut up.

Li Shengxian's mouth was full of food. Seeing that Lin couldn't move, he asked, "brother Lin, are you swollen? Don't you eat it?"


Lin Kai picked up the food and glanced at it. He was facing the window of the dining table and gave a sneer. Then he ate the meal into his mouth.

After a while, Li Shengxian felt dizzy. He saw things in front of him.

"Brother Lin, how can I Why can't you see clearly? "

Li Shengxian rubbed his eyes and felt it was still a little fuzzy.

Just stood up, a soft leg, lying directly on the table, fainted.

Seeing him like this, Lin Kai and Yin Shen looked at each other and pretended to be in a coma on the table.

Two people are waiting, waiting for the appearance of the man who is giving the medicine.

As early as Li Shengxian opened the meal, Lin Kai smelled something was wrong.

I want to tell him, but I can't eat so fast.

However, it's also good to save Li Shengxian from pretending.

After waiting patiently for nearly half an hour, they heard a slight "click" from the gate.

Then a step, slowly approaching them.

"Brother, you are mine at last

A girl's fanatical voice sounded. Lin Kai and Yin Shen knew who it was without guessing.

This is definitely the girl they met when they came back.

I didn't expect her to move so quickly and quickly.

Two people lie on the table, no one moved, quietly waiting for her next move.

But with a comfortable gasp, they felt nothing else.

The girl's tone was a little shy: "I'm going to get rid of these two obstacles, so that I can stay with my brother forever."

Footstep sound slowly moved to Lin Kai's side, he felt a pair of callous fingers rubbing against his face.

"I didn't expect you were so valuable."

The woman "cackled" to laugh out: "that person but said, as long as I can catch you, let me and my brother forever together."

"I thought you were so hard to deal with. It's worth him so much money. Now it's just rubbish."

"It's bad luck to be friends with my brother."

Listening to the girl, Lin Kai couldn't help laughing.

Li Shengxian is loved by her. She has been a bloody mould for eight generations.

Lin Kai is waiting for the girl to call her partner.

Sure enough, after five or six minutes, seeing that they were not awake, the girl began to call.

Through the phone, they know that in a dozen minutes, that person will come.

Lin Kai wants to have a good look. Who dares to do such a thing!

After a while, Lin Kai felt that he was tied by something. He didn't have to think about it.

After they were tied up, the girl could be said to be up and down to Li Shengxian. She never let go of it.

Lin Kai even thought that if Li Shengxian knew it afterwards, he would be disgusted to death.

The bell rings, the girl said with a smile: "brother, you wait patiently."

After opening the door, a familiar voice came.

"Did you catch the two pariahs?"

"It's just two rubbish. It's easy to catch it." The girl's words are somewhat arrogant, as if they have done something great."Well done."

At this time, Lin Kai recognized that the voice was the one that almost hit him.

I didn't expect him to be so haunted and cooperate with such a madman.

"Now that you have them, you can rest assured that I will keep my promise."

An Yizhe kicked Lin Kai two feet, the voice is full of pride: "is not five million, card to you."

"And that man, hum, you can't teach him a lesson. It's really cheap for him."

Hearing that he wanted to move Li Shengxian, the girl was not happy for a moment: "you want to move brother? You touch him, I'll kill you

An Yizhe looks at the crazy girl, some scared back.

Just now, he almost forgot that Li Shengxian was her weakness, and he could never mention it.

"Don't worry, I won't touch him."

Seeing him say so, the girl put down the knife in her hand.

"Take them away. I'm going to sleep with my brother."

Anyizhe looked at the girl with some dislike. No wonder Li Shengxian looked down on her. At one glance, she was no different from a man.

"You help me get them out."

The girl wanted to refuse, but if they didn't leave, they couldn't be with Li Shengxian. She could only agree.

If you know what you want, Lin Kai, they don't have to pretend.

Easy to earn off, the body of the rope, Lin Kai movement of the body: "no trouble."

"You, you, you, this How could that be possible! "

An Yizhe pointed to Lin Kai and yelled: "you said they all fainted. Did you catch them all? What's going on? "

Seeing that they were safe and sound, the girl was also confused. She saw them eat with her own eyes. It can't be OK.

"It's impossible. How can they be ok?"

The girl is a little confused. Li Shengxian hasn't woken up yet.

"Don't talk nonsense to me. Don't catch them, or you won't want to be with your brother!"

By an Yizhe such a roar, the girl instantaneous reaction came over, took the knife to rush over.

"No one can stop me from being with my brother. I will kill you!"

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