Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1169

Leng for a long time, ease Zhe is furious to ask a way: "what do you mean?"

How dare you look down on them to settle down? What a pity!

But he was just a humble pariah. Who gave him the courage to say such a thing!

An Yizhe's chest heaved violently, and the wound on his face hurt badly.

A pair of eyes looked at them as if they were their enemies.

"You're finished!" An Yizhe stares at them indignantly.

He must make them pay the price and dare to look down on him like this.

"There's so much nonsense!" Lin Kai gave him a slap and fainted. Let Yinshen call Anji and get the goods back.

As far as he knows, Donghai's influential people are still surnamed an, so they will have a certain family.

"There are so many people." Li Shengxian sighed and shook his head. He thought that an Yizhe was a wonderful flower.

"Didn't you do the same before?"

Li Shengxian shook his head awkwardly when Lin Kai broke the stage like this. He didn't know what to say. He could only laugh twice.

"I was not too young and ignorant before."

Lin Kai shook his head funny and didn't say anything more.

To tell you the truth, Li Shengxian's progress is not small, but it is not enough.

"By the way, lingo, what do you think the girl behind has been following us?"

Li Shengxian tilted his head and glanced back. The girl immediately hid behind the tree.

"Maybe it's your beauty."

Lin made a rare joke and frightened Li Shengxian.

"Lingo, don't you."

Li Shengxian took a look at the little girl behind her: "you don't know me. You just like that kind of plump breasts. You really don't have any interest in such shriveled bean sprouts."

As soon as he thought of doing things, just like himself, he lost interest.

Looking at Li Shengxian with a sad face, Lin Kai couldn't help laughing.

But it was true that the little girl would be like a young man if she had not long hair.

"Lingo, don't make fun of me."

Before they had finished speaking, the woman came over.

Standing timidly in front of Li Shengxian, affectionate and somewhat shy.

Li Shengxian looks at Lin Kai with a bitter face. He won't really let him say it.

"Hello, do you have a girlfriend?"

The girl's words, exciting Ling let Li Shengxian fight a shiver.

Don't want to reply: "yes, we have been together for a long time."

He thought that by saying this, the girl would stop thinking about herself.

Did not expect the girl's words, directly shocked him.

"You don't have a girlfriend at all. I spy on you. No, I can see it at a glance."

"Watch me!" Li Shengxian looks at the girl angrily.

The security around his home is OK. How does she monitor herself?

See oneself say slip a word, the girl bowed her head and bit her finger, some embarrassed: "I just like you too much, just want to know what your life is like!"

Then she turned to look at Lin Kai: "brother, I'll help you kill him!"

The girl's look was a little crazy: "he dare to instruct his brother to do things, which is unforgivable!"

Lin Kai takes a look at the girl and thinks that most of her mental problems are abnormal.

"Let's go."

Li Shengxian didn't want to take care of this woman with brain disease, so he quickly followed up.

Seeing the two of them leave, the girl immediately quit.

Shivering from the side of a big pocket, took out a butterfly knife, closely followed two people behind.

"Why do you bully my brother? I won't let you go!"

The girl murmured to herself, holding the knife in her hand, she stabbed Lin Kai's back directly.

She thought it was Lin Kai's fault. Why should she direct her brother.

When the butterfly knife stabbed Lin Kai, the girl's hand was caught.

Lin Kai tried hard. She cried out in pain. The folding knife in her hand fell down directly.

"What are you doing in particular?" Li Shengxian stares at the girl angrily and feels relieved to see that Lin Kai is not hurt.

"Brother, don't be angry. Xiaoya knows that she is wrong."

The girl opened her eyes and looked sick. She kept mumbling: "don't make my brother angry, or my brother won't like myself!"

"You are so sick!" Li Shengxian can't be angry. He can't understand how he provoked such a pervert.

Lin Kai frowned at the girl. He didn't say anything. Let him deal with it by himself.

After solving the matter of Lin Yuan, he will leave the East China Sea sooner or later. It is impossible to tell him what to do with everything."Why don't you stay in a mental hospital?"

But for the sake of her mental illness, he would have done it.

By Li Shengxian such a roar, the girl looked at his eyes, more fanatical, a pair of hate to eat him.

Looking at Lin Kai and Li Shengxian a burst of cold.

Li Shengxian is also unlucky, do not know how to provoke such a girl.

Li Shengxian pulled Lin Kai's arm and whispered, "brother Lin, let's go. I'm afraid I can't help it!"

Seeing the two of them so close, the girl only felt that a heart was roasted on the fire, which was a little uncomfortable.

"Brother, why are you so nice to him?" The woman is a little unconvinced. She thinks that Lin Kai is a slut. She separates her from Li Shengxian.

She caught up to ask clearly, but Li Shengxian threw her away, one did not stand firm, directly fell on the ground.

Looking at Li Shengxian's hand, the girl couldn't help laughing: "great, brother touched me, I knew that my brother likes me!"

Lin Kai shook his head helplessly, feeling that the girl was completely hopeless.

Before she reacts, the three leave.

When the girl came back to her senses, there was no sign of a few people in front of her.

But she didn't worry at all, and her mouth showed a strange smile: "brother, you are mine! It can only be mine! No one can take it away! "

Thinking of Lin Kai just now, she seems to be saying to herself, "do you want me to kill him?"

She waited for a moment with her head tilted, as if someone was talking to her.

"You think I'm going to kill him, too. That's wonderful!" she said

They knew nothing about the girl.

Back home, Li Shengxian, inside and outside of the home rummaged over, nothing found.

"Fuck, that crazy woman, how on earth is she spying on me!"

Li Shengxian felt numb at the thought that he had been being watched by that crazy woman all the time.

"There is no monitor at home."

As early as he lived here, he had been checked by the hidden God.

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