Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1168

"I know." Li Shengxian nodded. He also wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to develop his own power. Naturally, he would not let the company's shares out too much,

"by the way, brother Lin, what's the matter with that Lin Yuan

This question has been held in Li Shengxian's mind for a long time, but it has not been asked.

Today, he couldn't help asking.

Listen to them, Lin Kai is very similar to that Lin Yuanlong. They still have the same surname.

Li Shengxian thinks that most of them are related by blood. As for why they want to kill each other, he knows more or less.

It's like their family, their brothers, fighting for the position of the head of the family.

In fact, he was just curious about what happened.

Lin Kai looks at Li Shengxian and thinks he won't ask.

"It's no big deal. It's about the same as you."

He didn't want to explain so much, so he made an excuse casually.

Naturally, Li Shengxian could hear that, but Lin Kai said that. Naturally, he would not be ignorant.

A few people just walked along, no one spoke.

In the eyes of passers-by, we can see two handsome men, walking one after the other, like a couple of lovers.

There are some girls on the side of the road who take photos of them with their mobile phones and point out.

Li Shengxian looks at Lin Kai in front of him. What he wants, he can't open his mouth.

In fact, he understood the answers to some questions.

But people are very strange, always want to hear each other's own answers.

All of a sudden, a sharp brake sound sounded, and Li Shengxian yelled and rushed forward.


He yelled. Before he could go, he was pulled away by the hidden God.


He looked at the impact of the car and rushed madly.

"Come back!"

Lin Kai's sudden voice revived Li Shengxian.

He was stupefied to look at the direction of Lin Kai, and rushed to the past.

After he was sure that he was holding the fresh Lin Kai, his hanging heart was released, and then there was endless anger.

Looking at the sports car that hit the road, he sent Lin Kai and pulled the driver out of the driver's seat.

Looking at the man patting his head, there are still some Leng Shen men, do not want to think is a punch up.

Just because of him, Lin Kai was almost killed.

It was a light in his life. Without it, he didn't know what crazy things he would do.

"Fuck your uncle. If your eyes are useless, they will be donated to those in need. If you use them, you will fart."

"You are such a fool. You don't look at the road when you drive?"

"I'll kill you!"


Li Shengxian punched one after another, and soon the man was beaten black and blue.

I was dizzy because of the crash. Now Li Shengxian has been doing this for a long time.

After the reaction, looking at the scars on his body, the man was furious.

"What the hell do you dare to beat me?"

I can't be comfortable and philosophical. I'm really in trouble today. I met such a fool.

"I just hit him. What happened? If you have the ability, hold it for me

Because he spoke loudly, the scar on his face was burning with pain. His tears were coming out. He was still the first time he was beaten like this!

"I'm tired of fighting

He looked at the scrapped sports car and kicked it on the way up. It seemed that he didn't get rid of gas. After a while, the body was covered with footprints.

Looking at the crazy an Yizhe, Lin Kai didn't want to waste time: "let's go."

About but a brain disease just, there is no need to worry about what.

Although Li Shengxian was not satisfied in his heart, Lin Kai said that he had to leave with him.

To ask them to leave, anyizhe naturally quit and stopped the three people directly.

"Stop, you beat me and you want to go. There is no such good thing in the world!"

He held out his two fingers and said, "let me beat you, or I'll come back."

"Or you'll be my Valet for a year, and I'll let you jump into the sea, and I'll go to hell!"

Hearing his words, Lin Kai couldn't help laughing. He really dared to say so.

He didn't have to talk to him. Li Shengxian took him back directly.

Because he didn't teach him a good lesson. Thus angry Li Shengxian, can be regarded as an excuse to vent.

"Who do you think you are?" Li Shengxian with height advantage, looked at him from a commanding position: "lick a face, say this kind of words, really laugh to death me!""You almost hit us. Do you still feel honored?"

"We don't have a special size to ask you for an arm, a leg. It's your great honor."

"How dare you compare with your father here? What are you? "


Li Shengxian directly scolded an Yizhe. He looked at Li Shengxian blankly and didn't know how to refute it.

After a while, he roared: "you mean thing, dare to talk to me like this?"

"Do you know who I am? I'm the existence that you can't afford in your life

"Wise people, make a choice quickly, and find someone to kill you

An Yizhe arrogantly looks at them, but is a group of pariah, dare to talk to him like this?

He also shamelessly threatened him. It's really a joke.

Their identity can scare them to death.

Looking at the elated an Yizhe, Lin Kai and Li Shengxian want to laugh.

"What is your identity, please?"

"Do you know how to settle down? Do you know an MOU? That's my dad

Hearing him say an MOU, Li Shengxian and Lin Kai looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.

Is that an MOU?

If you want to see a son, you can't offend Lin?

Even if Lin Kai hit them in front of him, an didn't dare to talk nonsense.

"What are you laughing at?" An Yi Zhe is not angry, the car key in the hand, threw to them directly.

"A group of pariah, apologize to me quickly!"

"What qualifications do you have? Let's apologize!"

Lin kaichong and Li Shengxian nodded. He can handle this kind of thing.

Li Shengxian grinned grimly and walked towards an Yizhe step by step, which scared him to retreat constantly.

"What are you going to do? Don't come here! Or I won't let you go! " He threatened loudly, but for Li Shengxian, it was no use.

But it's just a place to settle down. What if it's a fight?

"Now I also give you two choices. One is to kneel down and apologize to us, and the other is that I have directly discarded one of your arms!"

"Dare you An Yizhe looks at Li Shengxian with fear.

Seri stubble roared: "do you know how the settlement exists? You can't afford to offend you! "

"Is it?" Li Shengxian couldn't help laughing: "but it's a pity that I don't pay attention to settling down."

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