Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1054

The moment those four people appeared, the whole hall froze.

It's hard to bear the breath of the wind, just like a wave beating the sky.

Just in a moment, the four men with strong breath appeared in front of the public.

Feel the surging Qi and blood, like a wild beast to suppress him.

Black tower panicked and roared: "four Masters level strong!"


The whole hall is dead, and the audience is shocked!

Li Haoxian's eyes suddenly burst and his brain almost exploded.

Four masters?!

This four masters gather here?!

Li Chengjia's temple is constantly bulging, shocked and stunned.

Black tower was so frightened that she kept retreating back. She was so scared that she didn't dare to say another word.

No one knows better than them what a master stands for?

It's said that when you reach the master's territory, you can move mountains and fill the sea, and fly up in half a step. The world is close to invincible.

One man and one sword can defend half the capital.

One person, one shot can turn over ten cities!

Now, four masters gather here, standing behind Lin Kai, not to mention the East China Sea, looking at the entire border.

How many people can compete with it?

Hardly exist!

"This, this..."

Li Shengxian, who had just been worried about Lin Kai, opened and closed his mouth and couldn't say a word.

What kind of energy can we summon the four strong masters in a word?

He, who is he?

What is your identity?

"You just said, just need a word, can let Lin Mou smash to pieces?"

Lin Kai smiles, plays with his tail finger, and lightly points Li Haoxian's forehead.

Tick, tick, tick.

Drops of cold sweat kept rolling down Li Haoxian's forehead.

His larynx is surging up and down, and his palms are covered with sticky cold sweat, which is extremely tense.

"You're kidding. Don't get me wrong."

Li Haoxian shivered and said, showing a smile even worse than crying.

"Is it?"

Lin Kai's voice suddenly sank, slapped heavily, and took it out ruthlessly.

Li Haoxian's heart almost jumped out of his throat and was slapped motionlessly.

He would have been mad if he had been in normal times.

But today, he dare not!

It can be said that no one dares to disobey Lin Kai.

"How about beating you? Lin is very curious. Is your face made of gold? Can't fight? "

Lin Kai's eyelids drooped, straightened his cuffs, and asked casually.

"Yes, yes." Li Haoxian said with a smile.

Li Chengjia gets up in a hurry, laughs heartily, and walks toward Linkai.

He pretended to be very hot, as if he had been friends with Lin Kai for many years.

"Little brother, the previous thing was that I made a mistake first. Now don't worry about it..."

But I didn't finish.

Yin Shen stepped forward and blocked Li Cheng's way. He said in a low voice, "please step back."

Li Chengjia explained with a smile: "this gentleman and I..."

"I'm sorry, you are not qualified to see my husband yet. If you go further, there will be no amnesty."

The words of the hidden God are as sharp as the cold wind of the twelfth month.

Li Chengjia's body became stiff, and his face was even worse than eating excrement.

Just now, he was so arrogant that Lin Kai was a waste. He couldn't even sit with the Li family in his whole life.

How long has it taken now to be close to each other?

In fact, in the final analysis, although he does not understand Lin Kai's identity, but from the other side there are four master level bodyguards, he can not provoke.

This group of people want to destroy the Li family, just a slap down, the Li family will disappear!

Hiss, hiss.

When Li Jiayuan saw this scene, he took a cold breath.

Is the master of the Li family so shriveled in front of a yellow haired boy?

The key is not only can't get angry, but also have to nod with a smile?

They almost thought their eyes were wrong, but they had never seen such a humble and humble Li family leader!

So far, this is the first time.

And the most shocking thing is that the other side will kill each other when he opens his mouth, which leads to Li Chengjia not daring to take more steps!

What a bully?

How rampant?

After Lin Kai's hands are negative, the wind is light and the clouds are light, and his eyes are cold and he glances at the black tower.

Just now, the other party almost killed him with a fist. How could he ignore the existence of this one.

He can't care so many people today.

But black tower can't!He must die today!

Eyes fell on the black tower of a moment, the black tower directly paralyzed on the ground, constantly kowtow to apologize.

"I'm sorry, it's not my business. I'm just following orders."

"I would also like to ask this gentleman to hold his hand high, and not to dispute with me so much."

Black tower's face was full of fear, pale as paper, just like a dog.

Now he is very regretful in his heart. He has nothing to do. Why should he provoke this one.

He is not a fool.

If you don't have the strength, how can you make a big noise here, or even slap the big young master of the Li family in public?

Do you really think the other party is just a maniac with no ability and confidence?

"I was wrong, wrong."

Heita Yang raised his hand and kept beating his mouth. The blood was pouring out.

But he didn't stop.

Because he dare not!

"Did you think about killing me just now?"

Lin Kai asked.

Hetaan raised his head and stopped gesturing, "I said no, do you believe it?"

At that time, he really wanted to kill Lin Kai.

But now he's afraid to tell the truth.

Lin Kai hears the sound, smiles slightly, does not open a mouth.

The atmosphere solidified in an instant.

People around, standing in the same place, dare not move, do not dare to breathe.

Now the leader of the play is Lin Kai.

No one dares to act boldly before he opens his mouth.

This is the domineering power in a person.

"Take him on the road." Lin Kai leisurely sat on the chair, poured a cup of tea, and casually ordered.

"No, no!"

Black tower screamed in horror.

But it doesn't help.

Yin Shen slapped the huge head of the black tower, split into pieces in an instant, just like the blood of watermelon juice, splashing everywhere.

The air was instantly filled with a heavy smell of blood.

"Dead, dead..."

Li Haoxian swallowed his saliva with difficulty. He was so scared that he almost fainted.

This NIMA.

So fierce a big man, and Gu Wu beside the body, was so easily slapped to death by the other side?

It's terrible


The rest of them swallowed their saliva and looked at Lin Kai with twinkling eyes.

However, Lin Kai didn't take a look at this side. For him, no matter who died, he was an insignificant mole ant.

He quietly tasted the tea and said casually, "it's really rude. I'm so sorry to make you scared."

Li Chengjia's heart beat faster, this momentum?

Much better than him!

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