Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1053

Lin Kai suddenly grabbed Li Haoxian's tianlinggai and pulled down with his backhand.


Li Haoxian's head collided violently with the wall.

"BAM Bang Bang --"

on the whitewashed wall, there are cracks and a trace of blood flowing down the wall.

"You really make me impatient."

"Why do you always ignore my words?"

Lin Kai tidies up his clothes and sits on his chair with a knife. Then he straightens his facial expression, revealing a smile of bathing in the spring breeze.

He looked very gentlemanly, as if he had just started to beat someone and almost ran away, just like someone else.

This atmosphere.

To everyone's dismay.

This young man seems to be in his twenties. How could he be so oppressed?

It's just one person.

However, his every move shows his powerful demeanor, just like a thousand troops marching on horses.

He was too light, and there was no tension or fear at all.

It didn't look like an ordinary person at all, so people were shocked.

Don't say that they are ordinary people. Even Li Jiayuan, a group of noble people, dare not act like Lin Kai!

"Your Excellency has been a little too much today!"

Li Chengjia's voice is very cold and loud, and his old face is extremely ugly.

No matter how tired he is of Li Haoxian in the end, he is his son after all.

Teach your son, don't need others to do it, let alone outsiders!

Lin Kai's behavior has violated Li Chengjia's taboo and aroused his anger!

Even more afraid of so many people on the scene, if he did not make a statement, it would be a loss of face?

Li Shengxian walked to the front nervously and said in a low voice: "brother Lin, how can you be so reckless? I can't keep you like this!"

"I'll hold on for you later, and you'll run away."

How much energy does the Li family have? He knows clearly in his heart, although Lin Kai is very powerful.

But he still does not think that Lin Kai alone, in the home of the Li family, to get the slightest benefit.

With that, he doesn't care about Lin Kai's state and expression.

He hurried forward, kneeling on the ground, pleading: "father, Lin Kai is my man. He moves big brother today. It's all right for me to discipline him."

"In the final analysis, it's my fault. I should bear the consequences. Please don't blame Lin Kai for it!"

Words fall.


His head was on the ground, without any hypocrisy.

For him, pain, humiliation is nothing.

The most important thing is to protect Linkai.

These days, he regarded Lin Kai as the most respected elder brother in his life.

Never have the heart to see him go wrong.

Lin Kai gazed at Li Shengxian. He was silent for a long time.

He has experienced the warmth and coldness of human feelings, and has already had his own understanding of the world.

Today is Li Shengxian. Otherwise, no one would have done so for him.

He even took the initiative to take all the responsibilities and asked him to leave first.

This feeling.

Lin Kai Ling!

At this time, Li Shengxian lowered his head and kept winking at Lin Kai and wanted him to go.

But Lin Kai stood there, indifferent.

"Come on, kill this maniac directly!" Li Chengjia snorted coldly, and gave orders with lofty sentiments.

Almost in an instant.

A huge figure fell from the sky.


He fell heavily on the ground and the floor cracked like an earthquake.

All the people around were staggering, and even if they tried to stand still, it was still useless.

This man is too tough!

He is nearly two meters tall and weighs 125 kilograms, or 250 kilograms.

His muscles in the hot sun, the flow of luster, like a special pimple.

Standing beside him, I feel like a wall beside him. It's terrible!

His name is heita. He was hired by the Li family to protect his family.

"My God, the black tower has come out!"

"Is it the black tower that used to tear a lion in North America and open the leopard's head with one punch?"


All the dignitaries on the scene were taking a breath of cold, their hearts were cold and their hair was standing up.

Looking at that majestic and majestic, like the black tower of a mountain.

Their legs and stomachs were shaking wildly and they were extremely nervous.

"You've come just in time. I haven't been active for a long time since I came to Li's house.""I hope you can resist beating some. If you don't hit me with one blow, you will become flesh and mud directly!"

Black tower shakes his fist, and his muscles swim like beads, making a cracking sound like fried soybeans.

He moved forward a step, and suddenly a dark shadow covered the forest.

"Ha ha, you go on crazy! Aren't you arrogant just now? "

"Why, are you afraid now? Don't you dare to fart? "

Li Haoxian comes over arrogantly and looks at Lin Kai contemptuously.


What are you going to fight them with?

"You can make a difference between me and you with one finger."

He continued to be arrogant.

Li Chengjia slightly raised his head and said in a deep voice: "you are very wrong. My Li family is definitely not a nobody. Wild cats and dogs can move."

"With you, I'm not qualified to sit on the level with my Li family in my life!"

Seeing that things could not be controlled, Li Shengxian hurried over and said nervously, "brother, this is over. Why don't you go now? There's no chance."

"No matter, after today, he will respect me like a god!"

Linkai took a step forward and raised his hand.

In full view of the public, he took it in Li Haoxian's face.

It's not strong. It's just loud.

"What if I touch you?" Lin Kai smiles and inquires leisurely.

Hiss, hiss.

The people around are taking a cool breath.

"This NIMA is so tired of life that she wants to die."

"Do you really think you are such a powerful person that you dare to break the ground on the Lord Tai Sui?"

"What do you mean? The more unfavourable the situation is, the more it will jump up and down? "

They shook their heads and sneered at Lin Kai's eyes. They were already looking at a dead man.

They've never seen a reptile like this.

"Take him on the road!" Li Cheng's family is very sharp.

"Since you sincerely want to die, I will send you down to the grave!"


Black tower a roar, shaking, like iron pimple fist, instant explosion.

Seeing his fist getting closer and closer, Lin Kai still does not move like a mountain.

"Ha ha, you're such a waste. I don't know where you're going to be. You're rampant!"

Black tower kept laughing and his voice was deafening.

But at the moment when his fist was about to fall on Lin Kai's head.

Huhuhuhu --

the whole hall was swept by the fierce and murderous meaning.

I see.

Four figures roared like ghosts.

They took a step forward.

Black tower on the explosion of a step back, and the eyes hyperemia, eyes to crack!

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