Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1055

They slapped the eldest son of the Li family in public, and did not give the master of the Li family any face in public.

He even killed the black pagoda, a famous Han in the ancient Wu Kingdom.

At the end of the day, he said lightly that you were frightened. Lin was extremely sorry?

The most important thing is that the other party is sitting there enjoying tea leisurely, and they can't fart at all.

This he

Who is it?

At this moment, people look at Lin Kai's eyes, full of reverence, as if they were their own idols.

How many men do not want to be so powerful and domineering?

Li took a deep breath and thought about the strategy.

He knows that things can't go on like this.

Otherwise, the Li family will never get any benefits.

If the other party can beat heita to death, his eldest son may die on the spot.

He frowned and made a subtle move towards Li Haoxian.

Li Haoxian's face changed dramatically. Finally, he still hardened his head and walked toward Linkai with his teeth clenched.

"I'm very sorry for Mr. Lin's disrespect to you not long ago."

"Today's move, but also by the lard heart, also ask you massive, adults don't care about people."

He was smiling, but he didn't dare to look up at Lin Kai. He was afraid.

Lin Kai put down his tea cup and glanced at him carelessly.

The voice was very low and said, "kneel down!"

Li Haoxian's face turned red and his teeth clenched. His heart was filled with anger.

Even though the strength of the other side is very strong, he is still very unhappy.

After all, being slapped in public today is a total loss of face.

He was asked to kneel down.

How can you raise your head to be a man?


Li Haoxian showed a smile, bent his legs and knelt down.

There was no hesitation.

But his heart is hidden in his heart. He intends to find an opportunity to let Lin Kai die without a burial place.

After all, he was spoiled and spoiled since childhood. People around him are respectful to him and have never been so wronged.

What Lin Kai did to him today can be said to be a great disgrace for his whole life!

It has to be returned!

Li Chengjia walked forward with a smile and bent over to flatter him and said, "he also admits his mistake. Do you think so, sir?"

Lin Kai stood up slowly and walked towards the door without hesitation or hesitation.

In his mind, these people are just little ants.

I really don't want to argue with each other.

They are more afraid of each other or Li Shengxian's relatives.

If you don't look at the faces of monks and Buddhists, you can't really kill them.

Otherwise, Li Shengxian will be cold hearted.

Lin Kai's figure gradually drifted away, watching him leave, the crowd breathed a sigh.

It's like a mountain that has been pressing on the heart and suddenly disappears.


Li Cheng's family breathed a sigh, and no longer had to worry so much.

Just now he was extremely nervous, and his heart beat faster for fear that Lin Kaizhen would be in trouble.

"Dad, I must revenge and find this place back!"

"I have never been so humiliated in my life!"

Li Haoxian slowly stood up from the ground, gnashing his teeth, and his eyes were full of fierce light.

Li Chengjia, who had put down his heart, almost jumped out of his throat when he heard this.


He hated that iron was not steel. He slapped Li Haoxian's head heavily and scolded angrily, "do you still want revenge?"

"Do you know what kind of person is behind him? If you start, don't say it's you, don't say it's my Li family. "

"Even if all the dignitaries of Donghai city stand up, they can't resist the slap of each other. I think you've lost your heart!"

A strong master!

One man and one sword can defend half the capital of a country.

Ten cities can be overturned with one shot.

There are four of them!

It's no exaggeration to say that this small town of Donghai city only needs a finger of the other party to reach down, and the earth will be overturned!

Li Haoxian was slapped, standing on one side, dare not say a word more.

But in my heart, I can't do it openly, I can make a stumbling block in secret.

That's what we call it.

Is there any kind of king and Marquis?

Willing to cut himself, dare to drop the emperor!

I have to say that if Lin Kai knew what Li Haoxian really thought, he would praise him.

With time, this son must meet the wind and turn into a dragon.

He's a man of great potential.

"Let's leave a few words with my father for the time beingLi Chengjia felt a little tired and waved his hand. His voice was weak.

What happened at home recently had already exhausted him.

Today, the Li family almost led them to the collapse. Naturally, they were even more tired.

People look at Li Chengjia, but dare not say more.

I went out in a hurry.

With a sneer in his mouth, Li Haoxian has already speculated why his father stayed in Li Shengxian.

However, even if you get your father's attention, it's not so easy to be an heir.

Next, my brother will let you understand what real strength is.

The rest of Li's descendants were slightly dissatisfied, but they were not as resourceful as Li Haoxian.

All left in a hurry.

In a twinkling of an eye, there are only two people left in the room, that is, Li Shengxian and Li Chengjia.

"Sit down." Li Chengjia grabs Li Shengxian's hand and pulls him to his seat. He is extremely amiable.

Li Shengxian, a father with such an attitude, was also in contact for the first time. He was slightly flattered and laughed at him.

After they sat down.

Li Chengjia said: "in recent days, your father has seen what you have done. Generally speaking, you have done well, and you have improved a lot."

Li Shengxian scratched his head and said, "next time, I will work harder and live up to my father's expectations."

Naturally, he knew that he was able to achieve his present achievements only through the guidance of Lin Kai.

Otherwise, he would have been black and blue by his elder brother.

"Ha ha, how is your relationship with Lin Kai? Tell your father? " Li Chengjia patted Li Shengxian on the shoulder and asked.

He, an old fox, had already made an abacus when he saw that Lin Kai was accompanied by four masters.

You know, they are four masters!

If you get the support of Lin Kai, the status of the Li family will certainly rise.

No matter who is in front of his Li family, he must tremble!

Four masters, God block kill God, Buddha block kill Buddha!

Invincible in Donghai city!

Li Shengxian naturally understood the intention of his father's words, but still pretended to be simple.

Frowning and flustered, "father, I know elder brother Lin is reckless today, but he is my best brother. You must not trouble him."

"He has helped me many times. If something happened to Li's family, I will surely blame myself all my life, and ask my father to let me go!"

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