Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1049

Compared with the two people's happiness, more people believe that today's scenes, is a visual feast.

To suppress so many heroes on the scene with one's own strength.

How wonderful and exciting it was.

Although no one knows what Lin Kai is, what he saw and heard today is enough to boast about for half a year on the wine table.



Lin Kai took a car and headed for the Li family.

After getting out of the car.

He came to Li's back garden, sat in the pavilion and tasted tea in silence.

In the back garden, there are enchanting and magnificent flowers, which are expensive and full of varieties.

With the wind blowing, a breath of fresh flowers came from my nose.

As far as Lin Kai is concerned, there is no place like this in nuota Donghai.

Right now.

Li Shengxian is excited to run from a distance, see Lin Kai in the pavilion, smile more happy.

"Brother Lin, my father will be back tomorrow morning. You must get up early."

He sat on the bench and said happily, "if I fly into the sky this time and get my father's attention, I must repay elder brother Lin's help recently."

Lin Kai poured a cup of tea and said, "you'd better be careful. None of your elder brothers is an oil-saving lamp."

Li Shengxian naturally knows.

These days of fighting, let him physically and mentally weak, if not for Lin Kai around, he might have died.

The luckiest thing is to lose the qualification of competition and become a waste that nobody cares about.

Take a breath of today's rumors.

"Brother Lin, do you know that there is a legend in Donghai city today

Lin kailue was surprised. He put down his teacup and asked, "what's the matter? I haven't heard of it. "

He racked his brain to think, also did not want to understand, in recent days, which fierce character appeared.

When Lin Kai asked this question, Li Shengxian said excitedly.

"Just today, he suppressed the head coach he Lao with his own strength."

"Forcing tens of thousands of his disciples to kneel, you don't know what kind of scene it is!"

"Tens of thousands of people kneel alone! What a hero

Li Shengxian spits and starlings fly, his eyes showing worship.

If there is a chance, he must make friends with each other, such a character, in order to be regarded as a real man.

After Lin Kai understood, he looked strange. The tea he had just drunk almost burst out.

For a long time.

The legend in his mouth is himself?

Seeing Lin Kai's appearance, Li Shengxian thought he thought he was exaggerating.

"Brother Lin, I'm not talking nonsense. It's true. The whole city of Donghai is talking about him."

"Unfortunately, I don't know his name, and I don't know where he came from. He appears and disappears out of thin air."

In fact, many people went to ask him who he was.

However, they were pushed and dragged by Mr. He, and no news was disclosed.

As a result, Lin Kai's identity became more and more divine, and the more he was said, the more powerful he became.

"I have heard a little about it." Lin Kai nodded and pretended to be serious.

Li Shengxian was relieved and said: "from now on, he is my goal, and I want to be like him, and try to suppress all the heroes."

Lin Kai smiles and says nothing.

He doesn't want to explain this matter. It's better to keep a low profile.

If you surround yourself with too many halos, there will be more and more troubles.



In the office.

Li Haoxian was sitting on the office, his hands wandering on the Secretary's body, his mouth with a trace of a bad smile.


The Secretary pretended to be delicate and gave a sweet cry.

The whole man rushed to Li Haoxian's arms.

Li Haoxian's temperament is very big, one hand presses the Secretary, put her on the table, is preparing to work.

The door was suddenly broken open.

And then.

Panting and flustered, Li Longxian ran in from the door.

"What are you doing? Are you crazy? Don't knock first when you come in? "

Li Haoxian was so angry that he pointed to Li Longxian's nose and swore.

"There's a big deal. It's about my father coming back tomorrow to offer a gift." Li Longxian gasped and sat down on the boss's chair.

Li Haoxian did not even look at him.

Put out your hand.

"Stab" sound.

Tear the Secretary's stockings into pieces.

"Brother, stop playing. It's really important." Li Longxian cried in a hurry."If you have something to say, you can fart quickly. With my thirteen younger brother, you can stand out in the ceremony tomorrow?"

"Don't be funny."

Li Haoxian showed some small, very disdainful.

He knows the skill of his brother.

A simple loser.

But in the next second.

Li Longxian's words did not startle the dead and said: "he, he found the jade seal of the Qin Dynasty and the Bi!"

"And I'm going to give it to my father tomorrow. How does my brother feel?"

Li Haoxian's smile suddenly stopped.

Instead, there is a heavy color.

"Is that true? Did he find he Shibi? " Li Haoxian took a step forward, his eyes were cold and he asked.

"My brother saw it with his own eyes, and there was absolutely no fraud."

Li Longxian swears to heaven.

Hiss, hiss.

Li Haoxian suddenly took a breath of cold air, and his previous contempt was dispelled and replaced by a dignified color.

Li Longxian absolutely dare not cheat him.

Since he said so, it's 100% true.

"Think of a way to steal he Shibi, and we can't let him present successfully tomorrow!"

Li Haoxian slapped heavily on the table, the tone is beyond doubt.

"I understand, but I don't know where he Shibi is hiding. "

Li Longxian's mouth twitches. It's just bullshit.

Things are in the hands of others. They must be well protected. How can they be easily found?

"I don't want to repeat my words a second time!"

Li Haoxian's eyes were gloomy and his voice was like the cold wind in winter.

The jade seal of the Qin Dynasty, which represents the dragon power of heaven and earth, is of great significance.

It's even more frightening. It's the most domineering jade seal of Qin Shihuang in history, which is even more extraordinary.

At that time, his identity will certainly plummet, and Li Shengxian will definitely succeed.

This is not what he wants to see.

"Yes, my brother will do it now."

Li Longxian is very dissatisfied, but still full of smile, respectfully said.

After all, Li Haoxian has to rely on his life in the future, otherwise he would have been in trouble.


He hurried out of the company and called Li Shengxian.

"Hello, what's up?"

Li Shengxian, sitting in the garden, was surprised to receive a phone call.

They almost had a fight today, and the other party even called him?

What medicine is sold in this gourd?

Li Longxian, with a smile, said: "brother, today's things, I think about it, when the elder brother some can't live."

"After all, we are brothers. We should not become enemies for the sake of interests."

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