Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1050

"In fact, in my brother's opinion, it's not worth the loss. Brother's feelings are more important than anything else."

Hearing Li Longxian's words, ten thousand grass mud horses galloped past in Li Shengxian's heart.

What's the situation?

When I went to Shengding ancient building today, I was not sneering at me. Was it busy?

How a blink of an eye, like a change in general?

"What does that mean? Is it hard for him to reconcile with me? " Li Shengxian covers the microphone, looks at Lin Kai and asks.

Lin Kai sneered: "you are really naive. According to my guess, he probably wants to take away your He Shi Bi."

"So I'll pretend to be reconciled. After I get the Heshi Bi, I'll turn against you."

Li Shengxian was so angry that he almost burst out, "how could he be so insidious? No, I must kill him

With that, he clenched his fists, got up, and was about to leave.

"Don't worry. Although we don't know whether he means true or false, we can make a plan."

"Promise him first and see what he says next."

Hearing this, Li Shengxian regained his composure.

This just smile to the phone, way: "elder brother, I thought, you said good."

Li Longxian was very happy in his heart. He was really a fool. He was so easy to cheat.

"In that case, my brother must buy you a drink today and make an apology to you. In this way, we can turn a quarrel into a piece of silk."

Li Shengxian was obviously stunned, "now?"

"Now!" Li Longxian cut the railway.

Li Shengxian took a look at the time. It was just two o'clock in the afternoon. What kind of wine was he drinking?

Who drinks, drinks so early, does not all wait for the sky slightly dark, then drinks again, has the atmosphere?

This is the sun.

He turned to look at Lin Kai and wanted to see what Lin Kai thought.

Lin Kai nodded.

Li Shengxian replied in a hurry: "OK, but I have to wait for me to clean up."

"Well, we'll see you later. I'll send the address to your mobile phone."

After Li Longxian hung up the phone, he sneered and went to report the results to Li Haoxian.

Then, came to the hotel, took the lead in ordering dishes, wine.

He is very resourceful to mix the wine together to produce a high degree of liquor, to make Li Haoxian drunk.

At that time, good to start looking for he Shi Bi.

He is preparing for it. Lin Kai takes Li Shengxian to the antique market to look for the counterfeit heshibi.

When everything is ready.

The two sides met with each other.



Hotel suger.

Box 370.

The table is full of fresh and delicious food.

Li Longxian sat in the main seat, looking at the wine in the bottle, and a smile flashed across his mouth.

Thirteen, thirteen.

With your simple head, you can't imagine what I'm going to do today?

Tomorrow, I'll see how you make a fool of yourself.

It's too bad to be in the Li family.

Just as he was thinking, the door suddenly opened.

After seeing Lin Kai and Li Shengxian.

Li Longxian, with a smile on his face, stood up in a hurry to greet him. I didn't know how good the relationship between the three of them was.

It's just that he's a little upset, and Lin Kai even follows him.

This guy has repeatedly destroyed my good deeds. If he finds a chance, he must be beaten up.

"Come, come, sit." Li Longxian quickly opened his chair and invited them to take their seats.

Lin Kai and Li Shengxian looked at each other and saw the smile in each other's eyes.

"Brother, I thought about it after you told me today

"In fact, I don't want to destroy the harmony between brothers, fighting openly and secretly. This will not only hurt my strength, but also destroy my feelings."

"You have taken care of your brother for so many years. Today, the main reason is that you can't chill."

Li Shengxian took a bold seat. The scene was so perfect that no one could find fault.

"I don't need to say anything. I'm mainly wrong today. I'd like to propose a toast to my brother and apologize to him."

Li Longxian stood up and put the wine on Li Shengxian's table.

Then he took out the ordinary foreign wine and filled it with it.

"My brother will accompany you."

Li Shengxian smiles a little, then raises his head and drinks it down.

Seeing that the other side didn't notice the difference, Li Longxian felt more and more proud.

Laozi is really a genius. The design plan is perfect and no one can notice it.

After that, he finished drinking the wine and showed a smile: "we have uncovered the previous things."

"From now on, if you have any difficulties, I will tell my brother, and I will do my best to help you!"Li Shengxian only felt that his head was about to explode.

Although the wine just now is sweet to the throat, it feels that there is a breath in it.

After a drink, the head seems to be covered with a layer of gauze, half drunk not drunk.

And the stomach is blazing, as if burning in general, extremely uncomfortable.

He sat on the chair, did not say a word for a long time, just kept burping, his face became more and more ruddy.

Lin Kai was surprised to see this scene.

What kind of wine is this, so strong?

Can't one drink be enough?

"Brother, I should apologize to you for what happened yesterday." Li Longxian poured the wine and his smile was as bright as a flower.

Lin Kai sneered in his heart.

It's from Laozi.

I didn't expect you to be so insidious, make such a strong wine, and come and mess with us.

Let's see tomorrow, who put it together.

"I don't talk much. It's all in the wine." Lin was too lazy to talk nonsense with the other party, so he drank it all in one gulp.

Li Shengxian is not drunk on the table.

See this.

Li Longxian's face suddenly drooped.

He asked them, "where is he Shi Bi?"

Li Shengxian's brain was not clear at this time. He said directly and honestly: "elder brother Lin has always been on him."

Lin Kai raised his eyelids slightly and pretended to be depressed: "that's right."

"Ha ha, two fools."

Li Longxian was proud to break a mouthful, staring at Lin Kai: "you boy today arrogant very, now how not arrogant?"

"Even if you have great ability, you are still far behind in front of my grandfather. Tomorrow you two will wait to cry."

He said while searching for Lin Kai, and soon found Gao fan's he Shi Bi.

Then he whistled and headed for the door.

I waited more than ten minutes.

After confirming that Li Longxian left, Lin Kai opened his eyes and restored his former spirit.

Then set up Ning tincture drunk Li Shengxian, toward home.

No one thought that as soon as he went out, he was stopped by a waiter.

After listening carefully, Li Longxian ran away without paying the bill.

If Li Shengxian is still awake now, he will be angry and spit blood.

We are not cheated by money!

The two soon returned home and fell asleep.

The next morning.

Li's house was decorated with lanterns and the deafening sound of firecrackers rang out.

It is obvious that Li Shengxian's father is back!

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