Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1048

Just now I was so arrogant. I was the only one in the sky and the earth.

Even demolishing his brother's Shrine.

If Lin Kai didn't show up today, he would be humiliated after Canglong's death.

What makes Lin Kai feel funny is that.

The other party makes such a treacherous thing, a few words, on a stick of incense, want to expose?

Tianda's truth is on your side!

All the benefits of the world are stained by you alone!

"You are a man, and my brother is also a man. Why are you so superior and why should you humiliate him after his death?"

Lin Kaiwei's squinting eyes suddenly open.

With his right hand raised, a gust of vigorous wind roared away.


Humiliating slap in the face of he Lao.

The red palm print is visible to the naked eye.

"Aren't you the king of heaven? Fight back now

"Call your disciples and kill me!"

Lin opened his bow from left to right, and scolded while fighting. In an instant, he slapped dozens of times in the face.

Old he was beaten, his whole body trembled and his mouth overflowed with blood.

But he didn't dare to resist. He just begged for mercy and said, "I dare not. Please forgive me, sir. This time."


The corner of the mouth of the crowd is crazy, looking at this scene, only feel that their eyes are broken.

In front of him, the seven meat and eight vegetarians, kneeling and begging for mercy, is he Lao, who is usually superior?

Everyone was surprised, and even he's disciples felt incredible.

This young man is so fierce!

Old he dare not say a hard word, but also carefully beg for mercy.

This he

Why haven't you seen such a person in Donghai city before?

Most importantly, how old is this man?

It's terrible to have achieved so much just in my twenties!

"Sir, sir, please give me a chance." He Laoning looked at Lin Kai and said sincerely, "I promise you'll be satisfied. What you say will be obeyed."

Lin Kai suddenly turned around, put his hands behind his back, and said coldly, "all those who have just humiliated my brother's spirit in heaven should inform their family members to kneel down to offer their condolence."

"As long as I find out, if there is no one to come, kill them!"

With the fall of his voice, a chill suddenly filled the whole hall.

Right now.

No one dares to be opportunistic. They take out their mobile phones and inform their families to come.

Old he did not dare to hesitate. If he was not satisfied with the master in front of him, he might not see the sun tomorrow.

With Lin Kai's command coming out.

The whole Donghai city seems to be trapped in the earthquake. The people who are hard to count are moving towards Canglong's home.

This move attracted the neighbors around to watch.

I don't know what's going on.

Finally, a message comes out.

The youth who did not know where he came from attended Canglong's funeral in person.

Only a word came out that he Lao, who was honored as the chief coach, knelt on the ground and informed his family to come to worship Canglong.

"Who is it? Donghai city has never heard of such a person! "

"It's so fierce that hundreds of thousands of disciples and grandchildren have not been attacked by one person. It's unprecedented and there's no one coming after it!"

The discussion continued to spread, either in pubs or hotels.

In just a few hours, Lin Kai became the focus of the whole Donghai city.

The neighbors who came to see the scene in front of them were shocked.

Don't these people come to trouble with the Canglong family?

Why are you all on your knees?

And they are so distinguished because a young man knelt down?

It's too Is it shocking?

In the eyes of the public.

Lin Kai is still light, as if standing on his home court.

A kind of warrior's temperament radiated out.

He fixed his eyes on Zhang Chen and quickly stepped forward.

"Who's the woman who threatened Chen Qu just now?"

Asked Lin Kai.

"You may be mistaken. It's not my woman. It's my maid."

"To be a servant of this young master is her good fortune in her eight life."

"It's a great honor for me to take her in, such as this wild animal without father."

Zhang Chen shakes his head and laughs constantly. His mouth is crazy.

Lin Kai, who was serious in nature, chuckled when he heard this.

"Just because you have a good family and great strength, you can deprive a person of his freedom at will?"

"If you say she is a slave, she must go with you?"Anjie was nervous. Hearing this, her heart almost jumped out of her throat.

Hurry up to please Lin Kai and explain this matter clearly.

Unexpectedly, Lin Kai coldly pushed her away: "this matter, no one can intervene."

The implication is that the emperor and Laozi can't come!


"She was born in a humble family, and her life was lower than grass, so she was destined to kneel at my feet!"

"Respect for strength, since ancient times, you don't understand?"

Zhang Chen is smiling and full of fun.

He took a step forward and said, "I'm in love with that woman. If you dare to intervene, do you believe I'll take yours..."

I haven't finished yet.

An jiejie's face is cruel, heavy slap, directly hit Zhang Chen's face.

"Evil animal, don't kneel down quickly!"

Finish saying, no matter what reaction Zhang Chen is, oneself take the lead to kneel on the ground.

He bowed his head and said respectfully, "I'm sorry, the child is not sensible and doesn't know how to be a man. Please forgive him this time."

"Mom You, you... "

Zhang Chen covered his cheek and looked at her in dismay, not knowing what the situation was.

Isn't it just a yellow boy?

So what are you afraid of him for?

An jiejie quickly grabbed him and said in a low voice, "this is the person of the shadow door. Do you know what the shadow door represents?"

"Within the borders, it represents the supreme authority. If he wants to kill us, it's as easy as a duck's back!"


This made Zhang Chen's brain crash on the spot.

Shadow gate!

The authority of national boundaries!

What did you just do?

How dare you challenge such a person?


Am I him? Crazy?

"Don't apologize to your husband soon." An jiejie hates that iron is not steel.

Zhang Chen kowtowed quickly and said, "I'm sorry, I don't know, I don't understand."

"Please rest assured that I will clean up the follow-up work and compensate them accordingly."

The corner of Lin's mouth rose slightly, and a cold feeling flashed in his eyes.

Then he turned and walked toward the door, whispering, "where, who dares to move a little bit carefully, I know."

"Next, it's not as simple as it is now!"

The hidden God followed Lin Kai tightly.

People stare at Lin Kai's back, and shiver in their hearts.

Such a character, who dares to provoke half a point, that is not the road of suicide?!

Old he and Zhang Chen are very glad that there is still room for recovery, otherwise today will be the end of the world.

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