Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1037

At this time, Lin Kai looked at them coldly.

These two people are dead in Lin Kai's eyes.

Lin Kai won't let anyone who wants to die live in this world. This is the bottom line!

At that time, Lin Kai walked slowly to the two men.

But Zhang Zhenjiang and Zhang's face looked at Lin Kai with fear and stepped back.

"Don't mess with me."

"I tell you, whether you are in Donghai City, whether you are a mafia or a white one, you are related! If you dare to move me, I promise... "

Zhang Zhenjiang's words have not finished, then stare big eyes.

He covered his neck.

Blood flowed down the gap in his hands. He didn't even see how Lin Kai made his move, so he had been blocked.


At this time, Zhang Zhenjiang was unable to speak.

"Shake the river!" Zhang's exclaimed and helped Zhang Zhenjiang.

Lin Kai took a cold look at Zhang and said, "go and bury your son."

Soon after, the bodies of Zhang Zhenjiang and Zhang's family lay on the ground.

And Zhang Ji's picture in Zhang's arms has been crushed by Lin Kai's foot!

Lin Kai strode away from the scene.


Soon after, Lin Kai returned to the Li family.

After entering the bathroom and having a hot bath, Lin Kai changed into a clean suit and lay on the sofa.

At this point, the door is knocked.

Bang bang bang!

"In." Lin Kai light way.

The door opened and closed again, and Yin Shen quickly came to Lin Kai's side.

"Boss, two killers came to kill thirteen Shao today, and they were all solved by me."

Hearing the speech, Lin Kai nodded.

After what happened today, Lin Kai didn't dare to let the hidden God leave him.

"Let Lisheng protect Li Shengxian. Follow me." Lin Kai Dao.

After listening to Lin Kai's words, a glimmer of joy flashed through the eyes of Yin God.

He is willing to follow Lin Kai. It's his honor to follow Lin Kai.


Yin God agreed, and he was ready to go out of the room to do what Lin Kai explained.

"Wait a minute." Lin Kai suddenly stopped the hidden God.

At this time, Lin Kai took out a picture from his arms and handed it to Yin Shen.

That's a picture of Cang Long.

"Find the man's family, give his family a generous pension, and tell his family that he is no longer there."

Then Lin sighed.

Yin Shen nodded and agreed, took the photo and left Lin Kai's room.


The next day, Lin Kai stood next to the Rolls Royce phantom car.

Li Shengxian has come out of the castle.

Today's Li Shengxian is dressed casually. He is wearing a pair of trousers and a pair of flip flops on his feet.

The upper body is also a simple black T-shirt.

"What? No work today? " Asked Linkai.

Li Shengxian laughed and said, "no, my elder brother has been making trouble to me repeatedly. Today, it's over and over again. I can finally have a rest."

After listening to Li Shengxian's words, Lin laughed.

Thirteen, thirteen, if not, you would have been a dead man last night!

Li Shengxian did not know that his elder brother sent someone to assassinate him. Lin Kai was not prepared to let him know about it.

Li Shengxian and Lin drive together to get on the car. Lin Kai asks, "where to go?"

"Dingsheng ancient building." Li Shengxian said.

Hearing this, Lin Kai was quite curious: "what is that place?"

"You'll know when you get there." Li Shengxian smiles mysteriously at Lin Kai.

Lin Kai opens the navigation system. According to the navigation tips, he takes Li Shengxian and drives towards the ancient building of Dingsheng.

Soon after, the Rolls Royce phantom stopped at the gate of the prosperous ancient building.

It is a seven story old building.

Architectural style, it seems to be imitated Tang Dynasty, antique.

Glazed tiles, red brick walls, wooden doors, and paper window paper, everything is antique.

At the gate of the prosperous ancient building, there are many luxury cars.

Down to Mercedes Benz, Audi, up to Ferrar lambo, everything.

Lin Kai and Li Shengxian got out of the car and went straight to Dingsheng ancient building.

After entering the ancient building, Lin Kai immediately realized that this was a place. It turned out that this was an antique shop.

"This prosperous ancient building is the most famous antique shop in Donghai city."

"My father will be back soon. My family, including me, is preparing gifts for my father."

"As my father's favorite son, I naturally have to show it."Li Shengxian smiles at Lin.

Lin Kai suddenly realized that Li Shengxian was trying to please his father!

At that time, Lin Kai looked at the past.

There are a lot of antiques on the first floor, and the prices are very expensive. Almost all of them are at the bottom of 100000 yuan. It seems that this prosperous ancient building is a place where rich people can come.

However, there is also a reason for the popularity of this prosperous ancient building. Lin Kai takes a look at it with his golden pupil. Three of the ten antiques here are real!

This is the highest proportion of authenticity among antique shops.

Besides, the antiques here are of high quality.

"It's boring. I'll take you to the second floor." Li Shengxian smiles at Lin.

Then, Li Shengxian led Lin Kai directly to the second floor.

On the second floor of the stairs, there were still four security personnel. After checking Li Shengxian's identity, they were released.

"This prosperous ancient building is also a money taker. Whoever has more money can go to a higher floor."

"And the higher the floor, the better the quality of antiques!"

"As my Li family, I can climb to the fifth floor at most."

Li Shengxian said complacently.

After listening to Li Shengxian's words, Lin Kai is quite surprised.

You know, the Li family is a big family in Donghai city! The Li family was once the richest family in Asia!

But even so, Li Shengxian can only climb the fifth floor?

Li Shengxian took Lin Kai as he walked along, saying, "this prosperous ancient building has been in the Tang Dynasty for a long time."

"At that time, Dingsheng ancient building was controlled by a big man in the East China Sea."

"To the scene, this prosperous ancient building is now a few hundred years old."

"What's more, the identity of the boss behind the prosperous ancient building can't be provoked."

While speaking, they have reached the fifth floor.

There are few people on the fifth floor. On the huge fifth floor, only a few people are looking at antiques.

Lin Kai also looked at the antiques here. At that time, Lin Kai was shocked.

Six out of ten antiques here are genuine!

Of the ten authentic pieces, two are treasures.

The quality of the fifth floor antique is really high!

And the price, also let Lin happy surprised.

At least 500 thousand antiques are needed!

Expensive antiques, even over a billion!

"Thirteen brothers?" At this time, a sound rang out.

Li Shengxian and Lin Kai went to have a look.

I saw a young man with an old man walking towards Li Shengxian.

Li Shengxian frowned: "third brother?"

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