Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1036

At this time, I saw a slovenly man holding a dagger had approached Linkai.

The dagger flashed a cold light, which was very bright in the dark.

In the eyes of a slovenly man, there is no emotion.

He killed too many people, life in his eyes, very cheap, not worth money!

Lin Kai gnaws his teeth and looks at the slovenly man. At this time, Lin Kai is not his opponent at all. After all, he is a martial Saint level master, and Lin Kai is just an ordinary person now.

"He gave you a billion? I'll give you two billion! Help and kill them

At this time, Lin Kai gnawed his teeth and said.

After listening to Lin Kai's words, the slovenly man laughed.

"Oh, give me two billion?"

The slovenly man looks at Zhang Zhenjiang and Zhang's family.

And in their eyes, there are also nervous eyes.

If sloppy men are really open-minded about money, they are the ones who died today!

But the sloppy man didn't do anything to them.

"Boy, to be a killer, you have to have the professional ethics of being a killer. Since they have given money first, then they are the gold master."

"Today, I only kill you!"

After listening to the slovenly man's words, Zhang and Zhang Zhenjiang both breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, this killer has professional integrity.

At this point, the sloppy man is ready to start again.

"Wait a minute!"

Lin Kaiyi gritted his teeth and said again.

Linkai is not afraid of death, but he doesn't want to die!

"I'm from Jiulong Mountain! You dare to kill me? I have Jiulongshan Certificate in my pocket

At this time, Lin Kai showed his identity!

After listening to Lin Kai's words, the slovenly man was stunned.

Jiulong Mountain? These three words are really like thunder.

Jiulongshan is the most powerful official force in China! If Lin Kaizhen is from Jiulongshan, he is in big trouble!

At this time, I saw the slovenly man's eyes slip around.

Then, the slovenly man sneered: "ha ha, if you are really from Jiulongshan, I can't let you go. I know how serious it is to offend a person from Jiulongshan!"

"Don't scare me with your identity, boy. You'll die today!"

After that, a trace of ruthless color flashed through the scruffy man's eyes. He directly pulled Lin Kai's arm and prepared to cut the meat on Lin's open arm!

But at this time, a whoosh sound of breaking the air sounded!

A silver needle shot directly from it!


The dagger in the dirty man's hand is directly hit and fly!

The sloppy man's body also stepped back.


The slovenly man is shocked!

He did not expect that at this time, someone could shoot down the silver needle in his hand!

Lin Kai's eyes also narrowed, because he knew that it was not the four gods who had come. Lin Kai could feel that the four of them were still near Li's house.

Who is that?

At this time, from the night, out of a person.

The man was dressed in black, and his whole body was wrapped in black clothes.

Only one pair of eyes was revealed.

Look at the curve, it seems to be a woman with a concave and convex figure.

Her eyes were bright and murderous.

As soon as the woman appeared, the slovenly man tensed up and down.

This woman is a master!

Because she was able to sneak into his territory without his notice, she was a master.

The woman said nothing and went straight to the sloppy man.

The slovenly man looked at the woman very warily: "who are you?"

"Name it in the newspaper!"

But the woman still did not speak, she went to the sloppy man.

Slovenly man at this time a bite of teeth, not good, good people do not come, in this case, then don't blame me impoliteness!

At that time, only heard the slovenly man roar, the martial saint's momentum directly released, he slapped at the woman!

And the woman's eyes flashed a trace of killing!

I saw her instant hand, a hand easily caught a dirty man's hand!


See the woman's body motionless!

But the slovenly man's body has stepped back several steps!

Slovenly man's eyes flashed shocked eyes, in front of this woman, very powerful! He's no match at all!

At this time, the slovenly man has only one idea, that is to run!

If you don't run at this time, I'm afraid you can't keep your own life!

Martial Saint level master speed full open, or extremely terrible, whoosh a sound, only see the sloppy man's body directly shot out!But he's fast, she's faster!

Women's speed can only be described by blinking!


The woman appeared in front of the slovenly man in an instant, and seized the neck of the slovenly man!


Another blink, the woman with a slovenly man directly returned to Lin Kai's front.

The martial Saint level master, in front of the woman, is like a child without combat effectiveness!

She is definitely not only a master level master, even if she is a master level master, she can't kill martial Saint so easily!

And that slovenly man covered his neck, eyes full of fear, in front of this woman is really too terrible.

There is no emotion in a woman's eyes.

She threw the sloppy man to the ground and stepped on it with one foot!


A burst of bone fracture sound, only to see the slovenly man's chest has been sunken in a large piece!

"Ah, ah!"

A burst of pain roaring sound came, the man roared.

In the eyes of women, there is no emotion at all.

She lifted her foot again and stepped on it!


This time, the sloppy man's chest was almost trampled on by a foot!

And the slovenly man also vomited blood, blood, mixed with the dirty man's internal organs.

The man's eyes are no longer dirty.

In front of this woman, the martial Saint level master is just like a native chicken and a dog, and is vulnerable to a blow!

After killing the sloppy man, the woman takes a deep look at Lin Kai.

Then, with a whoosh, the woman's figure disappeared directly into the air.


Linkai was shocked.

Lin Kai thought that he was going to die!

But never thought, at this time, there will be a person to save themselves!

Who is that man?

The whole body of that person was wrapped up tightly, and Lin Kai didn't recognize who she was.

But her eyes, but give Lin Kai a sense of deja vu.

Lin Kai thinks he knows her! But I just can't remember who she is.

Lin Kai rubbed his painful head and stood up from the ground. He pulled the rope out of his hand.

Later, Lin Kai looks at Zhang Zhenjiang and Zhang's family.

And Zhang Zhenjiang and Zhang's gaping at the dead slovenly man, two people are dumbfounded.

This plot reversal, too fast?

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