Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1038

Third brother?

Lin Kai looks at the man. The man is between his eyebrows and looks like Li Shengxian.

It seems that this man should be Li Shengxian's third brother.

And behind this one, there is an old man.

The old man in Tang costume, about 60 years old, has white hair on both temples and never talks or laughs.

"Yo, third brother, are you here to pick out antiques for Dad?" Li Longxian asked with a smile.

Between his eyebrows, there was a trace of disdain.

Because Li Longxian is a big brother, he has a good relationship with Li Haoxian, and he is also the first young man under Li Haoxian.

Li Shengxian, as a good enemy of Li Haoxian, naturally will not be treated by Li Longxian.

Li Shengxian PI xiaorou did not smile and nodded and said, "yes."

Hearing this, Li Longxian shook his head with a smile: "although the antiques of this prosperous ancient building are good, there is nothing good under these five floors!"

"The real good things are on the sixth and seventh floors."

After listening to Li Longxian's words, Li Shengxian also nodded slightly.

"The third brother said it well, but if you want to go to the sixth and seventh floors, you need to have a certain identity. Otherwise, you can't go up there!"

Li Shengxian said, shaking his head to express regret.

If he can, he also wants to go to the sixth and seventh floors to have a look. Unfortunately, he is not qualified.

After listening to Li Shengxian's words, Li Longxian then happily laughed: "ha ha ha! Since it's a gift for my father, it's natural to choose a good antique! "

"Brother thirteen, let me introduce you to the one behind me."

After that, Li Longxian invited the old man behind him.

The old man took a look at Li Shengxian with a contemptuous glance. He didn't even say a word. He was very proud.

"This one is the president of Donghai antique club!"

Li Longxian is quite proud of the introduction.

After listening to Li Longxian's introduction, Li Shengxian was surprised at that time.

The president of the antique club?

You know, the Antiques Fair has a very high status in Donghai City, which can be said to be an official organization.

And the old man, who is actually the president, has a long history!

"It should not be difficult to take me to the sixth floor as chairman Chu?" Li Longxian said with a proud smile.

He is showing off!

After listening to his words, Li Shengxian's face turned black at that time.

In this way, the antiques he selected must not be as good as those of Li Longxian!

When the time comes to give it to my father, my father may not like it!

"Ha ha! Brother 13, I'm here today to choose a gift for my father for my eldest brother. Seeing you are so poor, why don't I take you to the sixth floor? "

Li Longxian asked with a smile.

In fact, he is making fun of Li Shengxian.

If Li Shengxian agrees, then he borrows his elder brother's light, then he becomes a joke in the elder brother's eyes.

Li Longxian did not intend to take Li Shengxian up, but just said it casually.

With a black face, Li Shengxian said in a cold voice, "no more!"

Hearing Li Shengxian's tone change, Li Longxian hummed: "hum! Stay on the sixth floor! The seventh floor is not suitable for people of your status! "

After that, Li Longxian took the chairman of Chu and walked toward the stairway.

At the entrance of the stairs, there is a special guard.

The person in charge of guarding after checking the identity of the president of Chu, then very respectfully released.

When he went upstairs, Li Longxian looked back at Li Shengxian with satire in his eyes.

But Li Shengxian was gloomy and said nothing.

There was also a glimmer of envy in his eyes.

Obviously, Li Shengxian also wants to go to the sixth floor.

"What? It's hard to get to the sixth floor? " Lin asked with a smile.

Li Shengxian nodded his head and said: "yes, with my Li family's thirteen Shao identity, at most can go to the fifth floor."

"On the sixth floor, you can only go up if you have a special identity or you have a background that people can't afford."

Li Shengxian replied.

Smell speech, Lin Kai smile slightly, way: "ha ha, very special identity?"

Li Shengxian nodded.

"Come on, I'll take you up." Lin Kai said with a faint smile.

After listening to Lin Kai's words, Li Shengxian was stunned: "ah?"

Without saying a word, Lin Kai took Li Shengxian to the entrance of the stairs.

When they got to the entrance, they were stopped.

Standing guard at the entrance of the stairs were four strong men, their muscles exploding and their waists bulging. It was obvious that there was something real beside them.

"Thirteen young, as you are, you can't enter the sixth floor."Obviously, the security guard also knew Li Shengxian and said directly, without being polite.

As the security guard of the prosperous ancient building, he is also very tough.

At this time, Li Shengxian shrugged his shoulders at Lin Kai and said, "I'll tell you, we won't go at all!"

"Just now my third brother went up by relying on chairman Chu. We are not qualified to go up!"

Li Shengxian said helplessly.

Lin Kai smiles, takes out a token from his pocket and gives a glance in front of the four security guards.

"Can I go now?"

Lin Kai took out his own token and shook it in front of the four security guards.

The four security guards were originally extremely dismissive of Lin Kai, but when they carefully looked at the token in Lin Kai's hand, all four of them were wide eyed.

Because the token in Lin Kai's hand is the token of shadow gate!

That's right! It's the token of shadow gate!

Yingmen is famous in the whole China, because yingmen is the largest unofficial ancient martial organization in China!

The shadow gate is also very difficult to join, the shadow gate's disciples are all ancient martial arts, and their strength is not low!

The most important thing is that the shadow gate people come and go without a trace, and they are all masters! People who offend the shadow gate don't know how to die!

The most important thing is that this token in Lin Kai's hand is a hall leader's token!

Lin Kai is the master of the shadow gate!

You know, the master of the shadow gate can control a hundred people!

Moreover, Lin Kai is still so young. He is already the master of the hall. He must be an expert!

At that time, the four security guards were all shivering.

A security guard quickly let go of his body, very respectfully said to Lin Kai: "it's the master of the shadow gate. We didn't know Taishan just now. Please come in quickly."

A big change has taken place in the security guard's attitude!

And Li Shengxian looked at all this.

My brother, so powerful?

Li Shengxian is more and more shocked, Lin Kai gives him too many surprises!

Lin Kai is more and more invisible to him!

At this time, Lin Kai pulled Li Shengxian, who was in a daze, and said with a smile, "go? What are you doing? Don't you want to go to the sixth floor? "


Li Shengxian Leng for a moment, this just reflected to come over: "right, the sixth floor."

At that time, Li Shengxian followed Lin to the sixth floor.

Li Shengxian is very muddled to go up, because up to now he has not reflected that his brother is the shadow gate hall leader.

It was a big surprise for him.

My brother, I have a real identity!

First, he defeated the master, then the bank card with hundreds of billions, then he became the chairman of Dafeng entertainment company, and then he was the identity of Jiulongshan. Now there is a shadow gate. His brother is almost the same age as himself, but why is he so fierce?

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