Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1006

What the hell?

God has moved his mother's breath!

If you want to be a monk in the golden elixir period, you still have to be pregnant!

Lin Kai felt helpless.

But he has to accept this reality, because if he wants to be strong, he has to accept it.

The most important thing is that his cultivation power will not be able to be used. That is to say, in the next period of time, Lin Kai Hui will become an ordinary person.

Lin Kai has too many enemies. Therefore, in order to protect his own safety, the four God kings Lin Kai decided to take them with him.

"The golden elixir begins to breed now!" Lin's voice.

"It's pregnant. Please wait a moment."

The sound of the system is coming.

Soon after, the swelling pain in Dantian disappeared completely. Meanwhile, Lin Kai lost the connection with Dantian.

It's a normal person.

It seems that the plan to find Lin Yuan's revenge can only be released for the time being.

However, Donghai city itself still wants to go. I should be familiar with the power of Linyuan in Donghai City, and then destroy the foundation of Linyuan in Donghai city at one stroke!


A week later, people finally saw the wharf, the wharf of Donghai city!

The crowd stood on the deck in a state of excitement.

After many days, finally come back! China!

And behind Lin Kai, there are four gods, and the feather God is back.

Soon after, the ship came to shore, and all the people on board stepped onto the dock, one by one excited.

It's so nice to feel fresh again!

At this time, the wharf has been surrounded by the people of the Li family.

On the wharf, there are a group of people in black, hundreds of them! No one is allowed to stay.

On the ship, Li Shengxian explained to his family what happened at sea, so when he arrived at the wharf, he would see some people from Li's family meet here.

"Thirteen less."

At this time, a middle-aged man in his forties came quickly.

In his suit and glasses, he looked like a housekeeper.

"Housekeeper Li." After seeing him, Li Shengxian was happy.

"Thirteen young, you finally come back. The sea has been lost for many days. You have worried everyone in the Li family."

Li housekeeper's face, revealed the meaning of care.

When Li Shengxian heard the speech, a smile appeared on his face: "ha ha ha! I'm afraid there are few who really care about me, but there are a lot of people who want me to die! "

Smell speech, Li housekeeper's face, revealed embarrassed expression.

At this time, housekeeper Li looked at Lin Kai and others, and his face showed a puzzled expression.

"Thirteen little, are they?"

Li Shengxian looked back at Lin Kai and introduced to housekeeper Li, "they are all my friends."


After hearing this word, Li housekeeper's face showed a strange expression.

He was watching Li Shengxian grow up. He knew Li Shengxian's character, but Li Shengxian's friends were few.

This time I went out and brought back so many friends.

"Housekeeper Li, take someone outside and wait for me. I'll have a word with my friends." Li Shengxian said.

Housekeeper Li nodded and left the dock with his men.

"Lin Kai, do you have a place to settle down in Donghai city?" Li Shengxian asked.

Lin Kai hears the speech, smiles and shakes his head.

Hearing the speech, Li Shengxian's eyes brightened.

During this time with Lin Kai, he and Lin Kai have become brothers.

Love and kill each other.

"Why don't you go with me? Brother, cover you Li Shengxian chuckled.

Lin Kai heard the speech and nodded with a smile

Anyway, Linkai has no place in Donghai city. It's better to go back to Li's house with this thirteen young boy.

"Really?" Hearing this, Li Shengxian was very pleased.

Lin nodded naturally


Then, Lin Kai looked at more than 100 people behind him.

They all followed Lin Kai to Donghai city.

At this time, Lin Kai threw his fist at the crowd and said, "thank you very much for believing in me, Lin Kai!"

"And I, Lin Kai, have brought you back to China safely."

"Let's meet again in the river and lake!"

After listening to Lin Kai's words, the more than 100 people looked at each other.

Then, they all bowed to Lin Kai.

This bow shows their gratitude to Lin Kai.

Soon after, the more than 100 people were scattered.

At the scene, several people were shed.

Liu Xiangyi, Maojie, zhumanqing and Huang Tianshi.

Lin Kai looked at them with a smile and said, "sister Mao, Liu Xiangyi, Zhu Manqing, Jiangbei is your home. You can't follow me."Smell speech, three women's faces, all showed the expression that does not give up.

"But..." Before Zhu Manqing spoke, Lin Kai reached out and interrupted her.

"No, but what I'm going to do next is very dangerous."

"You three, you can't follow me."

Then, Lin Kai looked at Li Shengxian and said, "Thirteen little, please arrange someone to send them back to Jiangbei."

"No problem!" Li Shengxian agreed directly.

No matter how reluctant they were, they would leave Linkai.

Donghai City, for Lin Kai, is a new world, a world full of challenges!

And he didn't want to be stuck with women.

Soon after, the three of them were sent away.

Only Lao Huang was left by Lin Kai's side.

Among the four gods, only the hidden God followed Lin Kai, and the other three were on standby at any time.

Before long, Lin Kai got into a Mercedes.

The motorcade slowly left the dock.

There are enough 30 Mercedes Benz E300 to pick Li Shengxian home.

On the co pilot is Butler Li. Lin Kai and Li Shengxian sit in the back seat.

Looking at Donghai city outside the window, Lin Kai can't help but sigh that Donghai city is indeed one of the only four super first tier cities in China.

It's very prosperous and full of traffic. Compared with the capital, the water here is deeper.

Although the capital is large, there are many people.

Although the city of Donghai is large, there are not so many people. The coastal cities are very rich.

Lin Yuan is really good at choosing places! Actually, he wants to make a fortune in Donghai City, and it is very difficult for him to develop leiyuan group in one year.

After two hours of driving, the motorcade drove into a manor in the center of the city.

Li Jiazhuang garden!

It takes a lot of space! To build such a luxury manor in the center of the city shows the strength of the Li family.

As soon as you enter Li's house, you can immediately see the spotless road. On both sides of the road, there are some rare green plants. You can see the upright security guards ten meters away.

There are white swans in the clear artificial lake, and even the zoo in the park.

It's the Li family!

It took ten minutes to drive to the depths of the manor.

The motorcade stops, stands in front of the crowd, is a huge castle!

European style, very imposing, everywhere reveals noble, leather carpet from the castle has been spread to Lin Kai and other people in front of.

On both sides of the red carpet stood hundreds of hot and beautiful maids.

Compared with the Li family, the Lin family is still too poor, and the Li family, worthy of being the richest family in Asia!

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