Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1005

Regret it?


At this time, Jia Fuhao simply wanted to slap himself!

What the hell emperor? Do you qualify for that?

Do you know about survival in the wild? Do you have the ability to lead people to survive?

You are just relying on your own identity and small means to rule the cruise ship for the time being!

And now, you have been cast aside by thousands of people!

Because of you, thousands of people died in the streets!

Thousands of people can't get on the boat home!

You are a sinner!

Jia Fuhao was very upset and regretted, and he lowered his head.

Thousands of people are looking at Lin Kai eagerly. In their eyes, they are praying.

At this time, more than 100 people from Linkai have boarded the pirate ship, and they are ready to go home!

"Don't blame me for being ruthless. I gave you a chance."

Lin Kai looked at thousands of people under the boat and said faintly.

After listening to Lin Kai's words, countless people bowed their heads and looked ashamed.

"I killed pirates for those who couldn't get a billion dollars! To keep them alive! "

"And in your eyes, I am reckless!"

"I try my best to pull the cruise ship to this desert island. If you don't appreciate it, you can say that I am a sinner!"

"I want to lead you to survive here, but you say you are superior and inferior people can work."


"As a result, you see it too!"

"You are rich people, good, but I don't owe you any money!"

"It's my duty to let you go on the ship, and it's my duty not to let you go on board!"

"Let's meet again in the river and lake!"


After Lin Kaiyi called, the huge pirate ship started directly!

Thousands of people on the desert island watched the pirate ship disappear in front of their eyes.

Regret it?


I'm sorry for my intestines!

But they didn't dare to board the boat by force. They could see the picture of Lin Kai's killing people just now.

The problem facing them now is how to survive.

In this way, the eyes of countless road resentment looked at Jia Fuhao.


After sailing, Lin Kai and Huang Tianshi came to an empty room.

Lin Kai looked at Huang Tianshi and asked seriously, "now, can you tell me where he is?"

Huang Tianshi smelled the speech, a little smile, nodded: "yes."

"In fact, everything is in my calculations."

After listening to Huang Tianshi's words, Lin Kai frowned and asked, "what do you mean?"

"In fact, before I boarded this cruise ship, I knew that such an accident would happen, and that we should stay here for at least a few decades."

Having said that, Huang Tianshi was quite proud to smile.

Seeing this, Lin Kai clenched his fist and said angrily, "do you still take me on this ship? You old boy, you're looking for excitement

After that, Lin Kai was ready to hit him.

And Huang quickly waved his hand and wryly said, "ah, ah! Don't be rude. Listen to me first

"Say it Lin Kai said without good breath.

"I'm trying to save you!"

After that, Lin Kai gave a bitter smile and shook his head.

After listening to his words, Lin Kai frowned and asked, "what do you mean?"

"Did you forget Zhang?" Huang asked with a smile.


Lin Kai suddenly remembered.

Cheng zilei's master! Master of the great master!

"Remember!" Just now, Lin Kai was shocked.

Wait, how does he know Zhang? I didn't tell him at all!

At this time, Lin Kai's eyes to Huang Tianshi changed at that time.

Huang Tianshi smiles and says: "ha ha, you don't have to look at me like this. The name of the first Chinese Heavenly Master is not in vain."

The first teacher of China is really powerful.

"If you kill his lover, Zhang will not let you go."

Lin Kai nodded. After all, Cheng zilei is a great master level master!

It is very difficult to cultivate a master at the level of great master.

"Do you mean that Zhang came to Jiangbei to revenge me during this period of time?" Asked Linkai.

Huang Tianshi smiles mysteriously and nods: "yes."

Hearing the speech, Lin Kai's heart thumped. He asked, "what's wrong with my family?"

Lin Kai's family has always been Lin Kai's weakness. If something goes wrong with his family because of his going out, he will blame himself all his life!

When the teacher shakes his head, he will not shake his head"Why are you so sure? Zhang is evil! What can't he do for revenge? "

Hearing the speech, Huang nodded: "yes, Zhang can do anything, but your family is protected by high people."


"Where are you from?"

"And that's the master of the great master!"

Lin Kai didn't understand.

However, Huang Tianshi laughed and said nothing at this time. He would not continue to speak the following words.

"Don't worry, your family won't have any problems." Huang added.

"Where is Lin Yuan Lin Kai asked again.

"East China Sea."

"East China Sea?"

Lin Kai's eyes widened. You know, there are thousands of kilometers between Jiangbei and Donghai!

Why did Lin Yuan run so far?

"Why is he in the East China Sea?"

Huang Tianshi said with a smile: "since Da Linyuan was reborn, he went to the East China Sea."

"The reason is very simple, he wants to beat you in every way!"

"Including family building."

"Donghai province is the richest province in China. Where he goes, he naturally wants to develop."

"To tell you the truth, Lin Yuan is the boss of leiyuan group, a big enterprise in the East China Sea."

Lei Yuan group, Lin Lei? Linyuan?

After hearing Huang Tianshi's words, Lin Kai couldn't react for a long time.

"The boy has a lot of leisure Lin Kai said to himself.

"And where exactly is he?" Lin Kai asked again.

Huang Tianshi frowned and said, "give me a few more days, and I'll make a calculation."

"What have you been doing on the island for so long?"



Lin Kai was speechless for a while, so he had to leave Huang Tianshi's room and return to his own room.

It seems that I need to go to the East China Sea!

Lin Yuan, you have to kill!

The leiyuan group founded by Linyuan should be destroyed by himself!

Lin Yuan, I won't give you a chance to rise!

At this time, Lin Kai suddenly felt a burst of pain and distension in the Dantian.


This kind of feeling, seems to break through!

But there seems to be something wrong with it!

"Your elixir field wants to breed golden elixir. Do you want to start breeding now?"

"Pregnant golden elixir?"

Lin Kaiyi looks confused.

"If you want to be a monk in the golden elixir period, you must let the elixir give birth to your own golden elixir. You can't use your accomplishments during the cultivation of the golden elixir, or you will be pregnant."

"Is the golden elixir beginning to breed now?"

"Watt? Have you moved your breath? "

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