Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1007

"How about it? Is it magnificent? " Li Shengxian raises an eyebrow and smiles at Lin Kai.

"Not bad." Lin Kai nodded and praised.

"Go! I'll show you my dad, once the richest man in Asia Li Shengxian said with a smile.

"Ever? Isn't it now? " Lin Kai asked curiously.

"Cut! If Asia's richest man changes one day, my father has only been at the top of the list for a month at most. He has not been for a long time! "

Li Shengxian rolled his eyes and said.

Soon after, Lin Kai followed Li Shengxian into the magnificent castle, and Huang Tianshi followed closely.

The huge castle is very imposing. The hollowed out design gives people a trance feeling of stepping into the new world. The interior decoration full of European design style gives people the illusion of becoming a European aristocrat.

"Thirteen brother, do you want to come back?"

Just entering the castle, a man stopped the crowd.

It was a man who looked about 30 years old, wearing a white suit, with a face similar to Li Shengxian.

On his face, there was a smile of skin and flesh.

Squinting at Li Shengxian.

After seeing him, Li Shengxian's face changed at that time.

"Big brother." Li Shengxian bowed his head.

"No! Don't call me big brother, I can't afford it Li Haoxian stepped back and said with a smile.

"You are really capable! Thirteen brother, you have lost contact for a month, and there are tens of thousands of people on board. You have only brought back more than 100 people! "

"Do you know how much trouble you have caused?"

Li Haoxian's tone is very bad.

Li Shengxian lowered his head and bit his teeth.

"I'll explain it to Dad."

Li Shengxian seems to be very afraid of Li Haoxian. This man puts a lot of pressure on Li Shengxian.

It's hard to believe that the rebellious Li Shengxian has people to be afraid of.

At this time, a high-heeled shoes on the ground sound.

Da! Da! Da!

When they turned their heads, they saw a lady with her arms around her from afar.

Crystal high-heeled shoes, wearing a suit of red dress, face Jiaojiao good, face with pride.

This woman, only 23-4 years old, is Li Haoxian's wife and Li Shengxian's sister-in-law.

"Hum!" Wang Rong snorted coldly and looked at Li Shengxian with disgust.

"What else can we, the thirteen brothers, do besides cause trouble?"

"Because I am the youngest in my family and loved by my father, I never put you brothers in the eye!"

"See? I want to find my father when I come back. Has he ever put your big brother in his eyes? "

Wang Rong found Li Haoxian's side and said with her arm in her arms.

It turns out that Li Shengxian is the youngest in the Li family.

Lin Kai looked at Li Shengxian more.

Li Shengxian's face showed an embarrassed expression.

"Sister in law, I have something important to discuss with dad."

Li Haoxian snorted coldly: "hum! Dad went to Europe to talk about business, but he couldn't come back for a while. Dad said that I'm the master of the Li family now! "

The leader of the Li family is not at home. Li Haoxian, who is the eldest, naturally becomes the local emperor of the Li family!

He didn't like Li Shengxian very much.

Li Haoxian sneered: "ha ha, Li Haoxian, how much trouble you have made, you should be clear in your heart!"

"The thousands of people who lost contact are all the powerful people in Jiangbei! How many enemies have you provoked to our Li family? "

Hearing this, Li Shengxian also knew that he was in the wrong. He lowered his head and did not dare to refute.

At this time, Li Haoxian and Wang Rong both looked at Lin Kai and Huang Tianshi.

After seeing the two men, they both frowned. Because Lin Kai and Huang Tianshi had just returned from the sea, their clothes were dirty and smelly, so they were disgusted.

At that time, Wang Rong pinched her nose and said with disgust: "who are these two people? How did the beggars on the street come to our Li family

Hearing the speech, Li Shengxian quickly explained: "they are my friends."

"Friend?" Hearing this, Wang Rong sneered: "ha ha, Li Shengxian, we are aristocrats! I hope you will be more careful when you make friends! Not every dog and cat can be friends with our Li family

After listening to Wang Rong's words, Lin Kai frowned.

This woman is too bad to be beaten.

Li Shengxian gives Lin Kai a look in the eye, indicating that Lin Kai should not be impulsive.

Lin Kai just suppressed the fire in his heart.

"After all, it's the people you brought back. You arrange them yourself!"

"Remember, don't let them walk around our Li family! If we are discovered by outsiders that there are such people in our Li family, it is not enough to lose face! Like a beggar

Li Haoxian's words are even worse."Since you're back, you're guilty or something. Wait until dad comes back."

"But since you are back, you can't be idle!"

"I'll give you a task, and you'll stay at the Li family and do things!"

After listening to Li Haoxian's words, Li Shengxian quickly nodded.



Then, Li Haoxian snorted coldly and left with Wang Rong.

After they left, Lin Kai approached Li Shengxian.

"That's how your brother treats you?"

Li Shengxian bit his teeth and said, "my mother was just a servant of the Li family. It's normal for them to look down on me."

"The most important thing is, dad is about to choose an heir. I'm the favorite in the Li family. That's why big brother treats me like this."

Lin Kai really doesn't understand these big family affairs.

"All right."

"Let's go back and wash first."

"Housekeeper Li, you arrange two rooms for my friends." Li Shengxian ordered.

"OK." Li agreed immediately.

Then Lin Kai and Lao Huang settled down in the Li family.

Before long, Lin Kai was placed in the suite.

The Li family's hospitality is very good. The guest rooms are very large, more than 300 square meters, and the decoration is also very luxurious.

Lin Kai went into the bathroom, took a shower, changed his clean clothes, and lay on the sofa drinking coffee.

Just then, the phone in the guest room suddenly rang.

Lin Kai went over and answered the phone, "hello? Linkai. "

Over the phone, Li Shengxian's voice came: "Lin Kai, I'm now assigned to Li's group as vice president."

Li's group, a large enterprise under the Li family, is very famous in Donghai city.

"Very good." Lin Kai replied.

"What a fart! Li Haoxian asked me to participate in tomorrow's bidding! That's a bid we can't win at all! He is making trouble for me Li Shengxian's voice, very angry.

Lin Kai was speechless when he heard his speech.

The Li family has a great cause, and it is normal for the brothers to have disputes.

"Let's not talk about these unhappy things. On board, you said that you would come to the East China Sea for development?"

"What kind of work do you want? I'll arrange it for you!"

Li Shengxian is very righteous said.

Lin Kai hears the speech and smiles.

He came to Donghai for revenge! But now he has no spiritual power. He is just an ordinary man.

It's not a thing to be idle all the time. It's better to help Li Shengxian do some things in the East China Sea.

"So, how about I be your driver?"

After listening to Lin Kai's words, Li Shengxian on the other side of the phone was silent at that time.

After a long time, Li Shengxian's voice came.

"Be my driver? You're not kidding? "

"With your strength and experience, you can apply for a job in a bodyguard company, and you can make a million yuan a year!"

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