Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 969

"Jifeng "Yunus and Ji Feng gave a big hug. His trust was right. Ji Feng did it. It was not only this game, but also his performance in the whole Olympic Games. It was impeccable that he fulfilled his lifelong dream. He led this team to defeat the powerful American dream 8!

After yunas hugged, the Chinese players rushed to Jifeng\'s chest.

Dayao smile as usual spirituality, feel completely free self, hands directly Jifeng hold up, play magic circle.

He was giggling, touching Ji Feng\'s hair and holding his thigh with the other hand. He seemed to want to see if he was dreaming. Otherwise, why would he come to such a dream Olympic Tour at the end of his career.

"In 2.4 seconds, he scored 5 3-points in a row in the last 2 minutes, scoring 15 points in a row, and flattened the 8-point gap in 2 minutes..." Fans of the U.S. team are not unconvinced. The big screen repeatedly plays back Jifeng\'s five consecutive three-point games. Ji Feng\'s three points are clean and tidy, and there is no doubt about it. On the contrary, these three points are more beautiful, more wonderful and more important.

Some fans kneel on the ground, they would like their life less 2.4 seconds, also want to let this 2.4 seconds no longer happen, be killed or something, it is really too hard.

The Chinese players celebrated crazily, while yunas heavily waved three punches in the air behind them. His normally cold face is full of uncontrollable smile. As one of the most outstanding coaches in the non American basketball field, Yunus is under great pressure to lead the Chinese men\'s basketball team. This Olympic Games is at his own door, and with the unprecedented strength of the lineup, all of them are Looking forward to the Chinese team making history.

But even he didn\'t want to come to the final, let alone beat the United States to win gold in the final. So he seems to be 30 years younger overnight, full of passion and tears in his eyes.

The U.S. players are still standing on the bench, James stood there with his hips akimbo, his eyes blankly. It seems that he can\'t understand why they lost again. James has been a real back for two consecutive Olympic Games, a bronze medal and a silver medal, not to mention the club

And he was in the same boat with Wade and Anthony, who were also members of the U.S. team. Now, they have to continue to swallow the bitter fruit of international defeat.

But old K still can afford to lose, he took the initiative to comfort the players, and then find yunas, the two coaches simply made some exchanges.

And there, Kobe also found Ji Feng to express his congratulations: "fuck, you boy, you really can, this game you win, but next time I will win back, you boy wait, but after the game is over, we are still teammates, I am waiting for you in Los Angeles, come back quickly, I think you have the potential to become the first in history, get back to training."

Well, that\'s a great way to congratulate Kobe.

Then Boozer, Deron, bosh, Wade also came forward to greet Jifeng. Of course, the angry Paul had already returned to the dressing room first. As for Anthony and James who were still on their own, Jifeng did not disturb them.

Then the U.S. team quickly withdrew. If there was not an award ceremony, they really wanted to go back to the United States directly. But needless to say, the public opinion in the United States has exploded, and the public opinion environment waiting for them is absolutely unfriendly.

The American Basketball Association has been very angry now. It has gathered so many big brands and even lost. It is a shame to throw it all over the world!

The most provocative new york media has already started. They put forward to let Lao K resign immediately after the game, and then put the diss of these people one by one in the past, and attacked a wave of James and Kobe, believing that they did not play a leading role.

Subsequently, a group of media followed up, and the American media on the spot were already very unfriendly when they interviewed.

Anyway, there are a lot of rhythms. This kind of thing can be thought of.

However, these have nothing to do with the Chinese team. Except for some "wise" American media that said Ji Feng should be banned from playing in the NBA, the media all over the world have been praising Ji Feng.

The Los Angeles Times thinks that Ji Feng is the most valuable person in NBA.

ESPN is even more straightforward: "2008 should be called the season peak year, including NBA championship and Olympic men\'s basketball champion, by the way, breaking a lot of ancient gods\' records, and leading the Chinese team to create an unprecedented history of Jifeng, which is worthy of any praise."

The British guardian said: "Ji Feng has made the Chinese team black to the end. Ji Feng is the most legendary rookie in the world. He retired one year after his debut, which can also be ranked in the top 10 in basketball history."

Such flattery has not stopped after the end, but at this time no one can refute, now many people can\'t believe that the Chinese team won, and Ji Feng this person, there is no black spot!

"T-shirts, take some hats with you." The Chinese team leader took the lead in returning to reason. He did not forget his position. He went to the backstage to prepare. There will be an award ceremony soon. The gold medal will be won!

And Wukesong is now high to explosive, fans spontaneously sing the national anthem, playing the crowd, a huge national flag in the stands.But most of them are shouting: "MVP! Jifeng! Jifeng! MVP! "

Yu Jia:" August 22, the last competition day of the Olympic Games, CCTV audience friends, fans friends, please remember this day! The Chinese national men\'s basketball team narrowly defeated the American dream 8 team with an incredible super three-point shot and one point in the final of the Olympic Games. With the victory of this competition, the Chinese men\'s basketball team ascended the highest podium of the Olympic Games for the first time! This is also the first Olympic gold medal in men\'s three ball games and the first gold medal in basketball field

Yang Yi: "the incredible season peak, the incredible night, the inconceivable result, the Chinese men\'s basketball team has defeated Croatia, Lithuania and the United States, and successfully climbed to the top of the Olympic Games. This is a big step for the Chinese men\'s basketball team, and also a big step for China\'s sports. This day will be forever recorded in the history of Chinese sports. Let\'s cheer, we feel for you To pride and pride

While the commentators continue to congratulate each other incoherently, the champagne in the dressing room has been opened. Ji Feng, holding the champagne and holding his cigar, sprinkles the champagne in all directions. He has been worth it in the past two months!

Sun Yue and Chen Jianghua kneel down on the ground to worship Jifeng. Zhang Qingpeng directly asks for shoe polish. A Lian helps Ji Feng take away the basketball game. Now Jifeng is their God!

"Brother, I\'ll take it

"Brother, take me to fly!"

"Brother Feng, you are my only idol."

"Jifeng, will you come next time?"

Crazy celebration, laughter filled the dressing room, Shen Yang, Liu Jia and other old acquaintances were also dragged in by Ji Feng, now is the time to celebrate wantonly!

After a while, the press officer came to inform Jifeng to go out to attend the award ceremony.

"Walking brothers, to meet our glorious moment!"

Jifeng is the first to step out of the dressing room! , the fastest update of the webnovel!