Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 968

Before Ji Feng carried out this final attack, no one felt that the Chinese team was capable of completing the anti kill in 2.3 seconds, even with Ji Feng, who had completed many magic wins.

"Jifeng is very difficult to receive the ball, and his teammates are not threatened. If I were the old coach k, I would even use two people to directly cover Ji Feng, simply let him not receive the ball, or receive the ball also to increase the difficulty of his hand, or better state, that is to force him to pass to the vacant teammates, and reduce the risk to the minimum." Brazil\'s loud Schmidt said in the local live broadcast room that he was not less targeted by the U.S. team when he played the Olympic Games, so he was very clear about the means of the U.S. team. In general, it was to kill you with the advantage of group, making you uncomfortable and eventually lose the game.

"But the Chinese team has done well enough. Before the start of the game, who could have thought that the Chinese team could play like this with the United States team, who could have thought that the maximum difference between the two teams was only 15 points, and who could have thought that the Chinese team was so resilient that it could stand in deadlock with the United States for more than two seconds, which is already a legend." Brazil\'s interpretation for the Chinese team said.

"Well, they\'ve given a world-wide Olympic final." Schmidt also admitted that there was no way for him to help even at the top. Ji Feng finally hit four three points in a row. This kind of thing seems to happen in a hundred years.

However, when Jifeng receives the ball from the pocket of James and Anthony, and throws the ball to the basket with an unwelcome backward tilt, Schmidt can\'t sit still. He stares at the basketball, the red light is on, and this ball will determine the final fate!

And when the basketball fell into the basket, the world was still!

Schmidt was stunned!

"God, what do I see..." The Brazilian commentary next to him was unbearable. His eyes were numb by the ball, and his spirit left. He couldn\'t believe what his eyes saw. He couldn\'t believe that someone could finish such a classic killing in front of the dream eight team. He couldn\'t believe that James garantoni couldn\'t stop Jifeng\'s shot.

If the gods have the appearance, they must wear the clothes of Jifeng.

Brazil\'s interpretation is just like kneeling down and praying

On the court!

Ji Feng was directly knocked down by James on the ground. Affected by inertia, Ji Feng even crossed the field until he hit the audience. He only heard his favorite voice.

It\'s a crackling sound, it\'s a bullet goldshot!

"Hoo As if a burst of autumn wind swept the leaves of the sound, around the quiet strange, the audience of 20000 quietly watching basketball into the net, as if frozen in an instant!

“oh!!!! The ball is in

With an explosion like sound, the voice of more than 20 players and staff on the Chinese team\'s bench suddenly burst out, and the audience broke out a cheering sound that was enough to shock the deaf ears. The cry was full of incredible and fantastic, and everyone\'s legs were shaking.

"The game is over." Jifeng saw the basketball into the frame, only felt his strength was drained. He directly lay on his back on the ground, his eyes looked at the empty distance, the scattered ribbons on the ceiling did not interfere with his sight, the sound around his ears seemed to disappear, and his world was his own.

He did it, he saved the team, fulfilled his promise.

He brought Chinese basketball to the top of the world!

This magical continent is no longer a basketball desert.

At the moment, he is a hero!

"2.4 seconds, you\'ve done it!" The serving big Yao finally responded. He rushed to him, lay down on the ground, hugged Ji Feng, and gave him a direct kiss on the face.

"You are God Roughly from the bench, the devil\'s hand extended to Jifeng\'s hair.

With the score, the players have not been put into the crazy table since the score has not gone down.

The players of the U.S. team, like lost souls, all went to the bench to wait for the referee to watch the Final replay. No one will be convinced until the replay video is shown to everyone.

However, Kobe has covered his face with a towel, lying on the stool, he can see clearly, this ball will not have any suspense, it is an unparalleled ball, they lost, once again fell on the Olympic stage.

It\'s just At the last moment, Ji Feng hit five three points in a row and scored 15 points in a row???

Such a scenario makes the American team players to be silly, as long as they defend, then they are the Olympic champions, they can complete the redemption!


The playback that the whole world is waiting for finally moves out. This time, everyone is staring at the timer while staring at Ji Feng.

The fans really want to look up. The fans in front of the TV crouched on the ground praying and looking at the big screen. They didn\'t want to miss any details.

Zhang Hengyuan holds all the champagne in his hand, waiting for the judge to decide whether to open the bottle stopper or smash it directly.Hot bar eyes have been red, forced to hold back tears do not fall out, she is waiting, waiting for a three point effective gesture!

"It\'s a goal! That\'s the ball! Can\'t do without counting! I can see it clearly! How can this ball not be counted? If it doesn\'t count, it will definitely be the biggest miscalculation in the history of the Olympic Games. If it doesn\'t count, I won\'t explain it in my whole life. I will retire and go home with my grandson! " Director Zhang has been engaged in a lot of work now, and his words have burst out.

And Yu Jia is also very anxious, he can only keep saying: "Zhang guide, don\'t gamble so much, don\'t poison milk!"

Long 2 minutes!

The atmosphere at this time is even more tense than that of the game!

Because the ball was too critical, the referee did not dare to draw a conclusion at will. They watched it for 10 times, and it was almost a frame by frame!

But, no problem!

On the big screen, at the last second, Ji Feng has thrown the ball out. Although Ji Feng has lost his balance and his back is amazing, he still throws it out. When the basketball enters the frame, the red light will be on!

It\'s a good ball!

This goal not only has no problem scoring, strictly speaking, this goal James even has fouls suspicion!

But at this time, it doesn\'t matter whether you make a foul or not!

After 12 years of work, the international top referees made three effective gestures after simply watching the replay!

Forget the ball! Three points plus!

The score jumped to 109-108!

the Chinese team defeated the U.S. team by three points at the last moment, becoming the champion of men\'s basketball team in 2008 Olympic Games!

"Congratulations to China team Almost all the commentators put down their headphones and yelled.

"Yes! He has achieved the peak Yu Jia shook off her headset and yelled. , the fastest update of the webnovel!