Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 970

It took 15 minutes for the Chinese players to come out of the state of extreme excitement, mainly because there was an award ceremony, otherwise they would have to bathe in the dressing room with champagne!

But this does not affect their mood, they fight with each other out of the channel, Yao holding Ji Feng walk in the front, two people are far and wide chatting, expressing the aftertaste after winning the championship.

At the moment, on the floor of Wukesong, a simple podium has been built, and the award ceremony is about to start!

However, there was an episode before that. When Ji Feng just stepped out of the player channel, he was welcomed by the long guns and short guns of nearly 100 media all over the world. Although it is impossible to interview now, who doesn\'t want to take this moment? China has become the second team after Argentina to defeat the American dream team. Such achievements have made history.

Jifeng is naturally the focus of media attention. His pure individual show has turned the US team show to the ground. Compared with Ginobili in 2004, Ji Feng\'s performance is more exaggerated. If it wasn\'t for the award ceremony, Jifeng would have been submerged by the media.

However, just as Ji Feng was ready to go to the venue to wait for the award ceremony, he heard several security guards shouting: "Hello, fans can\'t enter the stadium!"

The players of the Chinese team looked in the direction of the security guards. A gray and white figure flashed out of the press group and rushed towards this side.

All of a sudden, the camera of the media is on this side!

Because it\'s hot, Ji Feng\'s girlfriend!

Some people in the security guard obviously recognize the hot bar, so from going straight to the hot bar, some even simply keep the media reporters away from each other, so as not to disturb the meeting of Ji Feng and hot bar. Now Ji Feng\'s popularity has reached the peak, which belongs to the kind of person who says Ji Feng will be beaten if you say Ji Feng is not good. Don\'t talk to your girlfriend here, even if it\'s not yourself No one\'s against girlfriends!

"Hot!" Ji Feng saw that the visitors also met with a smile.

"Ah, ah! Jifeng! You\'re amazing. You\'ve done it The hot bar threw itself into the arms of Jifeng, and then stopped the neck of Jifeng, shouting excitedly in Jifeng\'s ear.

"That is! Your man said he would win the championship if he won the championship. He never boasted Ji Feng rubbed the hot bar\'s small head. He still remembered that before returning to the national team, he once jokingly said with the hot bar that he wanted to win a championship this time. Unexpectedly, a month later, he really let him do it.

"Yes Hot bar heavily nodded, and then said to Jifeng\'s ear: "at the end of the closing ceremony in the evening, wait for my sister to have rewards!"

This sentence directly let Ji Feng\'s blood flow up, what fatigue all disappeared, sure enough, sister and basketball match better.

"Goblin! Go back quickly, don\'t let the security big brother be embarrassed, we will go home after the closing ceremony in the evening Ji Feng said with a smile.

"Hush, hush, hush! ~~"This scene also appeared on the big screen, and the audience immediately burst into a burst of crying and howling. However, no one cares. What Ji Feng does now will be accepted, and the two of them have been open for so long. Seeing this scene, one can only sigh what kind of a fairy couple this is.

Of course, if they knew the content of the conversation, they might not think so, especially the hot bar fans

"Ah, let\'s see Ji Feng\'s girlfriend. The famous Huadan hot bar also appeared at the entrance of the players\' channel. No wonder Ji Feng is so fierce tonight. It turns out that there are beauties accompanying him." Yu Jia said with a smile.

And because of this scene, hot bar has a new name on the Internet: "the most beautiful fan!"

There are also fans listed the hot bar in the Jifeng venue every game, and then surprisingly found that as long as the hot bar appeared, Jifeng almost never lost, the goddess of fortune stone hammer.

After this episode, the awarding ceremony was expected. The Spanish men\'s basketball team was the first to appear!

"The award ceremony begins! Who won the bronze medal! The Spanish team! Let\'s invite them to the podium! " The host yelled.

Under the leadership of Gasol, the Spanish team stood on the podium. This golden generation of Spain also performed well in this competition, and finally created the best record in the history of the Spanish team. Many people in the team have proved that they have the strength to have a foothold in the NBA, especially Pau Gasol and Rubio, which have attracted the attention of many teams. The Grizzlies have found their treasure.

It\'s just that the player is probably in his hands Cough, I don\'t want to mention it!

Spain\'s players are very relaxed expression, Rubio also to reporters to a wave of funny expression, for them, the future is still a long time, they will become the world men\'s basketball team can not be ignored in a long time.

"The silver medal was won by the American team!"

Compared with Spain, the expression of American team players is more severe, because even if they get the silver medal, they still fail. The road of redemption dreams of Beijing, which makes them very sad.

However, this failure also reminds the American team that the world basketball is slowly rising, and the days when they can win gold medals at will are gone.

After the U.S. team boarded the podium, the audience stood up and cheered, even the audience in front of the TV set unconsciously stood up."It is the Chinese men\'s basketball team that won the gold medal in men\'s basketball in this Olympic Games! congratulations! You made history! China is proud of you

In the cheers, Ji Feng jumped onto the podium, holding a brand-new Chinese flag in his hand, which was exactly the same as Liu Xiang\'s in 2004!

This is also a kind of salute. People who create history for Chinese sports deserve to be respected!

The Chinese men\'s basketball team has finally created a new history in this Olympic Games. At the same time of breaking the embarrassing records of men\'s three ball games, this gold medal has also become the 52nd gold medal of Chinese men\'s basketball team in this Olympic Games. The Chinese team continues to expand its advantage in the medal list!

Then, the national flag was raised and the national anthem was played!

"Get up, people who don\'t want to be slaves, take our flesh and blood and build our new Great Wall..." In the passionate national anthem, the national flag rises slowly!

Many Chinese players are tearful, there is such a scene, their struggle, it is worth it!

"Many years later, people will still remember the great achievements of this Chinese men\'s basketball team in this Olympic Games. When they were not optimistic about it, they cut many strong teams down, from the best in the group to the top 8, then to the top 4, and finally reached the final. In the final, the young men of the Chinese men\'s basketball team used their own spirit of not abandoning and not giving up It\'s the most legendary story I\'ve ever seen. I\'m honored to be a part of this story. I\'m honored to be a part of this story. I\'m honored to be a witness to the legend. " Yu Jia said with tears in her eyes and choked with emotion. , the fastest update of the webnovel!