Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 967

Pause over!

The camera was aimed at Kobe for the first time. The whole world knows who is most likely to execute the final at this time, especially after James\' key ball failed. Although the five big players on the American team are very strong, Howard and Bosh don\'t execute the kill. As for Paul, he has not yet qualified, so the probability of Kobe\'s execution is very high.

Jifeng stepped onto the court, he also looked at Kobe Bryant not far away from the next door. It was rare that Ji Feng felt a little nervous. This kind of mood has not appeared on Ji Feng for a long time. Don\'t look at Ji Feng, but after experiencing those things before, Ji Feng almost never tensed up on the court. It\'s really a long time ago.

There is no suspense. Ji Feng still defends Kobe. This ball is too critical. The whole game and the end of the Olympic Games are likely to be decided in these 20 seconds. This kind of pressure may collapse if it is replaced by others.

Rao is a veteran of the big Yao in the field before he took a breath of relief, want to release his tension out, such a difficult game, in his career are rare, at this time he seems to return to those years and the Bayi team fighting, the same is the mood, but the difference is, this game is more important, in Dayao\'s heart, this is even the most professional career The most important game, he would rather never win the NBA championship, also want to win this game!

Next door, Kobe\'s expression is calm, he is not the first time to encounter such a situation, and they are in the advantage, the pressure is on the defensive side!

"Ready to kick off!" Yu Jia\'s voice is indescribable and dignified, and the eyes of the whole world are focused on the stadium. Many fans unconsciously hold their breath and wait for the last 21 seconds!

James stood at the service point, which almost tacitly accepted that Kobe would carry out the attack, but the bag still couldn\'t be done because other people were not vegetarian.


Kobe quickly ran to the bottom line according to the plan. Paul moved at the same time. After the pick and roll, James received a pass from James. James quickly ran to the opposite bottom corner after serving the ball to take the defender away. Kobe also completed the double pick and roll. Ji Feng was stopped by two big men and failed to stop Kobe from receiving the basketball!

The U.S. team at this moment showed a high level of tactical literacy, like gear general interlocking, now it depends on Kobe\'s handling!

"Hoo Hoo Hoo!" Ji Feng stares at Kobe\'s movements, lowers his center of gravity and opens his arms to prevent him from breaking through!

Kobe also did not rush to do offensive action, time still has 15 seconds, he still needs to exhaust time as much as possible!

But Ji Feng can\'t wait, he must let Kobe move quickly!

Jifeng chose to rush forward!

It\'s a normal defensive option, forcing the attacker away from the three-point line and putting a lot of pressure on them.

But this gives Kobe a chance, he is too familiar with season peak, he is waiting for season peak to move first!

10 seconds to go!

Kobe moves!


keep up with Jifeng ~!

Swing fake!

There is still no Huang Feng!

But at this time, Kobe directly chose to cross dribble in advance and then pull out the hand!

But the right foot will step on the three-point line, a super far two-point ball!

And Ji Feng just that ball same crazy shooting choice!

"WTF!" although Ji Feng didn\'t lose his position, he couldn\'t finish the cover this time. The basketball crossed Jifeng\'s fingertips and flew to the ball frame!

Although Ji Feng can understand the choice of breakthrough, it is impossible to understand Kobe\'s heart. Kobe\'s choice surprised everyone.

Jifeng and other Kobe Bryant shot immediately turned to look at the ball frame, and the audience are staring at the trajectory of the ball!

Not only did he frighten the fans of the Chinese team, but also Lao K did not expect that he stood up and stared at the ball in the sky.

But big Yao and so on four big men crazily crowded under the basket, wants to compete for the backboard position.


Basketball across the air, accurate bag drop!

The referee gave a three-point effective gesture!

Kobe kept shooting posture, nodded calmly, then patted himself on the chest, and then was drowned by American players!

the whole court was in a state of uproar, and then fell into calm

"Kobe, shot into the final three points!" Yu Jia\'s voice is very heavy, with sadness.

However, Ji Feng found the referee at the moment of the goal and yelled: "step on the line! Referee, that\'s two points!"

at this time, the referee did not dare to be careless. What\'s more, the game time is not over and the watch is still moving. He also needs to adjust the time back, so both sides enter the technical pause.

Three referees went to the technical platform to watch the replay, while the Chinese players gathered together to wait for the final result.

As for the U.S. team has begun to celebrate in advance, even if it is two points, Kobe left at most two or three seconds, they have one hand to seize the gold medal.

A minute later, the referee announced the result: "two points! Two points work! Return the time to 2.3 seconds! ""Two points! It\'s a two! Kobe\'s shot was two points! There are still 2.3 seconds left. Is there a miracle? " Yu Jia said.

The U.S. team was dissatisfied with the referee\'s protest, but the playback on the big screen was very clear. Kobe\'s right foot stepped on the three-point line, which was indeed a two point!

"The bad news is that it\'s a two point, the good news is that it\'s only 2.3 seconds and we need to do the right defense." ESPN explains.

The Chinese team only had the last short pause, which was not enough to say how many tactics, but fortunately, just that minute, yunas has probably arranged.

However, in 2.3 seconds, basically, the ball will have to be thrown out. In the last round, you will win if you enter and go home if you don\'t.

"Don\'t be nervous, believe me!" Jifeng only said a word, he will now mobilize all his strength, can line, depends on this ball!

There is no suspense, yunas will give the ball to Jifeng, and arrange other people to cover for Jifeng!

"We don\'t have to go inside. We don\'t have a chance to rebound. We have to pull in and open up space to give Ji Feng a chance to serve Yao."

The tactics are very simple, after the suspension, both sides return to the court, James and Anthony appear at the same time, it seems that they want to limit Jifeng crazily!

These two people do not even care about Liu Wei. One of them follows Ji Feng and constantly confronts him with his body, while the other keeps interfering with his catch by waving around.

However, the Chinese team is also fighting, three people collectively to Jifeng pick and roll!

A united crazy to resist bosh, do not let him have a chance to pass, and Jifeng stop to get rid of, a limit posture across the floor, low center to get rid of defense!

"Come and catch the ball!" Yao roared and hit the ball in the direction of Jifeng!

Jifeng directly to the sidelines, almost hand in hand, Jifeng received the ball, no hesitation, Anthony and James in front of the bag!

Jifeng direct super back, Jifeng almost lying in the air!

Throw the ball from the back of the head in the direction of the basket!

Basketball also across the air!


The ball is in!!! , the fastest update of the webnovel!