Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 948

The defensive season peak craiza was Jifeng\'s fake action to shake out 2 meters away, can only watch Jifeng throw the ball!

No accident!

Ji Feng shot this crucial goal, which is not only important for this game, but also means that Ji Feng has completely changed history!

"The ball is in! Ji Feng has created history again! " Yu Jia jumped up for the first time and yelled.

In the fourth quarter, Ji Feng scored 6 points in a row, and Ji Feng got his 56th point in this competition, which surpassed the record of 55 points in a single game set by legendary Brazilian superstar Schmidt and became the Olympic single game scoring king!

In addition, Ji Feng has already created a record of 25 points in a single session in the first quarter of the Olympic Games. Ji Feng alone broke the two scoring records tonight, which is a veritable record shredder!

"Come on!" Ji Feng turned around, opened his arms, roared at the sky, then pointed to the distance, and patted his chest. This is Ji Feng\'s homage to the great Schmidt. Only by doing it in person can he know how difficult it is to get such a score in a single game.

The Chinese team\'s bench has been blown up. Li Nan\'s towel is waving like a wind and fire wheel. His body is still twisting an unknown dance and shouting "Jifeng niuqiang"!

And in Li Nan\'s side, Du Feng\'s face is only shocked and adored. He and Zhang Qingpeng are doing the action of both hands worshipping at the field together!

This is really invincible. If someone told him that one day China would break Schmidt\'s scoring record in the Olympic Games, he would think it was a joke. You think 55 points in a single game is Chinese cabbage. If you tell me the truth, don\'t mention the Chinese team. The U.S. team is also tough. It\'s no less than 70 points in the NBA, because it\'s 8 minutes less than the NBA!

But Jifeng did it, and it\'s not difficult because there are more than 7 minutes left for Jifeng to continue to break the record!

Li Nan, they have been speechless, only worship, true TMD is God, put on the Chinese team\'s shirt!

But Yao first went up and hugged Ji Feng. After Ji Feng\'s ball, he suddenly felt that his physical fitness was back. With such people, how could they possibly lose!

And the other Chinese team players also feel like this, their physical strength at the bottom seems to come back, at this moment, they are full of confidence in the victory!

"Let\'s take the victory away. Tonight is destined for us!" Ji fengchong\'s teammates yelled.

As for the fans, let alone the fans. After the ball, the whole Wukesong was like boiling water met with hot oil and sparks were splashing everywhere. Many people stood on their stools to cheer for Jifeng. Even the superstars of the American team stood up to give applause to Jifeng. It is already a miracle to be able to surpass the legend.

But this time is obviously not the time to celebrate, the game is not over, the two teams will in the last eight minutes for the final fight for victory!

However, the goal seemed to have become a watershed, and Lithuanian confidence seemed to have been shaken. When he looked at Ji Feng, his eyes were confused. Ji Feng\'s impact on him was too great. That was the score record of decades of dust laden, which was easily broken by Ji Feng on himself. This made him wonder, can Ji Feng really be defeated Truth, momentum ebb and flow, such a situation is normal, there are many basketball court sudden collapse is because of this reason.

This situation also spread to other people in Lithuania. They made mistakes in their original strict cooperation. A very low-level mistake. After Lithuanian attacked the front court and distributed the ball, kreiza even walked away after taking the ball!

Craiza, who was called by the referee, was very aggrieved. He took the ball to plead with the referee, but it didn\'t work. Slow motion showed that he took two steps without dribbling the ball. There was no dispute about proper walking!

"Craiza is still too young to make a low-level mistake." Zhang said with a smile: "after all, craiza is only 22 years old. In such a competition, it\'s normal to have something to do. It\'s just to pay the tuition fee."

Director Zhang looked like he was talking to kreiza, but on second thought, it was wrong. Director Zhang had something to say. He was also a young man. Ji Feng was only 19 years old, and he was the first time to participate in the Olympic Games. Looking at the performance of other people, he made a higher judgment by comparing the two.

Some fans immediately said that director Zhang\'s efforts to praise Jifeng are getting deeper and deeper. You can\'t hear it if you don\'t listen carefully!

The Chinese team was able to continue to expand the score, which had nothing to do with Ji Feng\'s score this time. After entering the inside line, Yao\'s dream footstep swung away his opponent and put the ball into the basket!

All of a sudden, the situation has become favorable for the Chinese team!

Lithuanians immediately called for a pause. They have to take time to adjust. Time is not on their side now!

However, after the pause, the Lithuanians were surprised to find that the Chinese team was more confident. Wang Shipeng dared to kill with the ball in, and really played well, which made them totally unexpected.

"The impact of Ji Feng\'s record breaking is emerging! Lithuanians are in danger! " The ESPN commentary hit the nail on the head.However, Lithuanian strength is still online, craiza in the three-point line hit three points is to make up for his mistakes, and then picked up the rebound in the interior line, inside the help to attack lavrinovi to get two points.

The difference has been reduced to five!

However, the Chinese team seems to wake up suddenly, when the physical strength exceeds the limit, the Chinese team can launch several effective counterattack!

This 5-point advantage has been maintained until the last minute!

All the Chinese fans stand up to watch the ball. If they hold on for another minute, they will reach the final of the Olympic Games unprecedented and ensure at least one silver medal!

But Lithuania didn\'t give up. They called a pause!

Once again, giasco maintenance has been given a heavy responsibility!

They designed a very adventurous three-point tactic, gaftokas served from the sidelines, and giasco maintenance tried to get the basketball from lavrinovic\'s single block cover, and then made a three-point shot from the flank at a 45 degree angle!

Although Wang Shipeng tried his best to block, the ball still bounced into the basket!

A lucky goal!

"Yes! Yes!" the Lithuanian coach team all jumped out, it can be seen that they are very satisfied with the attack, which retains their first-line hope of promotion!

At this time, the time is only 40 seconds, and the difference is only 2 points, this is the first time that Lithuania will be able to reduce the difference to an attack can be solved!

"Oh! Three points in! Lavrinovic\'s pick and roll is so good that the defender can\'t get on! At this time, you must pay attention to it. The opponent has the ability to kill in the end! " Yu Jia said anxiously.

The Chinese team called a pause!

They\'re going to set up this crucial attack! , the fastest update of the webnovel!