Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 947

The confrontation between the two sides finally reached the white hot in the third quarter, both sides took out all their energy and improved their defense quality!

hand to hand combat!

fierce hand to hand combat!

the confrontation between the two sides was full of every corner of the field, and the coaches on both sides of the court had completely forgotten their own image at the moment, two people jumped up and down, constantly In short, they did not hesitate to use the method that could affect the game!

However, Lithuanians are better than others. They are keen to seize the defensive loopholes caused by physical problems in positions 1, 2 and 4 of the Chinese team. They frequently break through the inside line to get points in the back field, and they also cover the big Yao crazily in the offensive end, and even block the Yao\'s attack with fierce fouls!

Kryza, the Lithuanian new star, also frequently used his body to eat roughly, and constantly caused injuries, which led to four fouls in five minutes in the third quarter and had to leave the court to rest!

When craiza air relay finished the brilliant dunk on the head of the Arab League, there were only 4 points left in the 18 points difference!

"ComeOn! In ~ ~ ~ ~ in, in!!! Lithuania is still alive! We\'re going to reverse it! " On the Lithuanian broadcast booth not far from CCTV, the commentators could hardly restrain their mood. They stood up, raised their arms and roared, dragging the familiar long tone of European commentaries. They seemed to see the dawn of reversal!

The atmosphere of Wukesong is condensed!

"The Chinese players are out of fitness, they paid for the first half of their crazy press." ESPN explains.

The cheers of the fans have become much smaller. DJ leads the whole audience to shout for defense.

But many male audiences are biting their teeth, clenching their hands, spitting fire in their eyes, and reciting in their hearts, they can\'t lose!

However, there is Ji Feng, Ji Feng arranged the last six points of the Chinese team. When Lithuanian scores, Jifeng can always hit the response ball, and blocked the layup of Lithuanian interior line lavrinovich at the last moment!

This is a very wonderful cover, Ji Feng\'s foot almost flew to lavrinovich\'s chest, in lavrinovich\'s face confused eyes, the basketball was severely pressed on the backboard!

Lavrinovic really wants to ask Jifeng how he killed from that position. The speed is almost unknown to him!

Jifeng finished the blood cap, the red light will be on!

The first three quarters are over!

Jifeng once again got 11 points, which helped the Chinese team seize the lead of these 4 points!


Both sides are about to enter the fourth quarter of the game!

"Hooray! Ji Feng\'s sense of smell is too sensitive, the alert to seize the opportunity to complete the amazing cover! This cover is worth thousands of gold, he let the Chinese team maintain the advantage of 4 points to enter the fourth quarter At this time, Yu Jia breathed heavily and relaxed. The bow tie, which had been wet with sweat, said, "it\'s too exciting, but at least the third quarter has passed."!

"Ji Feng got 11 points in a single session! This also means that Ji Feng slashed 50 points in the third quarter, equating his personal Olympic single game highest score! Ji Feng is the absolute credit of this game "In another quarter, Ji Feng is only 5 points away from Schmidt\'s miracle of 55 points in a single game. Ji Feng has a good chance to surpass Schmidt. No, it is basically certain that Jifeng will become the player with the highest score in a single game in the history of the Olympic Games, and also the youngest player to complete this record. Ji Feng is only 19 years old, so it is basically certain that there will be no future Record of catching up with Ji Feng

"But we are not very optimistic! The third quarter is really too difficult, the fourth quarter will be more crazy, we have to find ways to adjust ah Yu Jia said that although Ji Feng\'s record breaking is definitely exciting for all Chinese fans, it\'s not everyone can break the record, and it\'s definitely a great achievement to return to China. However, compared with the victory, the record is a little dry.

Because even if we break the record, if we lose, the milestone will turn into a sad mileage. That night is definitely a pity. Yujia thinks that Jifeng must have thought so.

That\'s right!

Jifeng now does not want to care how many points he got, but still a few points to break the record, now victory is the most important!

"Boys! I know you\'re tired! But we only need 10 more minutes and we\'ll set a new record! Don\'t talk Jifeng called on the bench, this time the tactics of what is not important, the important is a desire to win the heart!

"Ji Feng is right! unite! Trust your teammates! We can win Yunus squatted on the ground and clapped his hands desperately.

"Give the ball to Ji Feng! Inside help Jifeng create space Yunus didn\'t know. At this time, he was ready to hit the hero ball to the end!

"China team!"


Next door in Lithuania, the coach also squats on the ground, but his expression is much more calm. He picks up the tactical board and writes and draws on it. He uses time to say: "although we are behind, the situation has been very beneficial to us. Now we need to get points and hit the ball to the inside line!""Lavrinovitch, you pick and roll craiza! Craiza, you go to the low post, the closer you get to the basket, the better. Put the ball in the basket, jascotes, you go and get it! "

"Can you do it?" The Lithuanian coach turned his head and said.

"Of course, give it to me!" Craiza took a chest shot. He actually played well today. He has got 11 points.

Both sides are finished!

The fourth quarter begins!

China team right!

Jifeng asked Yao to pick up and remove on the line, then he opened the gap and immediately took the shot. The basketball hit the front of the basket and bounced into the net, startling the fans into a cold sweat!


Ji Feng didn\'t stop scoring!

According to the coach\'s arrangement, giasco maintenance went to the flank to tear up the defense. At the same time, craiza came to the flank after picking and removing the baseline, and faced Jifeng with his back!

Corkonas also hung the ball in!


Cresza\'s basic skills are very solid, which is the advantage of all European interior lines. His propulsion is very rhythmic. At the same time, he plays very carefully. He protects the ball with his right hand and dribbles left and right to prevent Jifeng from snatching!

After pushing twice, kreiza found that Jifeng was easily pushed behind!

"Opportunity Craiza was overjoyed. It was the most relaxed time he played Jifeng on his back, which made him a little bit forgetful. He tried his best to fight back with all his strength!

As a result, only air was hit behind!

Remove the stool!

Jifeng has set a trap for craiza!

"Wow! Remove the stool! Craiza\'s down, Jifeng gets the ball, fight back Yu Jia shouts.

In the picture, Ji Feng is successful again!


"Jifeng is a bull!"

All the fans jumped up!

The Lithuanian coach was miserable

What\'s worse is craiza, who was punished as soon as he was satisfied.

However, he quickly recovered his face with the middle shot, and the difference returned to 6 points!

But at this time, everyone\'s eyes are focused on Ji Feng, because if he scores this goal, he will surpass Schmidt and become the highest scoring player in the Olympic Games!

Jifeng did not let this moment slip away!


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