Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 949

"What a worry! I dare not look at it The hot bar covered her eyes with both hands and only dared to watch the game through her fingers. This competition was the most tense one for her.

"There must be a good result! He has tried so hard! " The hot bar mumbles a prayer for Ji Feng and the Chinese team.

The ups and downs of the game are enough to satisfy the most fastidious fans, from a crazy start to an 18 point lead, to being slowly overtaken by the indomitable Lithuanian, and then to the crazy seesaw battle around 4 points Coupled with Ji Feng\'s record breaking record in a single game, it\'s all fantastic enough.

But the more hot it is, the more nervous it is. This competition must be won. She really does not want people to talk about the magic game of Jifeng with regret in the future.

"Sleeping trough! Two points left! What\'s the situation? It\'s stable! What am I missing? " He didn\'t get a ticket. Hugo, who was watching TV in a hotel in BJ, was very uncomfortable. When he was 10 minutes away, he went out to answer a phone call and suddenly felt that he had missed the whole world!

The Chinese team is calling a time-out!

Almost all the shots are aimed at Ji Feng. Everyone knows who the Chinese team will let to attack at this time.

However, director Zhang still wanted to help Ji Feng solve the siege: "this last attack, Ji Feng, Dayao, and even Wang Shipeng are possible. Dayao has also entered a very beautiful quasi unique in the NBA, and Wang Shipeng\'s 2006 win is still the best in the history of the Chinese team. Don\'t underestimate these people!"

But listening to Lithuanian fans shouting "guard against Jifeng!" Zhang\'s words seem to be useless.

All the Chinese players, coaches, assistants and staff all stood up in a big circle waiting for yunas\' final arrangement.

Unfortunately, Yunus is also the same as all people think, at this time he dare not risk others to attack, because this attack is too important!

"We need to play time-consuming tactics, serve must pay attention to, must not make mistakes, Yao, you go to the sidelines, Arab League to the inside line, fight for rebounds, must be stuck in the position, Dayao you give the ball directly to Ji Feng, do not need to give the guard, two guards run in the opposite direction, open the space to Jifeng!" Yunas drew it on the tactical board, then turned to Ji Feng and said, "two points! We need a two point! Breach! In the way you like! But make sure you have 10 seconds left before you attack! Can we do it? "

"Don\'t worry! But I need Yao\'s help to stop me! " Ji Feng gasped and then wiped away sweat like rain. He had done his best and his strength was exhausted. In the last few minutes, he could not get up. He got two points in the last few minutes. If his teammates were awesome, it would be hard to say at this time, but at this time, Ji Feng would not counse.

"Good! I\'ll help you out! " Dayao clapped his chest, his physical strength is not bad, which is the biggest significance of the opening change.

"OK! That\'s it! If you can\'t make a shot, if you have a chance to grab the rebounds, if you can\'t grab it, go back to defense immediately. It\'s estimated that Lithuania will call a pause, but you can\'t be careless! " Yunus put Baodu on Jifeng, the top star.

"Yes At this time, you can\'t do it!

And Li Tao WAN side, this defense strategy is also very clear, craiza and siskoskas play at the same time, the purpose is not too clear, is aimed at Jifeng!

"The ball will be given to Ji Feng! Don\'t blindly grab, don\'t give Ji Feng a chance to break through. You can see his breakthrough ability. Open your hands and force him to stay away from the three-point line. You can\'t prevent him from breaking through and hitting the middle. Let him be as far away from the scoring point as possible! " Said the Lithuanian coach.

“OK!” Lithuanian tactics are simple and clear, and people join hands and shout.

The pause is over!

The fans\' shouts reached the climax. Many people of the U.S. team were lying on the railing and staring at the field to see how Ji Feng would play the ball.

The referee gives the ball to Yao, and the Chinese team serves from the sideline at half court!

Ji Feng\'s expressionless face appeared on the big screen. The whole world knows that this ball club is handled by Ji Feng. Whether he can score or not is related to the final trend of the game!


Lavrinovich jumps to interfere with Yao\'s serve, but Yao has the height advantage after all, and Ji Feng, relying on the cover of Arab League, runs to his own half and receives the service!

Ji Feng dribbled the ball first after half-time, slowly carrying the ball near the center line, which was a time consuming time.

Jifeng started to move towards the three-point line after about 14 seconds, and kreiza was not far away. All Lithuanian defenders obviously began to move in the direction of Jifeng. Although they all had defenders, they were ready to defend Jifeng at any time.

Craiza\'s defense is very confident. He constantly uses his body and long arms to interfere with Jifeng\'s dribble. However, litaowan has constructed a full three-layer defense, which almost blocks the possible breakthrough paths of Jifeng. At the same time, it can ensure that when Jifeng is forced to choose to shoot, at least two people are in the front of Jifeng!

Lithuanian is gambling that Jifeng can\'t pass the ball. It also clearly tells everyone that if Ji Feng passes and the rest of the Chinese team throws in, they recognize it, but Ji Feng can\'t make a move!I have to say that Lithuanian is still very courageous, but it is also in line with the situation. On the field, especially when defending, you can never take into account all the points, the most important thing is to have a choice!

Jifeng in such a defense seems very uncomfortable, several times feel like in the margin of error, so that the hearts of fans will jump out!

"No one will take over Ji Feng! Time is coming Yu Jia exclaimed anxiously.

Time is only 6 seconds left. It\'s too late not to attack at this time!

At this time, Jifeng finally moved. He dribbled the ball behind his back to avoid kreiza\'s right hand, and then made a breakthrough to the left. At the moment of kreiza\'s movement, he pulled the ball back from his crotch at a very extreme angle, and then pushed it in the opposite direction!

"What a breakthrough! Where can you break through at this time? " Craiza looked at Jifeng\'s action and thought that only 5 seconds, he will be bound to be at least three people in the bag, even if the ball is very difficult, even if the points out, it is too late!

But Jifeng\'s action has not stopped, when kreiza finally risks the ankle explosion to move to prepare to follow Ji Feng to go in, Ji Feng dribbles the ball back again!

Three series of deceiving the world!

Craiza has been swung away a body position, and the center of gravity is back, it is impossible to come back to cover it!

"No! He\'s going to shoot three! WTF! How dare he shoot three Craiza was stunned.

But Jifeng did it!

His previous action is to make Lithuanians believe that he will break through, and they will choose two points to let them wait for themselves to go in, so as to give themselves space for three-point shot!

No hesitation!

The opportunity is fleeting!

Ji Feng throws three points with open hands! The ball looks a little bit curved, but Ji Feng chooses high board!

The ball goes through an arc, hits the basket plate and bounces into the basket!

The red light goes on!

Ji Feng hit the whistle and hit the board three points!

It\'s going to be a kill!

Ji Feng killed the game! , the fastest update of the webnovel!