Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 943

"The Chinese team made a very bold adjustment, Yao sat on the bench, replaced him by the general, the Chinese team may have special tactical arrangements, but have to say, this choice is very risky." Yu Jia said after recovering calm.

"It\'s OK. The Spurs often let Duncan as a substitute. Maybe they have some tactics. Let\'s see how to play in the game." After all, director Zhang is well-informed, so he is very calm. He is just a starter. Don\'t you know a tactic called false starting.

Of course, Zhang also prayed silently in his heart that Yunus would not do any more coquettish operation. His heart couldn\'t bear it!

But yunas is still a calm cold face, holding his arms to the players on the field, look at the expression, no one knows what he thinks.

However, there was no great influence on Litao Wan. It was just a little surprised. Then the Lithuanian coach shrugged and continued to arrange the tactics.

"First of all, we need to do a good defense, this is the key to win, especially Jifeng, our bag can not be relaxed, when Ji Feng holds the ball, there must be one or two people in their front, understand?"


Like yunas thought, Lithuanian emphasis is on defense, especially on Jifeng. As for Yao, it\'s great. It\'s just OK to pack Jifeng firmly!

After making the final arrangement simply, their five starters went to the court. They were:

point guard kokonas, a stout guard with a height of 192cm and a weight of 103kg, will put forward a great test on the Chinese team\'s guard line. After all, there is a big gap in body material.

In addition, it is the spirit of Scott who lost his career as a reserve guard. In addition, it is not his dream to shoot for three points in the world.

However, his dream came true four years later. The 2004 Athens Olympic Games let more people remember his name. In the dream 61 war, jascoy Hughes scored 28 points alone. Under the background of collective basketball, he played with Stephen Marbury and Allen Iverson, as well as the four point success against Odom. That * * 3-point was also included in the top 10 Olympic balls of that year, which is his outstanding performance Play, let the Lithuanian team successfully beat the U.S. team, opened the United States team on the world stage successive setbacks Overture!

His outstanding performance in the Olympic Games made him go to the NBA. A more legendary story came. Although he played a little time and it was difficult to adapt to the NBA\'s confrontation and rules, he seemed to have experienced the most famous fight at Auburn mountain palace in the Pacers, and then went to the warriors to finish the black eight of the playoffs against the Mavericks as a substitute for Byron Davis, and then left directly last season Opened the NBA The fate of such blockhouse novels dare not write like this.

But he is unbeatable in the international arena.

Small forward siskoskas, this man is known as Europe\'s first small forward, height is only 198cm, weight is only 95kg, but to paraphrase Zhang\'s words, his playing method is really reasonable.

Simple, conscientious, hardly forced on the court, before the Lithuanian and Chinese team, some reporters said that the competition between him and Ji Feng was just two different styles of small front confrontation, and there was a set of guys who could put creza on the bench.

Power forward K. lanovy.

Then there are their inner core center gaftokas, Lithuanian captain, known as the first defensive center in Europe. Apart from other things, Gasol often suffers losses in his hands. He can defend any center and make up for the team\'s loopholes. The reason for his strong frame protection ability is naturally his 211cm height and 238cm arm length, which makes his blocking ability first-class in Europe.

Before the game, he also said that he would guard the inside line of Lithuania. Although he did not say so, everyone knew that his spearhead was Ji Feng. After all, the player with the highest success rate of Olympic breakthrough is Jifeng.

Well, all that is said is to let everyone have an understanding of Lithuania. They are not an unknown team. Their players\' strength is ranked on the top in Europe, which can explain the source of their confidence.

Lithuanian media are generally optimistic about making history in Lithuania, because they have never won in the semi-finals. They have fallen to the semi-finals three times in a row, so this time they think it is the best chance to enter the final.

The ceremony is over!

At the beginning of the game!

Lithuanian won the right to the ball, and kokonas slowly pushed forward with the ball, two tall interior lines, one was directly placed in the interior line, and the other was following the outside line as a cover, ready to receive and pick up and remove at any time. This is the typical Lithuanian style.

This style is also good, basketball after several conduction to the vacant hands of siskoskas, he did not hesitate, a middle shot for Lithuania\'s first record.

It looks like a good start.

It\'s China\'s turn. Jifeng pushes forward with the ball. It\'s not surprising that siskoskas, who defends Jifeng, slowly follows. With the attention to Jifeng\'s action, siskoskas suddenly finds that Jifeng\'s speed is too fast!This kind of speed is not the way to cooperate at all!

"Ji Feng came by himself and took the ball from the baseline. When the Lithuanian didn\'t react, he went in one line and finished the layup easily. The opponent\'s center didn\'t even react too much! Beautiful Yu Jia is lucky to be on Jifeng. Otherwise, he would not like to sit here to explain, but would like to go down and hit people!

And the fans are also very excited, but just ready to celebrate, they were surprised to find that the Chinese team even played the full court press!

"Onmygod! What the hell! At this time, the whole court is forced to snatch, and the physical strength is no longer needed? " Some fans screamed in the stands.

On the field, only 8 seconds to complete the goal of Jifeng not only did not celebrate, also did not return to defense, but launched on the spot!

And the rest of the Chinese team is the same, defense is very fierce, and before the Chinese team style is completely different!

The Lithuanian team by the Chinese team this set to make some did not react, actually made a huge mistake, they did not send the baseline ball!

Five seconds of violation!

China team right!

And this time the goal is still Ji Feng, he received the roughly out of the sideline ball, directly stepped on the three-point line into a large two-point!

Then the goal after the season peak immediately into the defense!

Still pressing, Jifeng stood up, near the middle line, Jifeng spiritually hit, and then one finger stabbed out the ball in the hands of jascovius.

In order to catch the ball, jascote Hughes fell to the ground, Ji Feng took the ball to the ground. He was successful in the layup. He saved his energy, which made the fans looking forward to Jifeng dunk a little regretful.

"The Chinese team played an advantage 6-2 in the opening, and the Lithuanian was not adapted to the sudden pressing man to man marking, while Jifeng\'s firepower was fully opened at the offensive end, scoring six points in a row!" Yu Jia said. , the fastest update of the webnovel!