Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 942

After spraying, yunas did not talk nonsense, and began to lay out the tactics of the game directly!

"We need to build enough advantage in the first quarter!" Yunas pointed to the tactical board, which had already drawn a dense tactical map and explanation.

However, this set of tactics really made the Chinese team\'s players startled. Sun Yue was stupid. He didn\'t know the salad he was holding secretly on the ground. Yao\'s mouth was wide open next door, and he was very happy. Only Ji Feng was normal in the whole team.

But even Ji Feng had to sigh: "crazy! If you don\'t succeed, you will become benevolent. Lao you is absolutely desperate. "

Drawing in front of them is a bold tactics, which is not very common in basketball, but many classic battles in which the weak win the strong are won by virtue of such tactics. This set of tactics is very simple, just three words: grab the start!

Yes, yunas is ready to launch a general attack at the beginning. He is unprepared to hit the Lithuanian!

Because Lithuanian is a strong team, no one is more familiar with the style of this team than yunas, the meritorious coach of Lithuanian. The team is iron, the defense is fierce and the attack is sharp. This is the foundation of Lithuanian\'s existence. This kind of thing will not change with the players\' leaving.

It\'s a dark horse to say that this team can play in the top four, but yunas thinks it\'s for granted. You may say that this team doesn\'t even have a big star, what a strong team!

Come on, the world has told you countless times that whether the team is strong or not sometimes has nothing to do with whether there are stars.

Just like in Lithuania, the right person doing the right thing on the court is the basic requirement of a strong team.

Moreover, after countless times of analysis, the depth of Lithuanian bench is stronger than that of Chinese team, so the more backward play, the more favorable it is for Lithuanians, while the Chinese team only has Ji Yao two points dominant, other points are easy to be regarded as a breakthrough, so if you want to win, how can you not be a bit fierce!

Moreover, according to yunas\'s analysis, Lithuania will not take the initiative to change, because when the strong team plays the weak team, the weak side must take the initiative to change the array. At most, they will strengthen the defense of Ji Feng and Yao.

This gives the Chinese team a chance!

"We need to score! Liu Wei, Wang Shipeng, you put the ball in Ji Feng\'s hands Yunas pointed to the two and said, "Jifeng, you are the center of this tactic. We have all seen your ability. If you attack with all your strength, you must be the top attacker in the world. So we need your ability. In the first quarter, I will give you all the ball rights! You come and fight

"Are you confident?"

"Hoo! It\'s exciting!" Ji Feng breathed a breath after listening, which is definitely a challenge for him. The whole team hopes to give him one person. If he messes up, the game will be gone.

But This is really exciting!

"Of course! I am confident to meet any challenge! " Jifeng stood up and said, "don\'t be afraid, guys. We have made history here. At this time, every step forward is a breakthrough. It\'s enough. So if we don\'t talk much, we\'ll do it!"

"Yes! you \'re right! Let\'s go to the final Yao also stood up and yelled, he has been given a very important role in this game.

"Well, I finally have a chance to play with a medal!" I\'m not sure.

The Chinese team\'s mood is perfectly mobilized, everything will wait for the match on the 22nd night. According to the schedule, the match between China and Lithuania will be held at 5pm on the 22nd, which is the first game of the semi-final, while the match between the United States and Spain is arranged at 8pm!


"Good afternoon, everyone. Welcome to the first game of the Olympic men\'s basketball semi-final, the match between China and Lithuania, which CCTV sports brings to you on time

"I\'m the host Yujia!"

"I\'m Zhang Weiping!"

On the afternoon of August 22, Wukesong Gymnasium was already full of spectators. The game attracted tens of thousands of spectators. In addition to the fans of the two teams in the field, tens of thousands of fans were pursuing the scalpers because they could not buy tickets. However, the scalpers were helpless. The tickets for this game were really too difficult to get!

Looking at the people sitting on the VIP, we can see how much attention has been paid to this game. The director of the State General Administration of sport was there in person, surrounded by the leaders of the Sports Bureau, the Basketball Association and the Olympic Organizing Committee. Their appearance is enough to prove the importance of the game.

There are also celebrities from all walks of life in every corner of the stadium. Daimi wears Jifeng shirt, sunglasses and a small flag to cheer Ji Feng like an ordinary fan. There are many stars like her.

There are also a lot of business people. Ji ran and Xia Yanran also left their jobs to cheer on Jifeng, but they didn\'t tell Jifeng. People from Ali group who have various cooperation with Jifeng also appear here.

Of course, their identities today are ordinary fans. Just like those fans in front of TV and computer, they are looking forward to the history of Chinese team being able to innovate again!In the cheers all over the sky, the two sides made their debut. This semi-final, which has created a new history, is finally about to kick off!

"Huhuhuhoo ~" hot bar is taking a deep breath in front of the TV. She is half nervous and half excited, and she feels that the whole person is floating in the cloud.

However, when the Chinese team first appeared, her mood became all nervous, still with a bit of muddle.

"What is the situation?" Hot bar rushed to the TV, watching the first member of the Chinese team muttered to himself.

Ji Feng, Wang Shipeng, a Lian, roughly, Liu Wei!

This is the starting list of Chinese team!

It\'s not bad. This is the first start to win the championship in the Si cup, but the most important question is Yao!

"Yao didn\'t make it to the starting line." Yu Jia called out with a very special tone. There was no way. He almost got angry when he saw the start.

And like him, there are many fans, even Wukesong made a burst of uproar.

"Operation." On the position of the U.S. team, old K said, Yao can\'t go up, which he didn\'t understand. Is Yao injured?

This question is also a question of many fans, but look at the bench, Yao wearing training clothes and starting friends clapped one by one, walking is no problem, and just now Yao really participated in the warm-up before the game, so it is almost impossible to get injured.

So why not? Many fans have to scratch their scalp, just don\'t understand. It\'s not that it\'s generally bad. When I was young, it was more than enough to play a start, and his personal skills were still top. Now, 13 and 6 points per game is the third scoring point of the Chinese team. However, compared with Yao, the short board is also obvious, the ability to move and protect the frame and the ability to attack under the basket are also obvious Force is not a level.

In the face of a strong team, no Yao check, really can do it! , the fastest update of the webnovel!