Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 944

Ji Feng felt hot and helped the Chinese team get the start they wanted. Yunas punched heavily off the field. Seeing Ji Feng like this, he could finally put his heart in his stomach, which showed that his tactics still worked!

"Go on! Keep the intensity of defense! " Yunas stood up and applauded the field and told the players to continue playing like this!

Therefore, the fans once again made a sound of exclamation or cheering, or with cheering in their exclamations, because the Chinese team immediately pressed after the goal, which made the opponent\'s point guard kaokonas uncomfortable. Liu Wei stuck to him like a dog\'s skin plaster, running back and forth to prevent him from catching the ball, and gaftokas, who served, was also very uncomfortable Who is standing in front of a 212 cm tall guy who is jumping and waving to block your sight when you are free throw, will be very upset!

However, this time, Lithuanian still tried to send the ball, and several conduction balls finally passed the half-time. However, just as giasco Weisi wanted to come to catch the ball, kokonas made a pass error, and he directly hit the ball into Jifeng\'s hand!

Jifeng will not be polite. He will smash the ball to the ground and pass it to himself after 2 seconds. Jifeng completes the layup again!


The assistant coach in Lithuania next door finally couldn\'t sit still. Who could stand it? He went to the head coach and said, "do you want to call a pause! The players are a little flustered. The Chinese team is crazy! It\'s going to explode! We need to adjust quickly! "

"Wait! Don\'t worry, let the players try to reduce mistakes Lithuanian head coach selelika touched his chin and said that although it seems that Lithuanian is pressed on the ground for friction these few minutes, he always feels that there is something wrong.

Yes, it\'s the Chinese team\'s tactics!

No team dares to press directly at the beginning, because although the effect of full court press defense is very good, it is likely to hit the opponent unprepared and get the lead in the score like now, but there is a point that he consumes too much physical strength!

In this kind of competition, physical strength is very important. The attack and defense will consume huge physical strength. If you press the whole court, few teams can stand it. If you don\'t have physical strength in the end, the only thing waiting for them is collapse. Therefore, no team dares to take this risk, because once your pressure makes the opponent break, it doesn\'t work Effect, then the game can\'t be played after, especially when the weak play strong, your main force will spend all the physical strength in the first half, what do you do in the second half!

Some people may say that you can\'t change players in the end, which is another key point of the problem. For a team like China, the strength of the main substitutes is very different. You can\'t change people to achieve the same effect!

So in slelika\'s view, this tactic has only two words, crazy!

Anyway, he didn\'t dare to use

Seleika saw a little way out. Yunas, a fellow townsman, was really bold. He dared to use such tactics!

But seeing clearly, slelika was not in a hurry. He continued to let the players play according to the tactics. He wanted to see when the Chinese team\'s physical strength was enough for them to press!

And here director Zhang also saw a little way, in the live broadcast, he said: "the Chinese team is fighting, yunas will score the task to Jifeng, and then the other people are in desperate defense, you can see very clearly, there is no offensive meaning at all, this is also for the whole court press this tactic preparation, because this defense looks very good The United States, but the physical energy consumption is huge, now we should know why we don\'t go up to the big Yao. First, Yao\'s movement can\'t keep up with such pressure, and his physical strength can\'t be so consumed. Finally, we have to leave a backhand for the second half! "

Yunas\'s tactics have been analyzed thoroughly by Zhang, so we have to exaggerate his sense of smell.

However, Zhang also pointed out that this tactic is very risky and may be reversed by Lithuania in the end!

But many fans do not care, because the scene is really crazy, the whole Wukesong has become crazy, because Jifeng is almost full fire!



Three points!

Free throw!

Jifeng finally completely buckled the pass key, with Iverson\'s words, at this time Jifeng\'s eyes only basket!

A variety of offensive means, and basically is a very simple way to score, but the success rate is very high, so that Su Qun can not help exclamation: This is the road to Jane!

Giasco Weisi, who defends Jifeng, is really about to give up defense in the end, because he seems to be useless in defense except praying. Ji Feng who is crazy is really invincible. He can send the ball into the basket in any way. His defense is like making a simple roadblock for invincible Jifeng, and he can pass it perfectly with one jump.

It\'s a blow!

In the eighth minute of the first quarter, Ji Feng finally lost his first shot. At the moment, Ji Feng has already made 8-for-9 shots, 2-2-3-point shots, 2-2-free throws, and 20 points in a single section. Ji Feng has the opportunity to create a new record of single section scoring in Olympic history!Jifeng didn\'t let the fans wait too long. After receiving the goal from Arab League in the half-time, Jifeng crossover broke through the defense of jascotius and came to the three-point line to stop and shoot!


Ji Feng creates a new single section score record in the Olympic Games!

And this record was rewritten to 25 points as Ji Feng dribbled to the front court at the end of the first quarter, more than two meters away from the three-point line!

"Invincible! Jifeng is so handsome Big power on the stands has taken off the mask, holding the national flag lovely wave, this section of the competition is really too explosive!

"Three points! Ji Feng hit a goal again! 25 points in a single section! Ji Feng once again broke the Olympic Games single section score record! He scored 25 points in 10 minutes, and Jifeng set up an insurmountable monument for the later comers Yujia is also infected, such crazy performance deserves any praise.

The Chinese team also led by 14 points with 29-15 in the first quarter!

In addition to Ji Feng, the others only got 4 points, which really played the best of yunas\'s tactics!

However, Lithuania still got 15 points under such defense, which were easily obtained after breaking through the press, which was also one of the disadvantages of this tactic.

The Lithuanian coach said he was satisfied with the result, so he clapped hands with the players one by one to encourage the past.

Of course, he was very satisfied. 10 of the 15 points were obtained in the last five minutes. This shows a problem. The defensive strength of the Chinese team is just like what he thought, and it is slowly declining. He thinks that their opportunities are waiting for them in the near future! , the fastest update of the webnovel!