Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 937

"Nice! Nice! That\'s it!" Ji Feng and Wang Shipeng bump chest to celebrate, and then walk back to the bench.

Croatia called a pause again. This is their last pause, but there is no way. It is not necessary at this time. It is estimated that it will not be used in another minute.

At the moment, Lippi Sa\'s suit has been scattered, the tactical board in his hand is nearly broken, and in his left hand there is a wisp of hair that he just saw Ji Feng pull off after his layup.

If you look at the few hairs on his head, you can see how exciting the ball is.

Lippi SA can finally understand the feelings of those teams destroyed by Jifeng. The threat of such a player who can shoot suddenly and defend is really exaggerated. How he hopes his team has a superstar like Jifeng, so that he can still have a player to rely on at such a time.

However, no, so Lippi SA can only do his last, after all, the ball is played by the players, at this moment any coach is not easy to use.

China team has become a trend!

The commentators are praising Ji Feng crazily. In 33 minutes of playing, they have already slashed 44 points and 10 assists in double doubles. In the last quarter, they have arranged the most critical 7 points, and the shooting percentage is still above 60%. This heroic performance has made countless people present their knees.

Buckley\'s face is full of incredible expression, and TNT has a large audience here, because they found that Buckley has the potential of a prophet.

However, the atmosphere of the ESPN commentary stand next door was a little awkward. Pippen had not spoken for a long time because he didn\'t know what to say. Ji Feng hit him in the face with practical actions in the second half, with 44 points and 10 assists. He really didn\'t know how to get black.

Moreover, from adversity to anti super, every attack of Jifeng is very important. In addition, his defensive contribution of 4 steals and 2 blocks is also at the most critical time, which leads Pippen to have some appreciation of Jifeng.

After all, he is also a player. Naturally, he likes a tough guy like Ji Feng. On the field, he needs to have this kind of temperament. No matter whether he wins or loses, the temperament of going all out. Many stars are too counselled to make them super giant in this life.

He is very glad that he didn\'t say that in his heart, otherwise he should think about how to make the table in front of him better

It\'s really hard!

at the critical moment, Ji Feng didn\'t have any soft touch. He continued to play his role as a super key player. He dominated the court at both ends of the court and scored 4 points in a row. Now, the Chinese team has taken the absolute initiative. With only two minutes left, the advantage of leading the four points seems small, but by this time, four points is definitely a day Cut.

In particular, the whole fourth quarter of Croatia was suppressed, so far only got 9 points, the efficiency of the offensive side reached the lowest value, from the face of Popovich who was just covered by blood, you can clearly read their mood: confused!

"Oh, roar, the game is coming to an end, guys. The Chinese team has made history." In the hotel where the U.S. team stayed, Howard turned his head and called out to a group of big men.

They didn\'t choose to stay on the field to watch the game. After all, they just made it to the last four. The two games after that had nothing to do with their semi-final opponents, so they went back to the hotel to have a rest. After all, the Olympic Games are still very busy.

"I know big man, I have already said, there are Jifeng, Croatia is not the opponent." Kobe said calmly.

"Although I\'d like to kill that guy, I have to say that\'s what I mean. You all know that guy Jifeng." Chris Paul shrugged and agreed.

"Come on, guys, I hope to meet them in the final and treat him well." James said to stand up and go, at the same time in his heart mixed Chen, 44 points 10 assists 8 rebounds 4 steals 2 blocks 0 mistakes, 20 points reversal, do not want to also understand how big a sensation Jifeng can cause.

Bogut angrily turned off the TV, his team was eliminated, the Chinese team is in sight, this face fight, he still hurry back to Australia!

On the court, the Chinese team, which was favored by almost all media, did not give Croatia another chance in the last two minutes. Although Thomas hit a magic three-point defense against Jifeng, the difference was narrowed to only one point, which made the fans really take a cold sweat.

But 20 seconds later, Ji Feng returned a 3-point return in almost the same position, bringing the difference back to 4 points, and making himself score an amazing 47 points. How many years ago, such a fierce player in the Olympic elimination competition finally appeared!

After that, with the Croatian shot and iron, Yao took the rebound, and the chance of Croatia finally disappeared!

Time one minute one second walk!


When the timer completely returned to zero, the score was set at 99-95, and China beat Croatia by 4 points and broke into the final four of the Olympic Games!

At the moment of the whistle, the whole Wukesong seemed like a volcanic eruption. The roar of the fans made the commentators have to raise their volume!"The referee whistled the end of the game, 99-94! China won! China won! They created a new history of the Olympic Games! In our own land, for the first time in history, we have entered the top four of the Olympic Games Sun Zhengping has been unable to restrain his emotions. The Olympic top four is the dream of many generations of basketball people. From the first time he entered the top eight in 1996, 12 years later, they finally achieved it!

This makes him have a kind of unreal feeling, in other people can\'t see the place to pinch his thigh to confirm whether it is true or not!

"Great boys! They have finally realized the dream of Chinese basketball players. I\'m so excited. My friends, there is also a part of me in this Director Zhang has a bit choked, and his dream has finally come true.

In the field, the Chinese players also hugged each other crazily. Yao directly picked up Ji Feng and played in a circle, shouting: "we have done it, we have done it, brother, bull force! We are the losers

"Yes, man, we did! We are the top four! Let\'s move on and get that damn medal Ji Feng is also very excited, which is almost as happy as reaching the finals.

"Well done! Jifeng Ji Feng, who was separated from Dayao, was immediately hugged. The veteran is now in tears. He never dreamed that he would have the chance to create history in the last year of his career. The top four, his career is worth it!

"Congratulations to the Chinese team, they achieved an incredible reversal, I have to say, Ji Feng is an absolute superstar." Pippen finally gave up. Ji Feng is really strong. , the fastest update of the webnovel!