Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 936

Shua ~!

At the moment when the basketball bag fell, Wukesong Gymnasium seemed to be enchanted. It seemed that the sound of fallen leaves outside the stadium could be heard. At this moment, it was like the tranquility before the arrival of the tsunami!

And then ~

completely explode!

"Ah ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah

"It\'s a cow! Jifeng is a bull


"Chong! Let\'s go to China

The fans were totally crazy. More than 20000 people jumped up. Many male fans took off their clothes and swayed wildly in their hands. Even the leaders on the VIP seats jumped up.


Totally crazy!

Croatia asked for a time-out to allow fans to celebrate wantonly. Jifeng held up three fingers and made his own signature celebration action. Then he was completely surrounded by his teammates on the field!

On Ji Feng\'s body, there are countless hands on his head. The degree of crowding makes Ji Feng feel difficult to breathe.

"Grass! Cool! What a fuckin \'thing! Kill those guys Dayao holds Jifeng in his arms and confides his fragrance in his mouth. Jifeng swears that this is the most intensive time he has ever heard Dayao say dirty words.

As for others, not to mention how crazy it is after the release of that huge pressure, I think everyone should have experienced it. What they said is absolutely not up to the standard of broadcasting.

The fans who couldn\'t be on the scene were also crazy. Many students stayed in the school during the summer vacation gathered in the canteen and dormitory to watch the game. At the moment of leveling, many tables, chairs and benches flew out of the dormitory to commemorate the wanton youth. It was so cool.

"Even! The score is even! Jifeng with an unreasonable step back three points, will be 20 points of the huge difference completely smooth! Jifeng! amazing! Well done! This is superstar! He is the pride of China Yang Yi in the Jifeng into the general as if crazy to stand up and fist, and then crazy roar, until this moment, he finally completely released!

Su Qun, who is next door, once again incarnated as a top-level Ji blow. His voice slightly trembled and added, "if you are a startling Hong, if you are a dragon, Ji Feng has proved what it is to be true not to abandon or not to give up with his practical actions, and what he has demonstrated is the true Chinese sports spirit! Fate makes the warrior bow his head, but the warrior will break the fate with practical actions, and tell the fate that my life is up to me, not to heaven! "

"Ji Feng has completely changed the fate of Chinese basketball. This is a war that can be recorded in history, and it will be remembered by history." Su Qun seems to be a poet at this moment!

And the hot bar next door has already been filled with warm eyes, covering his mouth with pride, looking at the season peak wantonly gliding on the field.

"You can tell me! Because your goal is to conquer the world! How can you fall here

The CCTV commentary station also blew up. Sun Zhengping felt that he was not so excited about watching basketball in his life. The goal seemed to be poured down directly by ice water, which made him all over the body: "flat! It\'s even! China is even! With 3:45 left in the fourth quarter, the Chinese team even the score, they are still alive! We are still alive! "

The Chinese team\'s bench has already stood up, towel flying, Sun Yue bow waist crazy roar, and Li Nan\'s face is ferocious and Guo\'s guidance crazy embrace, even Yunus is red face raised arms roar.

In the second half, China played a 47-27 attack wave, flattening the 20 point disadvantage in one fell swoop. They returned to the same running line with their opponents!

At this time, the Croatian players have lost their composure, as can be seen from their faces. They were flustered, and the gap of 20 points was smoothed, which made them collapse.

Lippi SA is the same, but at this time he can\'t scold the players any more. He has to keep the team fighting!

"There are still more than three minutes left. The final showdown has come. Forget about the previous advantage and the ball just now. We are going to fight!" Cried Lippi SA.

But the effect is not ideal, when the huge score advantage is flattened, this kind of blow may be more serious than has been pressed on the ground friction, this time, Croatia has been very inferior!

The Chinese team is also aware of this, so although the main force is panting, it is absolutely impossible to change people at this time. Yunas knows this well.

However, from the expression of the players can also see that the momentum of the Chinese team is like a rainbow!

Pause over!

The two sides returned to the stadium. Now the atmosphere of the stadium has exploded, and Croatia can feel the devil here. At this time, there is no superstar problem and no one can lead the team forward!

This directly led to the failure of the Croatian attack, and the team they relied on for survival did not come out at all. They even made only two passes and Popovich took the shot directly.

"Opportunity! Here comes the chance! The Chinese team Ji Feng takes off the backboard, if the Chinese team can score, it will surpass the score for the first time Sun shouts, he has already half squat to watch the ball, because the ball is too critical.

Ji Feng dribbled the ball to Liu Wei after half-time, but even if Ji Feng didn\'t have the ball in his hand, the Croatian defensive center of gravity was still on him. Everyone knew who would handle the key ball.Indeed, the Chinese team did not cover up, there is still a vacant Wang Shipeng ball back to Ji Feng, and inside Yao is now an engineer, a crazy rebound appearance.

And Ji Feng also got the basketball!

In the face of Thomas, Ji Feng didn\'t call pick and roll, but a crossover!

Thomas tried his best to keep up with him, but Ji Feng immediately pulled back from the left and right, and then dribbled the ball behind him. When Thomas followed up again, Jifeng was a back dribble again!

American Garnett felt a dull pain in his knee!

triple play!

Jifeng a ride, behind is unable to control his gravity, kneeling on the floor of Thomas!

The world knows that Jifeng will fight, but no one can defend it!

Throw it!

Ji Feng scored an anti super goal!

It\'s also his 42nd point!

"Beautiful! The Chinese team surpassed the score! And the last two minutes and 53 seconds! " Zhang said.

However, the moment when Croatia was turned over was a little bit like a dream. Inside rodic yelled: "goal, we need to score!"

And they finally organized a wonderful attack, pick and roll!

Popovich away from the defense into the inside line, and Yao is now luojiqi fight old life head open, Popovich in front of a smooth road.

But at this time, Jifeng from the flank to kill, in the moment Popovich shot high jump!

This is a height of despair!

Some people in the world may be able to face such a block, but it is definitely not Popovich!


Crisp sound, Jifeng hot pot big hat Popovich!

The basketball was taken by Wang Shipeng, the latter launched a fast attack, the Chinese team instantly 3 hit 1, Ji Feng caught the ball again lay up!

Enter again!

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