Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 938

China\'s 20 point reversal into the top four!

, like a thunderbolt, crossed the Chinese mainland in a very short time and spread quickly to the whole world.

In the stadium, excited fans spontaneously sang the National Anthem of the people\'s Republic of China, and 20000 people sang a chorus, coupled with the five-star red flag flying over the stadium, all of which made people intoxicated.

After greeting the Croatian player coach, Ji Feng once again led all the Chinese national team around the field to thank the fans for their support, and the fans also sent the warmest applause!

Ji Feng is very happy with his smile. He has made his promise. They not only keep up with the history, but also really break the history. One day, history will be rewritten in his hands. This sense of achievement makes him addicted. Looking at the flying national flag and excited fans, it\'s all worth it.

And the media naturally follow up crazily. Maybe before this game, many people guessed that the Chinese team would win, but they never thought that the Chinese team would win the game in such a way.

This super reversal makes this game more extraordinary!

"Jifeng\'s divine power will not be reduced! Lead the team to complete the epic reversal! China has won the top four places, and the semi-final will be against the winner between Argentina and Spain Tencent sports reported the first time, open the page is a big title, and in order to celebrate this historic war, Tencent News even changed the whole page to "China Red"!

"Reverse! Reversal! The Chinese team has completed the rescue of adversity, and the top four are waiting for us

"China Men\'s basketball team! Raise the prestige of our country

"The men\'s basketball team is the name of China\'s men\'s three major balls!"

With the crazy reports of the major media, CCTV has also played this news in various stations, and even made a temporary program to replay the epic match!

Many fans of the younger generation opened their windows and roared to vent their agitation. Some of them simply ran to the streets, where a group of excited and sleepless fans were gradually gathering. They held up the Chinese national flag and sang the Chinese national anthem to send themselves to the Chinese team My blessing!

And people like Lin Zhong and sun Zhihao, who make an appointment to watch the ball, can\'t help themselves when they see the victory. They call out one by one to inform them of the good news. At the same time, there is nothing more suitable than the last basketball match!

However, the older fans have tears in their eyes when they look at the TV set, and many people even wipe their eyes with tears. For them, the Chinese men\'s basketball team has entered the top four historically, which is definitely a dream of youth. In the past 96 years, they saw the hope of the rise of the men\'s basketball team. They thought that the Chinese men\'s basketball team would soon enter the top four and even fight for a medal Year after year, hopes and disappointments come from time to time, and the Chinese men\'s basketball team has never gone further.

It\'s getting more and more difficult for them to even make it into the last eight, which is enough to excite all the fans all summer.

Today, they won, China Men\'s basketball team, BJ!

This is a historic moment!

This moment belongs to all Chinese fans and Chinese basketball players!

No matter what the next game is, it\'s enough for everyone!

"Dream! What if it really comes true! " Liu Yudong, a veteran of the men\'s basketball team, posted an article on the social network and also had a jersey that he used to fight for his country. His original dream was to be in the top four one day, but he didn\'t do it until he retired. Now, a group of younger generations have finally done it. As an old general, he has honor!

"Don\'t come back if you don\'t get drunk tonight!" Zhang also sent a selfie for a long time. The background is the scene of Chinese men\'s basketball team\'s thanks.

And the hot bar also sent a photo of themselves with Su Qun and Yang Yi\'s commentary platform, and the caption: "it\'s an unimaginable journey. This competition is destined to make me unforgettable forever."

Of course, there is a sentence she hasn\'t said yet. She is going to interview Ji Feng as a special reporter!

And netizens also blew up, Tiger flutter forum home page was covered by red news, fans here expressed their excitement.

"Five Chinese are sure to win!"

"Who dares to say that the Chinese can\'t play ball? We can overcome such a big disadvantage, and we can not accept it! I\'ll ask you if you will accept it or not! "

"Crazy night of Chinese basketball!"

"Jifeng is really strong, too strong! I am the loyal fan of his life

"The first half of the season, it\'s a cool season for Asia, and it\'s really strong for us to change our history."

"The history of the Chinese men\'s basketball team has been rewritten. The next two games for the Chinese team, as long as they win one, they are bound to add an Olympic medal to the Chinese men\'s basketball team. If they win both games, my mother! I can\'t think of it! "

Fans of course, the hot topic of discussion is reversal, and season peak!

It\'s true that all the credit has been put on Jifeng. ESPN even used the word "God comes down to earth" to describe Ji Feng\'s performance. His performance even made Pippen, the black powder, turn black into powder. The United States made the United States analyze his game all night, and let Spain and Argentina rank Jifeng as the number one enemy. It is conceivable that the season peak in this game has shocked people.The season peak data is enough to blast days, 47 points, 10 assists, 8 rebounds, 4 steals and 2 blocks, but there is no fault.

Four out of six three-point shots, 14 out of 19 two-point shots, and 7-out-of-8 free throws made Croatia despair.

And we should know that this is not a massacre, but the data played under the absolute disadvantage. In those times when the Chinese team couldn\'t score, it all depended on Ji Feng scoring goals one by one for the Chinese team, and dominated the reversal game in the second half. It was amazing to get 10 points in a row in the fourth quarter and kill suspense completely.

Such performance is enough to be promoted to the first meritorious official!

In basketball, after every Olympic Games, there will always be some people walking into people\'s sight. Especially for some international players who play in the NBA, their performance in the Olympic Games will become the best factor for their soaring prices. Many people are also valued by NBA teams because of their excellent performance here, so they go to the NBA League.

Although Jifeng does not need Olympic gold plating, but such crazy performance is enough to make the price of Jifeng soar again. In the coming new season, the value of Jifeng is expected to make everyone look at it.

For the Chinese men\'s basketball team, Ji Feng can be called a priceless treasure. CCTV reporter Liu Jia described Ji Feng\'s great performance with his extraordinary achievements.

"The men\'s basketball team has ushered in his best leader, and China\'s sports world has also had the best leader!" Liu Jia directly believes that Ji Feng is the first person in China\'s sports field. , the fastest update of the webnovel!