Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 873

Basketball Association officials plus team leader, plus yunas, this set of luxury pick-up lineup blinded the eyes of the media, but it also reflects the status and attention of Ji Feng in their hearts. However, it can be understood that in the domestic sports circle, achievements and status have always been linked. As long as you have achievements, anyone who meets you will be polite. Therefore, basketball association officials come here It\'s not surprising that they can\'t come, and Jifeng doesn\'t care. What kind of person is this basketball association official? Ji Feng has seen more from small to large.

What\'s surprising is that yunas, the famous coach from the basketball power of Lithuania, has always been known for his strictness. His nickname in Europe is "basketball Caesar". From this address, you can understand how this coach is coaching.

During his years of teaching in China, he was also famous for his strict discipline, strong training intensity, no specialization, and he was very tough. The famous "nine questions" at that time can be clearly seen.

Therefore, he can personally come here to meet Ji Feng, which is beyond the expectation of many people, including Ji Feng.

Since Ji Feng decided to join the national team, naturally, he has studied the coach yunas. At least he should know his coaching style so as to better cooperate. A coach can coach smoothly. This is not a problem for the coach alone, but also closely related to the players. Ji Feng always thinks that, in a simple way, you should at least know what the coach wants you to do on the field.

In Ji Feng\'s eyes, yunas is definitely one of the top coaches outside the United States. His coaching experience is very beautiful and there is nothing wrong with him. Whether it is the Lithuanian national team who won the bronze medal in the 2000 Olympic Games and the European Championship in 1999, or the coaching club who has won six domestic league championships, or has come to China\'s Asian Games, the Asian Championship and the top 16 of the world championships, all prove that His strength.

Moreover, Ji Feng believes that his style is very suitable for the Chinese men\'s basketball team. In addition to his tough style on the court, his use of new players is also praiseworthy. Chen Jianghua was brought to the international stage during his term of office, and Wang Shipeng\'s appointment also reflects his eye on people and is indeed accurate.

So Jifeng is looking forward to working with Jonas, and Phil Jackson for a season. Let Jifeng understand the role of a good coach on the team. Look at Mark\'s Grizzlies Forget it. I don\'t want to mention it.

In short, the role of a good coach must be much greater than that in the eyes of many fans. In addition to appreciating this time, Ji Feng feels that he is still releasing goodwill. After all, there have been too many conflicts between big players and coaches, and yunas is also afraid of it!

"Mr. Yunus, I\'m looking forward to this cooperation." Jifeng said with a smile, Yunus is to think more, he is that kind of pressure people, Jifeng to do is always with strength to conquer others!

"Well, let\'s go! It\'s time to show you our training Yunus patted Jifeng on the shoulder. Obviously, he also received the goodwill of Jifeng.

"Ah, Ji Feng, we have been waiting for a long time. Do you think we want to go to the base now or take a rest for half a day?" When yunas and Jifeng finish speaking, the Basketball Association\'s elder brother finally seized the opportunity to intervene.

"Go to the base. I\'m in good condition. My physical fitness teacher follows me. I can start training in the afternoon." Ji Feng said that the mode of training madman has started, and the physical fitness coach will help Ji Feng recover his physical strength in two or three days. After all, Ji Feng also had a holiday.

"Eh ~!" Jonas kept nodding after hearing this. Coaches like hard-working players. This is absolutely true.

"Good! Then let\'s go! " Basketball Association officials naturally will not disagree, a group of people from the airport to the men\'s basketball training ground!

As the Olympic Games are approaching, both men\'s and women\'s basketball teams are training in the training base of the national sports training administration. However, this place will be changed to the training base of Beilun of Nb. On July 8, the basketball training base was just completed.

After arriving, Ji Feng first received his own equipment, including the No. 12 national team jersey with Ji Feng\'s name and several sets of training clothes, as well as various other equipment, and then returned to his apartment, where Ji Feng had a separate apartment and a treatment with Dayao.

Then, guided by the staff, we visited the whole training base, met with the coaching team, had a comprehensive physical examination, and ate in the canteen!

After a short rest, at 2:00 p.m., Jifeng officially put into training!

"Wow, the equipment here is not bad. Seriously, I thought there would be nothing we needed here." Jeff, the physical trainer who came here with Ji Feng, looked at the things in the field and said.

Ji Feng is mainly to recover physical fitness and find the feeling on the field today, and will not participate in the team training.

"That\'s not true. After all, the national team was far from our school\'s at the beginning." Jifeng put on the equipment, under the fitness clothes is Jifeng strong body, this period of time even if there is no large amount of exercise training, Jifeng\'s physical condition is still good, this is almost every super giant must know skills.

"Don\'t talk nonsense, Jeff. We have a lot of work to do. You don\'t want us to work until the early morning, do you?" Ji Feng said.Jifeng training place is next to the men\'s basketball training field, so Jifeng also attracted the attention of men\'s basketball players.

And Ji Feng\'s words also did not control the volume, in the open court is very clear, the men\'s basketball players naturally heard.

"Brag It\'s only two o\'clock in the morning... " Zhu Fangyu curls his lips. Even if he is Ji Feng, this tone is too big. Of course, he is still very dissatisfied with being squeezed into the bench. After all, who doesn\'t want to play the main force.

"Well, it\'s not bragging. That guy is terrible. I advise you not to mess with him." Ah Lian stands out. He has cooperated with Ji Feng in All-Star rookie games and often communicates with him. He has seen Ji Feng\'s God come down to earth in NBA. So he knows the consequences of infuriating this guy. As an old teammate, he thinks it is necessary to remind these people, so as not to send food

"Is that exaggeration..." Zhu Fangyu said, of course, he is not ready to challenge Jifeng, it is not wise to be a bird.

But two hours later, he was very happy with his decision, because Jifeng this guy, really terrible

Crazy training!

This is the feeling of all the men\'s basketball players who can\'t believe it, whether it is the crazy number of groups or the weight of terror!

"My mother, this bench press, this squat I took it. " Li Nan was stunned. He had never played with such a heavy thing in his life.

"What\'s more, he has great endurance, explosive power and balance. What did the foreigner shout just now? It\'s just the amount of recovery training?" Wang Shipeng has never closed his mouth since the beginning.

"Bull force..." Zhu Fangyu stayed for a long time and two words popped out of his mouth. Fortunately, it was not me who sent the dishes!

Ji Feng did not know, his national team career, from conquering teammates began! , the fastest update of the webnovel!