Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 874

For six hours, Ji Feng\'s first recovery training lasted from two to eight. Of course, there was rest time in the middle, but the intensity was enough to surprise the players in the training base.

This includes Arab League, and the most common sentence he heard in training and after was: "you all train like this in NBA."

Ah Lian can only respond with a wry smile. How can it be like this? This guy is the top in the NBA. His nickname is a training maniac. How can ordinary players compare with him? In the six hours of Jifeng\'s stay here, he has topped the amount of his national team\'s usual three days.

The coach group headed by Yunus was also shocked. If not, ordinary people could not bear such a high-intensity training. If they could not do it well, they would hurt themselves.

Yunas came to the national team at the beginning is not too high intensity, but many people turn back to run down half dead, after increasing training is few people can stand, insist on a few days someone muscle damage, this has something to do with people\'s physique, but of course, it also has something to do with the willpower of many people, some people are not physically good, some people are simply lazy nothing more.

At first, Yunus was afraid that Ji Feng would be injured too much, so he asked the assistant coach to run over to remind Ji Feng\'s physical fitness coach. Then he was told by his brother, "this is the appetizer. The real thing hasn\'t started yet. You can rest assured that Ji Feng has more training in the NBA, which is really just recovery training."

I\'ll take it back

Assistant coach is speechless. OK, you\'re so strong. You\'re the boss. You\'ve taken it!

"Don\'t mess with your studies. You can\'t bear it!" However, yunas still reminds other players, do not want to imitate, they are not season peak!

After half a day, through the physical examination report and on-the-spot training, Yunus recognized that Jifeng is absolutely world-class!

"Stop it We\'re not stupid... " Heard the team members have said, who learn who fool ah, this is easy to learn it!

At 4:00 in the morning when many fans adore Kobe, but let you get up and train in other people\'s way. One day\'s training is so long, and you have to be hospitalized in two days. If you don\'t have the physical condition, you have to step by step. In the final analysis, basketball still depends on your physical talent!

Jifeng did not know that his half day training in the team caused no small storm, he just felt that a lot of unknown team-mates were polite to him

Li Nan, for example, took the initiative to communicate with Ji Feng. It is needless to say that the Arab League came back from the NBA. Naturally, there are many common topics. In two days, brothers began to match.

Sun Yue, a rookie who is likely to be recalled by the Lakers next season, naturally follows Ji Feng\'s lead. He doesn\'t say hello to the Laker at this time, so he goes to Jifeng\'s apartment to pay homage to the dock that night, and soon becomes Ji Feng\'s younger brother on the national team.

The same is true of GD men\'s basketball players. Zhu Ba and Wang Qi even took the initiative to play three-point games with Ji Feng after their usual training. This is their skill that they think they are very good at. However, it is needless to say that Ji Feng won two victories with one pick, which can be said to be bloody. The three points are like rain, so they should not be abused.

"Accurate, too accurate, brother, more exchanges in the future." Zhu Fangyu thumbs up at Jifeng, five points without losing a ball, this level still needs to be said.

On the court, strength is respected. Through two days of training, Jifeng\'s strength is quickly recognized by these guys. Naturally, there is also Ji Feng\'s own credit. Ji Feng also intends to close the relationship between them.

Because Ji Feng always thinks that if the national team wants to have combat effectiveness, it must build the national team into a collective, and everyone is closely related to strive for the same goal, so that the team\'s combat effectiveness will be stronger.

However, many national teams are first-class in paper strength, which is often not the case. The main reason is that the players are fighting on their own, and there is no cooperation between them. Just like the United States team in 2004, the paper strength is still strong, but it can not defeat the more united Argentina.

Of course, some people will say that American dream six was not the best team that year, which is true, but it depends on who is compared.

Compared with their own nature is not the strongest, but the peak period of Duncan, Iverson, Xiaosi, Marbury, okafu, Boozer, 03 golden generation of James, Wade, Anthony

Just tell me what else you want

So it\'s not because of the lineup that American dream six lost. Is this team not enough to win the championship in NBA? In the final analysis, it\'s because they are not a whole. They don\'t select and train before the game, and they can\'t adapt to the international basketball rules. This is the real reason why they lose.

So this time, American dream 8 also began to engage in training and selection

And after a few days of Ji Feng\'s efforts, now the national team, at least the degree of unity is increased, the field is very harmonious.

Yunas is naturally very satisfied with this situation. He intended to promote Jifeng as the core of the team. At first, he was worried that Jifeng could not adapt to the national team quickly. Now it seems that he is worried about nothing.And Jifeng\'s role on the field is more valued by yunas. He specially designed a lot of tactics for Jifeng, which is the most single player tactics in the whole team. After all, Jifeng\'s attack ability and key ball ability are there. When he can\'t open up the situation, Jifeng is the point he relies on most.

After a few days of joint training, he found that Jifeng is really a self-contained system. When Ji Feng is present, the Chinese team\'s operation will be more smooth, the error rate will be reduced, the goal rate will be increased, and the number of assists will be greatly increased!

What\'s more, Ji Feng is a strong dribbler, which makes the Chinese team no longer afraid of the opponent\'s full court pressure in the future, which definitely solves a huge problem!

"This Olympic Games, may be able to climb to a higher height ah!" Yunas secretly thought that Jifeng undoubtedly gave him more confidence, Jifeng and Dayao\'s inside and outside combination, he can\'t wait to see.

And Yao has recovered from the injury, through the doctor\'s examination and recovery training, Dayao has met the standard of playing, that is to say, the time to complete the Chinese national team is getting closer and closer!

After the cup, Yao will report to the national team!

On the 16th of this month, the national team rushed to Hz City, ZJ Province, where they will participate in the most important warm-up game before the Olympic Games of superstars, the Stankovic cup!

This is the fourth Si cup. Now the cup is in its heyday. All teams are sending their main force to participate in the tournament. What\'s more, they are all strong teams from all continents, so they have high gold content.

Before the Olympic Games, this is the best place for training!

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