Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 872

"Stinky boy! It\'s still that big. " Zhang Hengyuan said with a smile: "you can be careful. The national team is not the same as the club. The 2008 Olympic Games attract worldwide attention. Now you are the representative of the country. Your eyes are definitely several times more than those of other athletes. It\'s OK to win. Once you encounter problems, your life will be difficult."

"Well, I understand. Don\'t worry, coach." Jifeng promised that Jifeng naturally knows that the more attention he has on him, the more responsibility he has to bear, just like Yao before him.

However, Jifeng doesn\'t care. What he pursues on the court is victory, and pressure has always been one of his driving forces. As for the victory, the fans naturally expect to win, and that happens to be his goal all the time!

As for being scolded after losing, Jifeng thinks it\'s not shameful to lose to an opponent like the United States. It\'s OK to play your own style if you lose to such a rotten team as South Korea

But with Ji Feng in, other Asian countries have to wait a little longer for rebellion

Of course, if you encounter the basketball association officials who don\'t know how to direct blindly, Ji Feng will not be used to them. Moreover, Ji Feng has already made it clear when he joins the national team that he will not come back for some miscellaneous games.

Yao has been seriously injured continuously, which makes him seldom play a complete NBA season in his career, which has a great relationship with his always coming back to play national team games in the off-season. The physical quality of yellow people is not the top level. Under the intensity of competition like that in a year, it\'s strange not to be injured.

So Ji Feng sent a text message to Yao after he returned home. In addition to asking when he would return, he was advised not to come back when there was no big game, otherwise his career would be greatly reduced.

Yao also promised to do what he can in the future. Now Yao\'s mentality is different from before. Before he was a father and a mother in the national team, he was all on his own. Don\'t look at those guys who have been playing in China, they will be very weak once they go to the international arena. Especially for the strong teams, the domestic players can\'t adapt to the defensive intensity and attack rhythm of others, This is also the reason why Dayao often comes back to save the field. It\'s impossible without him!

And this serious injury and the rise of Ji Feng changed Yao\'s mentality. After all, with Ji Feng, the national team would not collapse. Seriously, Dayao felt that those who questioned Ji Feng in the media before could not adapt to international basketball were all idiots. Ji Feng, who had not personally experienced it, was very difficult to understand this guy\'s sense of oppression on the court. It was really terrible

Think of the cover that covers the sky, tut Tut, Dayao can\'t wait to see the day of beating face!

"Wife! Book me a ticket! " Yao yells at SH\'s home at the moment. He\'s going to BJ, too. Although he won\'t report to the national team immediately, he\'s going to watch the game!

Well, these topics or wait until the season peak to the national team to talk about it, now season peak is still in the holiday.

Looking back at coach Zhang\'s home, after reminding Ji Feng, coach Zhang did not talk about the topic of the national team. After all, coach Zhang still believed that Ji Feng could handle everything well. Instead, they began to talk about their past school life.

"The guy Lin Zhong went to Jiaotong University. Although he couldn\'t become a professional, he was still enough to play Cuba. This year, the high school affiliated to Jiaotong University also entered the national high school league competition. The guy sun Zhihao played very well. Some of the others gave up basketball, some went to Cuba, and you were the only one who played professionally." Coach Zhang sighed that things have changed a year ago. Some of the teams that created many records in high school league matches have left basketball. Of course, most of them have successfully entered Cuba, but everyone knows that playing Cuba and professional league matches are totally different paths.

"Yes, there are still a lot of things for Chinese basketball to do. Maybe in the future, we will have the training and selection mechanism from small to large in the United States. At that time, high school basketball players will not be looked down upon." Ji Feng said that there is still a long way to go for Chinese basketball to become professional.

"Don\'t talk about it. On such a happy day, coach Zhang, I have a dinner party with Lin Zhong\'s group of guys. Do you want to go with me for dinner?" Ji Feng looked at his watch and said with a smile.

Before he came, he called his old teammates and made an appointment with the restaurant next to the high school attached to Jiaotong University. They often went to the restaurant to check the time. The guys should have arrived.

How can you forget your old teammates when you come back? Although the road is different, Ji Feng doesn\'t look at this when he makes friends. These guys are all the people who helped him when he was in the most difficult situation, especially Lin Zhong. Ji Feng has made an appointment to help Ji Feng deal with domestic affairs after he graduated from university. Anyway, that guy\'s college paper is financial management, which is just right Mouth.

"Ha ha, walking. I haven\'t seen the golden generation of our Jiaotong University together for a long time." Teacher Zhang readily agreed.

When a group of people met in the Affiliated Middle School of Jiaotong University, it was a natural jubilation. It seemed that Ji Feng had returned to his days in the school basketball team. Although Ji Feng was still a teetotaler, it did not prevent him from integrating into the team.

"Brother, you are really good, give our school head a face!" Wang Haochong Jifeng thumbs up, this guy has been fatter after a year of college."Do well, brother. You\'ll have a lot of face when you go out now." Lin Zhong said BJ when he drank too much

"Captain, I didn\'t disgrace you. We will defend our national championship next month." Sun Zhihao said, this guy also drank too much

The guests and the host enjoyed themselves, and the peak of the season had a very happy night. This kind of happiness can\'t be bought in night clubs and bars.

And this is the last day of Jifeng\'s holiday before the Olympic Games!

At 8:00 a.m. on the 12th, at the capital airport, the media who had already received news gathered here, and they were surrounded by many fans holding Banners!

Today is the day when Ji Feng officially reports to the national team!

"My mother, the big scene, Yunus himself! And Li Yuanwei, the national team leader. " Said a reporter, looking at the crowd in front of the national team uniform.

"That\'s not true. You haven\'t finished watching it. The vice chairman of the basketball association has also come. Look at the media group. What can come, what can\'t come, all come!" Another reporter said that this is definitely the highest standard person in the national team for so many years.

"Come out! Come out

With the crowd burst out a burst of shouting, reporters began to stir, fans began to shout slogans!

The reporter turned to see, Ji Feng wearing sportswear, pushing the box out of the channel first!

"Jifeng, welcome to the national team Yunus came forward to shake hands with Jifeng. The general he was thinking about finally came.

"Thank you, Mr. Yunus! Thank you for coming to meet me in person Ji Feng said, such a big battle, these guys are too boastful! , the fastest update of the webnovel!