Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 871

But Ji Feng himself is still low-key, in the interview to his positioning is still a basketball player!

"I still hope you know me through the performance of the basketball court. After all, that\'s my main business. Now, I\'m really doing what I can." Ji Feng said calmly that he didn\'t want to make a show to gain fame. According to his current idea, he actually wanted to keep a low profile. After all, his fame this year really soared like a rocket. To earn fame by this way, really, Jifeng really doesn\'t need

The main purpose of this campaign is to publicize and call on more people to contribute to the disaster area. Otherwise, Jifeng would not come here in such a big way.

And although it is undeniable that some people really rely on these means to win the favor of the public, it is also undeniable that some people really want to do something good for the society to give back to the society, such as the ordinary teacher Gu.

Then, regardless of the public opinion, Ji Feng has a two-day trip here, and the rest of the trip is to cooperate with the local sports bureau in youth basketball

of course, there are also many men with keyboards who question Ji Feng\'s behavior. For example, some people put forward Ji Feng as a show.

Of course, this conclusion is half dead by Jifeng fans on the Internet, and even passers-by can\'t look down on it. After all, Jifeng\'s donation of tens of millions of dollars is in fact, and the materials of JY group can be seen everywhere. The people who said this have absolutely bad conscience.

However, some people are not the same, he is not questioning the issue of Jifeng show, he is that Jifeng should return to the national team as soon as possible to prepare for the war!

"As we all know, although this men\'s basketball team is known as the strongest national team in history, it is undeniable that this men\'s basketball team is also full of crisis. First of all, Yao will be absent from the Stankovic Cup due to injury, while the rest of the players look strong, but in the previous airport warm-up games, more losses than wins. Although the return of Arab League brings a little vitality to the team, but a United\'s personal data is not very eye-catching, the three warm-up games are 12 points, which is a gap with the public expectations

"So it\'s a question whether I can adapt to the rhythm of international basketball just after I came back from NBA. If there is such a situation in Arab League, does Jifeng also have it? After all, Jifeng has not participated in an international basketball game before, so should Jifeng focus on his main business now?"

Such a reasonable and provocative article is really rare in this era when black people don\'t use their brains, and what this article says is quite reasonable.

But in fact, the return date of Jifeng was set, which was announced before. Moreover, Jifeng has just finished the long championship season. In addition to Jifeng, the two national team members, Gasol and Kobe, did not appear in the warm-up of their respective national teams.

If you think about it carefully, you can understand that sometimes rest is more important than playing a few warm-up games. After all, Stankovic cup is a warm-up game. It doesn\'t matter whether you win or lose. It\'s just to adapt to Wukesong in advance and run in the lineup. For the Chinese team, anyway, Yao is not here, and Jifeng\'s strength is there. This game is just good to see the strength and lineup of other players.

Let this reporter say, feel that this competition is more important than the Olympic Games, but others also gave reasons, China\'s main opponent in Asia Iran also participated in the competition, and sent all the main force.

After all, in 2007, Iran defeated China to win the Asian championship. Hadadi also repeatedly challenged the Chinese basketball circle. Bakhrami was called Asia by Iran at the beginning. No matter what the sunspot said, in a word: "let\'s talk after the game."

And the men\'s basketball team also quickly issued a statement to support Ji Feng, believing that his work played a significant role in basketball promotion, and continued to express the expectation of Ji Feng\'s return to the team!

This also blocked a lot of sunspot\'s mouth, let them all hoodwink, this basketball association this is to turn sex Where did they know the status of Jifeng there? It\'s almost unprecedented, and it\'s estimated that there will be no one after that.

After all, if you don\'t play well, you\'ll have to go home to inherit your family business!


The voice of the outside world did not affect Ji Feng\'s steps. He continued to move forward according to his plan. During this period of time, the basketball field was still calm. The main news was the warm-up of national teams and the countries participating in the Olympic Games successively announced their final list of 12 National People\'s Congress. The Olympic Games are really approaching.

On the morning of the 11th, Ji Feng said goodbye to SC and returned to sh. he had one last day. Tomorrow is the day when he rushed to the national team to report.

Ji Feng did not choose to go to another place, he directly brought many gifts to Zhang HengYuan, coach Zhang\'s home!

"Jifeng? Why are you here! " Zhang Hengyuan opened the door and saw that the visitor was obviously in a trance for a while, but he was soon filled with happiness. This is his most proud disciple!

"If you don\'t come back, of course I have to visit you. This is a little gift. I\'ll put it here." Jifeng also does not regard himself as an outsider, take the thing to go directly into the door.

Coach Zhang is very important to him. In addition to valuing him in the past, he was under great pressure to help him return to the arena at about the same time last year, so that Ji Feng had a chance to start again. For this kindness, Jifeng will never forget. Maybe Zhang Hengyuan doesn\'t know what it means, but Ji Feng knows that this is giving him a chance to be reborn!"Come on, take so many things, do you use me as a warehouse here?" Zhang Hengyuan said with a smile, looking at the big and small things.

At the beginning, there were two coaches in the office.

"At the beginning, you were very outstanding. In my heart, among the youth in China, you should be able to rank in the top ten. However, I didn\'t expect that your year was far beyond my expectation. I am still old, and the future is for your young people." Looking at Ji Feng\'s face, Zhang Hengyuan said with emotion that he had made the most successful decision in his life to bring Ji Feng here.

"Hey, that\'s also your good vision. Thanks to your trust, otherwise, I will be buried. After all, Bole is very important." Ji Feng helps coach Zhang pour tea. In addition to his father, coach Zhang has this treatment.

"Hey! Your character has changed a lot. No wonder you can cheat such a beautiful girl. " Zhang Hengyuan responded with a smile.

"I don\'t want to say anything else. I\'m going back to the national team this time. What do you think?" As expected, he is a basketball coach. He can\'t live without the topic of basketball.

"Of course, it\'s better to go as far as possible. I\'ll do my best if I don\'t do it, coach. Are you ready to witness history?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!