Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 870

Originally, there was a dinner party after the program was recorded, but all the popular artists came here, and there were a lot of announcements. Hugo came back from the crew on leave, so there was no time for dinner.

And Jifeng is also the same, he will rush to the next activity place, so the farewell can only be here.

"We BJ see teacher he, later went to SH, you can come to me." Ji Feng first hugged Mr. He. It\'s not unreasonable for him to be angry. The whole recording took care of Ji Feng and didn\'t ask any difficult questions. This is very difficult. I don\'t know how many hosts live by asking gossip.

"I will go to the scene to cheer you on, the Olympic Games refueling!" He said.

Then there were other people. Ji Feng said goodbye one by one and arrived at Zhao Xiaoying. Today, Ji Feng vaguely felt the girl\'s feelings for himself, which was different from Da Mi\'s pure pursuit of stars.

"Good filming, you see, at the beginning I said you can be red, although your face is still like a bun." Ji Feng pinched Zhao Xiaoying\'s steamed bun face and said.

"Oh, that\'s my own effort! What does it have to do with you! " Zhao Xiaoying did not refuse, but intermittently and vaguely retorted that she had been able to play with Ji Feng for such a long time on this day, and was very satisfied. As for later, I\'ll talk about it later.

"Well, we\'ll have a chance to meet." Jifeng did not stop, and after waving to everyone, he took the lead in the car.

Jifeng\'s first variety show tour ended like this. The specific results will not be known until the premiere. However, on that night, all the program guests who participated in the recording were recorded through Amway, a personal social networking site!

"So you are such a seasonal peak ~! I\'m finally going to meet my idol. Are you looking forward to it The great power of the text.

And then the next pile of @ hot bar

"Perfect recording! I can\'t wait to share it with all the audience He said, by the way, sun the jerseys sent by Jifeng.

After the finals last month, the same Jersey was auctioned for 45000 dollars

This is definitely the gift that all fans dream of!

Mr. He was shocked to see that it was nearly RMB 400000. Moreover, if Jifeng was auctioned in China, not to mention 400000, 1 million might be possible. Domestic star chasing is even more fanatical. Jifeng\'s rich second generation and rich generation fans have no place to spend money!

He looked at the shirt in his hand and thought he should frame it up!

And Ji Feng also later published an article: "the best variety show tour, I hope you like it. We will send you joy in summer!"

The publicity effect of this pass is remarkable. The variety show, which has attracted much attention, has not been broadcast first. The number of people discussing on the Internet has risen wildly. Even many entertainment magazines have been competing to report on it.

And the heat was also detonated on the 8th. The director group of mango satellite TV stayed up late to cut out the trailer, which was inserted and broadcasted between the programs of that night, and then directly ignited the enthusiasm of the audience!

When the Night Trailer broadcast, the audience rating rose by 8 points, directly breaking through the 10% rating barrier, becoming the peak of all TV stations\' ratings on that night, which was higher than that of other people\'s TV dramas!

The name of Jifeng ratings guarantee is certified again!

The audience rating also comes from the quality of the preview, the high-quality guest lineup, the super novel opening, the interesting program, as well as Ji Feng\'s humorous sense of variety show and the love of each girl\'s interaction, which have become the hot topics of discussion.

Mango satellite TV, while the iron is hot, announced that this program will be broadcast before the Olympic Games, the audience friends are blessed.

And Jifeng in CS rest night, the next morning after the routine 10 km run, on the flight to SC!

Yes, Ji Feng will lead his team to the earthquake stricken areas before, and Ji Feng will become the first sportsman to rush to the disaster area in addition to the military star after the disaster.

This trip was scheduled before returning home. Since the disaster, Jifeng has been committed to providing assistance to the disaster areas. In addition to donating money and materials, Ji Feng also expressed his blessing and sympathy to the disaster areas through different channels.

When discussing the location of the basketball line, Ji Fengli put the place in WC, the epicenter of the earthquake, the hardest hit place. After all, his words were empty. He hoped to express his feelings with practical actions.

"I don\'t want interests. Life is not just interests, right? I just want to bring hope to the people there. Basketball is not only a sport, but sports also carries the hope of many people\'s life. In America, many stars come from slums, gangs and drug-related places. Basketball makes them hope to change their lives, and I hope I can Give them hope and let them find the meaning of life Ji Feng said to reporters.

at 12 noon, the season Feng team, which had been transferred and changed, finally arrived here. As soon as we got off the train, Ji Feng could smell the thick rock and soil flavor in the air.

Everything is waiting to be done!

This is the first feeling after Ji Feng\'s arrival. Although the disaster has been nearly two months, the disaster relief work is still in full swing. Although the search and rescue has been over for some days, the living people are also immediately involved in the construction of their own homes.This is a power of life!

It\'s moving.

"Welcome to Jifeng! In the past, I thought that idols were just for fans to see, but from you, I feel the power of the young generation in China. You are good The person who greets Jifeng will not be an ordinary person. The leader comes here to greet him personally. As soon as he meets, he holds Jifeng\'s hands and says such a paragraph.

As a front-line leader of earthquake relief, Jifeng has a good idea of what he has done and how much he has done.

"Liao Zan, I just try my best." Ji Feng is still very modest, which is what he should do.

Later, accompanied by the local guide, Ji Feng went to the hospital to express sympathy to the injured people and the officers and soldiers at the front line. Many of them were fans of Jifeng, and Jifeng personally sent gifts to them.

And Ji Feng did not just watch, he also personally went to the battle to help transport materials, but also in the process of singing to encourage everyone\'s morale!

"China\'s famous star Ji Feng arrived at the front line of disaster relief today, and rushed to the front line to comfort officers and soldiers and the wounded. Since the disaster, Comrade Ji Feng has donated money and materials, and has always been active in the front line of earthquake relief. This time, he has set an example for the youth of the whole country..."

Not surprisingly, Ji Feng\'s trip once again appeared on the news broadcast that night, and what he said to reporters was also broadcast in full.

For a time, Jifeng was morally deified. Now he has become a national idol. As long as Jifeng is mentioned in the SC, your answer is absolutely a thumb. , the fastest update of the webnovel!