Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 841

eyond expectation!

Four strong men with more than 210cm under the basket didn\'t get the rebounds that should have been in their pockets. Instead, Ji Feng, who was defending pierce near the free throw line, got it!

This is due to Jifeng\'s unparalleled rebounding smell. Just now pierce has put a lot of strength into his body. In addition, after such a long period of high-intensity confrontation, Pierce is an iron man, and now he is getting rusty, which leads to Ji Feng\'s obvious discovery that the ball pierce hands is obviously not rotating enough!

"Will hit the back edge of the backboard!" Jifeng made such a judgment at that time. At the moment of Pierce\'s hand, Jifeng turned directly to look at the basketball and ran toward the direction of possible rebounds!

As for the basketball, the four men have long been entangled with each other, Bynum holding Perkins\' arm, garnet against Gasol\'s footwall, in such a confrontation, no one can fully jump!

This also gives Ji Feng a chance to learn from the fire!

Jifeng directly took off the rebounds with super-high bounce. Although pierce behind him observed Jifeng\'s action, he was powerless, and his physical strength could not support him to go up and grab the backboard after so long fighting with Jifeng!

The room is full of shock!

After that, the whole season of SEPs fell into a strange world!

At the moment of landing, Ji Feng can feel the look of the Celtic players around him!

Then, there was a mountain and a tsunami like volcanic eruption!

"Jifeng! Jifeng! Jifeng

The fans in the stands are crazy. Many people jump on their seats to vent their emotions. The Celtics failed in their last desperate attack. Ji Feng got the rebounds with only 5 seconds left. Just like Magic Johnson, they are going to win and the suspense is coming to an end!

"Foul quickly! Foul quickly But at the moment for Celtic is not a daze time, rivers directly stood on the edge of the field to shout at the players in the field, this time only foul this way to go!

At this time, Celtic\'s players on the field just like a dream. Perkins, who is closest to Jifeng, wanted to foul, but Jifeng was very flexible and called out a pause when Ray Allen rushed over!

Perfect choice, some people may say that passing is not the best choice at this time, but at this time, not only the green shirt army, but also the Lakers will be in a daze. At this moment, blind passing, once a mistake is irreparable disaster!

Jifeng\'s choice has also been recognized by Zhifeng. Barkley thinks that he can keep calm in such a situation. This guy is too terrible.

"If it was me, I would have jumped up now!" Barkley shrugged, with some envy in his eyes.

"Of course, man, because you never get the cup, but Ji Feng is different. He will have his first championship in his career. In the first year of his career, when he reaches the finals for the first time, I am really jealous." Said Smith, spreading out his hand.

He is not afraid of poison milk, at this moment, the situation, the Lakers have won more than half of the cup in their arms, only a few seconds to the final cup!

"Beep, beep!" The referee decided to give the Lakers a pause sign!

Another second has passed! Four seconds to go!

But at the moment, the people on the bench of the Lakers can\'t help but be excited. Farmar and Turiaf are holding each other together. The picture is very loving. In a place like the United States where discrimination goes deep into society, only the stadium can have such a harmonious scene. Isn\'t this the unique charm of sports!

And all of the Lakers on the bench rushed to embrace the absolute hero of the game, Ji Feng, the key goal, the key assists, the key everything, Jifeng did everything he could!

Oh, after getting the rebounds, Jifeng can finally make countless fans excited. He has 24 points, 14 assists and 10 rebounds. Jifeng has become the first player in the new century who has won three doubles in the finals back-to-back, and is also the second player to achieve in the playoffs after Kidd!

He has surpassed the players of his age too much, adulet finals, do not know what year things, and his pace has been put together with the NBA history of the giants!

"Now that he is the king of three pairs in the new era, there is no dispute!" ESPN\'s commentary looked at Ji Feng and said, "crazy night, crazy data, crazy Jifeng, I\'m doomed to be unable to sleep tonight!"

Yes, now the whole staples seems to be a little anxious, it is a kind of calm when the storm comes, everyone is enduring, endure the last time of the past!

And the fans in front of the TV are also the same, a short pause time, many people are afraid to look away from the head.

"Give the ball to Ji Feng! Don\'t screw it up That\'s what Jackson said in the coach\'s seat. Then he spent 30 seconds drawing Ji Feng\'s running route. He wanted to give the ball to the best free throw player in the team.

Ji Feng, Kobe, Fisher, Bynum, Gasol, the best free throw shooters of the Lakers are all on the stage!The Celtics, however, are disappointed in many people\'s faces. Although they are still laying out the final tactics, everyone knows that it is too difficult for no player to turn the table in 4 seconds, unless the miracle happens once in a century, such as stealing the free throw, for example, the Laker\'s own wrong pass, such as the penalty shot.

"Don\'t give up! Don\'t give up! Seize the opportunity! Seize the opportunity Garnett still clapped his hands to cheer up his teammates.

Pause over!

The Lakers choose the back court serve!

Garnett stretched out his big hand to block Gasol\'s serve, and all the others followed his defenders. Pierce was next to Jifeng, while Rondo and others were watching Jifeng. There is no doubt that Jifeng is the key person in their defense. They want the Lakers to send the ball to Bynum. This is the most inaccurate person in the Laker\'s field. They also hope to see him Nam can\'t stand the pressure.

But the Lakers didn\'t give them the chance. Ji Feng ran back and forth, Bynum and Kobe had to pick and roll. Ji Feng received the basketball in 5 seconds, and Pierce was swayed away by his crotch, and Rondo pushed him at the moment of breakthrough!


Free throw!

"Shit!" Rondo kicked the air hard. The penalty shooter was Ji Feng, who had a hunch that the game would be over.

Ji Feng stepped onto the free throw line in the roar of the mountain and tsunami. The eyes of the whole world are focused on him. Everyone knows that it is only 2.1 seconds at the moment. As long as he scores two goals, the game is almost over.

"Hoo ~" Ji Feng stood on the free throw line and made a slight adjustment to score the first goal!

The Laker bench has started to stir up!

And then he shot again and scored the second goal!

Two penalties!

The Lakers are four points ahead!

Celtics called the final pause, pause back, midfield serve, send the ball, the Lakers almost no defense, Ray Allen to catch the ball, basketball bag, three-point hit.

But the red light is on!

The game is over! , the fastest update of the webnovel!