Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 840

"Attack! We need to score! kevin! Paul! You\'re on line to pick and roll. Perkins, you\'re going to help Ray Allen! Don\'t speed up, hit the success rate, can\'t give the Lakers too many opportunities! Defend harder, don\'t be afraid of fouls! Protect the inside rebounds

Rivers crouched on the ground and yelled at the green shirt players. At the moment, his image was not very good. His suit was thrown aside by him, and the straight tie he had played before the game had disappeared. It can be seen that at this time, he can\'t control his image at all.

The difference is 6 points, and they still have the hope of reversal. He used the penultimate pause in his hand. You can\'t expect the players to complete the miracle in the last minute. That probability is too small. After all, in the last minute, if there are still 6 points, the Lakers have 100 ways to win. Unless they meet McGrady, who is wearing the global Jersey, everything will be over.

Therefore, the next two minutes are related to the final fate of the green shirt army. Whether to go home or to rob seven is about to be revealed!



Pierce raised his hand and yelled, and then one by one his teammates hammered their chests. At the last moment, they were going to fight!

"Slow down! Jifeng, you control the ball. Don\'t attack until 14 seconds! Play inside, don\'t give them the chance to foul, protect the backboard In contrast, Zen master is more calm, leading the score, and holding the tactical board a little more leisurely.

"The advantage is on our side! As long as we play the success rate, keep the difference! " \'said Harper from the side.

The tactics chosen by the Laker coaching team are very conservative. They will slow down the pace in the end, playing every 24 seconds, even if they can\'t get in, even when the 24 seconds arrive, they can\'t throw around.

This is a very normal choice, in such a time, everyone will appear a bit conservative, you change which team is the same, after all, there are risks in the attack, the champion is in front of you.

However, it did give the green shirt some opportunities to pursue points. The first attack, the Lakers did not find a shot after the rotation. In the last two seconds, Fisher returned to throw off Jifeng, who threw 2 meters away from Ji Feng\'s three-point line to play basketball!

"Too far! It\'s not a good pass. Fisher should attack by himself or not! It\'s only two seconds for Ji Feng. He can only throw it like this. " Coach Zhang is not satisfied with the ball. The Lakers have rotated many times and played too carefully. There is no absolute chance on the court, let alone the Celtics, who are united and crazy in defense.

Jifeng three-point pop-up, Rondo took off the rebounds, today Rondo in addition to only 2 points, rebounds are almost double, so it can be seen how low the shooting rate is.

After Rondo received the ball, the Los Angeles team quickly returned to defense, and the green shirt army was not in a hurry, and moved slowly to the front court. If Garnett really raised the pick and roll with Pierce, Ji Feng ate a black elbow by Garnett without paying attention. Garnett took the opportunity to score the ball on the line, and pierce took the shot within the free throw line to score the ball!

There are only four points left!

That\'s not all. The attack of the Los Angeles team was blocked again. The green shirt army was dead on four other than Kobe, especially Ji Feng. There were basically two people standing beside him. Kobe could only take the ball and do it by himself!

This is the trap of the green shirt army. Although Kobe has found the opportunity to break through with the continuous back dribbling and fake action, he suddenly finds that there are two giant men standing in front of him!

Four pack!

Johnson, the magician on the side of the court, was stunned. He took the microphone and only let out "Oh ~!" And then I don\'t know what to say.

Who knows, the top Kobe won\'t divide the ball!

Sure enough!

Although Kobe was not blocked under such a bag, the basketball bounced to the back edge of the basket and was easily picked up by Perkins.

Fans at the scene let out a burst of regret, and then began to shout "defense!" "Defense!" "Defense!" Want to interfere with the green shirt push back fast.

But Perkins a long swing, just stood looking at Fisher for a long time, did not respond, and when he did, Rondo had three steps to take the ball!

Nobody in the front!

Rondo made a layup on his own and got the fourth point of the game. For the first time, Rondo narrowed the difference to only two points!

0-30 seconds, 1 minute!

The tactics arranged by the green shirt army are all effective, and the suspense rises abruptly!

"The Lakers paid for their conservatism! Now the outcome is unknown! There is still a little more than 3 minutes left. Anything can happen! " Yu Jia\'s anxious voice has aroused the hearts of countless Chinese fans.

What about the champion!

What about the three pairs!

How suddenly the situation changed!

Basketball is round. Anything can happen before the end of the whistle. This is the secret of basketball!

The Laker, who was scored two goals in a row but failed to score in a row, finally woke up like a dream. Ji Feng forced the whole court to enter the interior line to attract three people and then divided the ball. Inside, Gasol slammed the ball with one arm!

12th assist!

At the critical moment, Jifeng Gasol was perfectly connected, which was the second successful assist of Jifeng to Gasol. ESPN\'s commentary jokingly said: "if Paul scores every pass of Jifeng, the number of assists of Jifeng should be 20 +!"This is in the profile of Gasol\'s poor state of the game, scored this goal just scored double, 10 points and Gasol\'s name, not very match!

But there is no denying that the goal is still very wonderful, help the Lakers stop bleeding, this goal also let the Laker fans breathe a sigh of relief, 4 points, the advantage is still there!

However, this is just one round, the next round, Ray Allen in the defense of Kobe\'s incredible shot into a magic ball, the corner of the three-point one-step shot!

The Laker fans can only comfort themselves with not three points!

The score goes up in turn!

The air on the scene has become thick and thick. Both sides try their best to attack and defend with all their strength!

Fight for every ball!

The difference has been hovering at two points!

When the time comes, there are only 20 seconds left. The green army has the ball right, and the attack is only 13 seconds. Ji Feng still has 24 points and 9 rebounds, but he has 14 assists. This time, the green shirt attack, he is sticking to pierce, just like he did before!

Pierce pushed Ji Feng away to receive Rondo\'s goal. The referee didn\'t say that this was not unexpected. Ji Feng continued to press forward in two steps. Pierce tried to find an opportunity after catching the ball. However, Ji Feng was very close to him. Peirce chose to pull after his back turned because of the lack of time!

Ji Feng turns around and looks at it. Everyone is staring at the ball. If it does, both sides will draw!

"Pierce\'s shot!"

"Pop up!"

"Whose rebounds are they?"

Barkley got up from his chair and yelled!

The basketball bounced to the back edge of the basket and the falling area. Under the basket was the area of four strong men. Everyone was in a crazy position. Perkins and Bynum were just like wrestling!

But at this time, a big yellow hand appeared in the air, holding the ball in my arms in the air!

It\'s Jifeng!

"Jifeng!? Ji Feng took off the backboard! Ooh, ooh, ooh! It can be called the supreme rebound! The Lakers have six seconds left! Suspense! It\'s over , the fastest update of the webnovel!