Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 842

At the end of the day, the team has actually given up defense and has a 4-point advantage. As long as you block it properly, not defending is the real defense!

The victory still belongs to the Lakers!

Sure enough, although Ray Allen shot his third three-point goal of the game, reducing the difference to only one point, but he did not have the slightest excitement and happiness. He turned his head directly to his bench. Behind him, there were lake people who had already raised their arms to celebrate wantonly!


As if the ball wind swept through the leaves, as if the flash flash of mountain torrents, the moment when the red light was on, staples finally burst!

"We are champion ~!!"

With the roar of DJ, more than 20000 audience jumped up, crazy celebration, crazy became the only theme here!

"Ohmama!" more than 20 people on the bench of the Lakers also gushed out, the field is purple gold ocean!

“101-100! The Lakers took the Celtics one point advantage and won the G6 finals! At the same time! This is their fourth final victory, that is to say, the 2007-2008 NBA championship was born at this moment! The Los Angeles Lakers beat Boston Celtics 4-2 on aggregate to win their 15th championship! After five years, they won the O\'Brien cup again! Cheers, all the fans of Los Angeles! Cheers, all Jifeng\'s loyal! Tonight, Los Angeles sleepless

At the moment when the red light was on, Yu Jia turned over the table and gave an impassioned speech with a microphone. Beside him and behind him, there were already crazy Chinese media people!

This is not the first time that a Chinese player has won the NBA championship, but this is definitely the highlight of Chinese players here. Ji Feng brings Chinese players to the peak of world basketball at this moment. Compared with the bus in 1999, Jifeng\'s championship is impeccable and incomparable!

"Congratulations to Jifeng Europa on winning the championship! Tonight he is the pride of all Asia, he is the pride of the yellow race Korean girl cried again

"Ji Fengjun has won his first NBA championship. I really hope Ji Fengjun can get better and better and win honor for Asia. Of course, I also hope that Japanese players can follow Ji Feng\'s example and strive to stand in the palace of basketball one day." The anchor of Fuji TV also sent a blessing.

Such a scene is staged in dozens of countries around the world!

On the court!

All the reporters swarmed in, and the cameras focused on all the crazy Laker players. The Laker bench was empty for a long time, and everyone rushed into the field to celebrate!

Farmar directly on the floor on a slide, Gasol threw the Jersey to the stands, released the pressure of many days, he finally won the championship, officially the first Spanish champion, he did it again, worthy of the Spanish flag!

Fisher next door cried with his basketball in his arms. He came back to the Lakers just for this day

But the Laker bench group is very happy, although they play time is not much, but can not deny their contribution, said that the bench is absolutely false fans, the whole team, no one is unimportant!

Jackson with a smile and rivers shook hands and hugged, this is the happiest time of his season. In the past two years, when he was ordered to return to the Lakers, he wanted to prove himself again and prove that he is still the most winning coach in the league. Now, he has done it again. He has established three dynasties, and he is undoubtedly the most successful coach in the NBA in 20 years God, it\'s the beginning of his fourth dynasty!

He believes it!

Ji Feng held his hands high, and then was directly knocked down on the ground by Kobe. They hugged and rolled on the ground, with wanton laughter on their faces!

They are champions!

They have all the capital to celebrate!

"We did it! boss! We did it! We are champions! The Lakers are champions Ji Feng roared wildly, and didn\'t care that his voice was a little hoarse. His dream from childhood is to be able to win the highest trophy here one day and get the trophy that basketball people all over the world dream of!

At one point, he was so far away from this dream that no one expected him to return to the stadium and create miracles.

But today, he did it!

Along the way with persistence and dream, Jifeng never gave up!

When the dream is truly completed, the past suffering and hardship are all turned into floating clouds floating in the air, leaving only full of joy!

Ji Feng now the whole person\'s feeling is not real, everything around is dreamlike, only the flashing red light tells him, yes, yes, he did, they are champions!

"Yes! you \'re right! We did it! We\'ve got the damn guy Kobe\'s eyes are wet.

Although he is not the first time to win the championship, he is more happy to get this one than when he got the first one. In the past two years, Kobe has been under too much pressure. The contradiction with O\'Neill has made him the target of the whole world. Everyone is saying that he can\'t win his own championship, although he is the best player in the league in the past two years, even though he has 50 + in a row, 62 points in three quarters, and all of them Field 81 points shine the world.Today, he finally used the champion to fight back the faces of those spurs, he can also lead the team to win the championship, and he can\'t wait to call O\'Neill to tell him, brother also has four!

The most important thing is, Ji Feng this guy let him see hope, a hope to rebuild the Laker dynasty!

"You are the best boy! Let\'s create a great era together Kobe pulled Jifeng up, hugged him tightly and said in Jifeng\'s ear.

"Of course! This is just the beginning! This is just the beginning! We\'ll be back here next year, I\'m sure! " Ji Feng cried with a smile.

More than a dozen reporters frantically pressed the shutter to record the historical moment of JK\'s first crown. Kobe\'s group photo with 4 fingers up and Ji Feng with one finger up has become one of the classic shots in history!

"Man! You are the worst Farmar\'s appearance stopped JK\'s double celebration, and then the Lakers would rush in.

Jifeng and Kobe were tossed by them in turn, and the Zen master was not spared. If it wasn\'t for his health, he would not be able to get down today.

But even if it didn\'t work, Ji Feng, who completely released the whole barrel of Gatorade, poured the whole barrel of Gatorade on Zen master\'s body, and his 100000 dollar suit was so scrapped

But at the moment, no one will care, everyone is celebrating, chasing, laughing, this belongs to the Lakers, belongs to each of them!

At this moment, they are standing on the top of the world!

Compared with the crazy Laker, the green shirt army seems to be a bit down and down in the finals, which is even more cruel than being eliminated early. A season\'s hard work is in vain today. , the fastest update of the webnovel!