Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 823

The contusion of his finger, which was supposed to recover in about two days, recovered so quickly. Ji Feng felt more and more the magic of strengthening the defensive skills of "iron walls".

However, he is not needed at this time. His first task on the court is to stabilize the situation. The green army frequently pursues points based on his absence, while the Lakers\' scoring methods are slightly poor. In the last 40 seconds of the third quarter, Jackson replaced Ji Feng to play the last two attacks!

"Oh, let\'s see! Ji Feng finally appeared! It seems that his injury has not affected his game Yujia said, looking at the stretch on the sideline.

After Ji Feng\'s exit, the Lakers on the court naturally don\'t know. Because Ji Feng has not played for such a long time, it has already turned the sky. Some people even speculate whether Ji Feng\'s injury is aggravated!

After all, the situation of the Los Angeles team is not optimistic in the past few minutes. It seems that the green shirt army has not been affected by Ji Feng\'s 5-company block. On the contrary, the defensive intensity has not been reduced. Pierce, who has been continuously punished by Jifeng, is still alive and lively, and the floor has been playing vividly. However, Jackson has no reason not to let Ji Feng go, unless he loses his wisdom and doesn\'t want to win.

But this probability is much lower than Ji Feng\'s injury, so it\'s normal for everyone to worry about it. It\'s chaotic to care about it.

In fact, even if Ji Feng\'s hand was not bruised, it would be Jifeng\'s original rotation time, although if Ji Feng didn\'t want ice, Zen master would not let him rest for such a long time.

But now, Ji Feng is back!

It seems that the season black will suffer again for a while, but what makes Ji Hei uncomfortable is that Jifeng is in a better state!

A dead ball opportunity, Ji Feng replaced Vujacic back to the court, now less than 40 seconds, the Lakers hold the offensive opportunity, the difference is still 5 points, the Lakers have at most two offensive opportunities.

But this is according to the normal time to calculate, Jifeng soon proved that time is really squeezed out!

The ball right of the Lakers is directly given by Fisher to Ji Feng. The two wings of the Lakers fly together, which is a typical forward organizing tactic.

Pierce didn\'t waste too much physical strength. He had tried many times before. He wanted to try to break off the season peak ball. He wanted to give Ji Feng a chance to make a quick attack. It\'s better to set up early to save physical strength.

However, Jifeng didn\'t give him a chance to defend. Ji Feng, who was committed to breaking through this field, suddenly changed his playing method. When he reached the top of the arc, he saw Pierce\'s defensive distance a little far, and he was a three-point open hand!


Basketball hit!

After throwing, Ji Feng shrugged at Pierce, which means obviously, who asked you to let me go so far!

"Oh, roar! This is unreasonable! It\'s a totally unreasonable ball. No coach will teach you this in training, but if the goal is scored, it is a good goal! Straight to the front court is a three pointer! How accurate Zhang said.

"Jifeng this state, rivers should be uncomfortable." Yu Jia also said with a smile.

Rivers is really hard to deal with. He knows how difficult it is to deal with this kind of guy who can shoot suddenly. According to principle, Pierce\'s defense just now has no problem. Ji Feng only made the second three-point today. He has been breaking through all the time, and who can choose who is also defending against outburst and not shooting, especially when he brings himself to the front court.

"Success rate! Press time Rivers yelled at the field, just Jifeng attack only took 8 seconds, there are 32 seconds left, the green shirt army needs to play a success rate, by the way, it takes time.

Rondo did the same thing, slowly cruising around the center line, launching the attack with 10 seconds left. Now pierce came up to catch the ball. Rondo opened the defense after scoring, and Pierce was launching a breakthrough to the basket!

This choice is not good!

The whole league knows that Jifeng can\'t face frame attack, and Pierce\'s dribble is only a passing level at best!

"Too slow!" Ji Feng followed Pierce\'s action. He saw the breakthrough that was OK. Ji Feng quickly adjusted and moved, and blocked Pierce\'s breakthrough route in two steps.

Advance and retreat cannot!

The choice of season peak position directly let pilska in place, the scene was once very embarrassing!

"What!" Peirce\'s body is strong enough to restrain the whole season!

Is this a pause, let Ji Feng seize the opportunity, direct right hand point on the basketball!

Ji Feng finished the snatch!

This time, Ji Feng mastered the basketball, dribbled and ran. Under the hiss of 20000 spectators, Ji Feng completed the snatch and fast break!

Five points in a row!

Fury rivers directly threw the tactical board to jump up and roared at the field. His face was black and red, and he was holding back.

But it can also be understood that crazy pursuit for 5 minutes, the result is less than a minute all go back, change who also have to be impatient.

When the Lakers pulled the gap back to 10 points in an instant, Ji Feng also got the 30th point of the game!

This time, it took only 20 seconds from snatch to attack!

Only left the green shirt army the last 12 seconds to attack!Rivers called a pause!

"Give the ball to Garnett! Give me the inside line! Perkins, open up and give Garnett a chance. Ray Allen, pierce and Rondo, the three of you are looking for space on the outside line! " Rivers holding the tactical board directly squat on the ground said, he must reduce the difference to less than 10 points, otherwise the fourth quarter is too passive.

However, his tactics are very good, but it is Ji Feng who sends the ball from the green shirt army. Rondo in the outside line ready to give, Jifeng suddenly moved to Garnett\'s direction, which made Rondo startled, to pass the ball Sheng Sheng turned direction, he can only give pierce!

Pierce received the ball, although it was unexpected, but now there is no time for nonsense, he directly chose to face Ji Feng with his back.

And the season peak also directly top up, this lets pierce immediately feel different, this season peak\'s strength is so big!

He pushed two times, unexpectedly completely failed to open, Jifeng\'s two long arms held high, let pierce never out of the mobile phone meeting!

Pierce can only continue to turn around, looking for the timing of the shot, but instead by the season peak top out of balance.

"Beep, beep!"

Referee whistle, pierce Let\'s go!

This scene stupefied all the people, the fans were dumbfounded, and the interpretation was also silly. They had only one word in their hearts, when is the season peak\'s defense so domineering!

Pierce, who was blown away, stood there with his waist stuck in his waist. Just now Ji Feng\'s defense put too much pressure on him. He felt that any shot would be blocked, which made him lose his cool.

The green shirt army\'s pause is a white cry

In the last 3 seconds, the Lakers threw a ball from a long distance, and the third quarter was over!

88-78, the Lakers still have a 10 point lead away from home!

Both sides are about to enter the last section of Tianwang mountain contest! , the fastest update of the webnovel!